Updated 06 January 2001
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The following are the patches that I would like to trade on a one for one basis. Unfortunately the powers that be in the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service, when the older green or newer blue uniform shirts were being ordered, did not see fit to provide shoulder patches which could be easily identified as being from Northern Ireland!! But I assure you that they are. The collar tabs are in pairs, and I have only one pair of each. I only have a limited supply of epaulettes, the chrome metal badge of which I have two, is available with or without an epaulette, and the chrome rank bars are available singly or in pairs.
With the images below I have given a note indicating what each patch represents, and from which era. The RED number indicates the number of patches I have available. This number will be reduced as and when they have been traded off. While several people may request a specific badge, I will trade it only when I have YOUR PATCHES FIRST, I cannot reserve patches for anyone, so trading will be strictly on a FIRST COME - FIRST SERVED basis. If you are still interested, an e-mail would be appreciated to check if they are still available.
All the above patches have been ( green uniform ) and are currently ( blue uniform ) used by the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service.
I also have the following 7 police patches and one Fire Dept to trade, but
My interest in trading ambulance shoulder patches, stems from the fact that I served 29 years with the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service. I was an E.M.T. (Emergency Medical Technician), and I retired through ill health in 1993 with the rank of Leading Ambulanceman.
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