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Welcome to




This homepage has been set up to share my ideas, results, experiences and thoughts about amateur radio contesting and DXing. If you have any comments, suggestion or criticism, please let me know.

73 de Zoli HA1AG



·        My SO2R Setup Updated 13/5/2003!

·        WAE CW 2001 – Full log available

·        WAE CW 2000 - Story and Log to download - comments are welcome

·        E44/HA1AG DXpedition


Contact Information

Mailing address:
Zoli Pitman
Somogyi Bela ut 18
Gyor 9024


QSL policy

I handling the QSLs of the following operations:

-         OH/HA1AG – in 1993 including EU-140 Kaunissaari Isl. in Oct 1993

-         PA/HA1AG – until 1999 including EU-038 Ameland Isl. in July 1998

-         E44/HA1AG – Gaza, Palestine Feb-March 1999 – See the subsection !

-         PA1AG from Maastricht since 1999

-         PA1AG/P – EU-146 Goree Overflakkee July 2001

-         T32NCC – Chuck Corbett from Fanning Island OC- 084 between 1998 and 2001.

-         HG50HSC – Special callsign commermorating HSC’s 50th years anniversary

I strongly believe in the QSL bureau system and I do support it as much as I can.
Bureau requests are answered without any delay compared to direct QSL requests. QSL cards can be requested via email.

If you decide to send a card direct, please use the address above.

In 2002 Chuck T32NCC decided to use a N6 station as QSL manager without telling me a word about it. I have his logs for the period 1998 – 2001 and QSLs are available.



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