The KB8QAP-L 2 meter simplex node

                                                                                                EXPLORING THE WORLD USING VOIP TECHNOLOGY                                                                                     





















The KB8QAP-L 2 Meter Simplex Node is constructed using an ACER netbook running Windows 7 with Echolink's latest software version 2.3.121 operating in SYSOP mode. Echolink then controls the VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) traffic for transmit and receive and sends it to my external sound card controller called a SignaLink USB Device. The device forwards the PTT commands out to my Yaesu FT-7800 transceiver radio that will listen and transmit on 2 meter FM simplex using a low gain antenna called a Comet SB-2 mounted roughly 8 meters off the ground.  The smaller 2 meter Comet antenna and low power output  was by design as the node is intended for working locally with 1 watt hand helds with limited range. The start up costs for setting up my 2 Meter Simplex Linked Node was very low as I had all of the basic components, cables, and transceivers already sitting on a shelf so it was just a matter of plug and play to get the system on the air.  It is great fun to work DX stations from just a hand held radio. As I often have nice QSO's with hams sitting on the back porch with a cup of coffee! Amazing techology! 

Echolink software© is a digital voice communications software package that when installed on a computer provides legally licensed ham radio operators the ability to speak directly to another ham using Echolink's VOIP system . The software is free of charge and can be installed on smart phones, netbooks, tablets, laptops, and more. Many Amateur Radio clubs now have Echolink© installed on their local repeaters.

 Echolink© is maintained by a privately held company and grants node activation status only to valid licensed ham operators who agree and abide with the terms of service agreements and rules of conduct..Valid proof of amateur license is required and a valid email is needed for registering the software.

So what are the benefits of using Echolink if I am a Ham Operator?  Theres a lot! Try these for starters:

1. Low cost, Fun!, And very easy to set up on a wide variety of devices

2. Provides reliable communication when Short Wave bands are dead or too noisy

3. Provides HAMS opportunity to work DX at HOA restricted QTH locations

3. Ability to type and send texts, links, and emails during the echolink QSO live

4. Ability to join conference nodes and talk to hams on many wide topics of interest

5. Provides ability to speak with multiple hams at different locations connected during a single QSO

6. Provides Cyrstal Clear Digital Audio connections 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

7.  Ability to establish lasting friendships and penpals from DXers across the Globe

8.  Allows for full SYSOP operation to connect with Repeaters or Simplex Linked Radios

9.  Provides DTMF touch tone accessing Echolink from Handi Talkies, and Mobil Radios

10. Automated call sign logging, time stamps, optional wav recording, and security features



 Vist the link below to see who is calling "CQ" on Echolink from around the World!


Begin collecting Echolink QSL cards from around the World!  This is a  great way to preserve the documented facts, technical achievements, and lasting friendships that can be made during any echolink QSO.  The early pioneers of ham radio would surely be very proud,  amazed,  and astounded by the remarkable advances in VOIP technology with high speed fiber optics, cell tower relay, and the latest  STARLINK©  birds that can relay an echolink users voice to just about anywhere on the planet in crystal clear audio!. 



 Photo courtesy of HS0ZBS.  This is Mekong River border between Thailand and Laos - Nice DX!  



















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