These are just some of the Vehicles at the moment.
This Karrier was the first purpose built Mobile Cardiac Ambulance in the world, the concept of bringing a Cardiac team and their equipment to the patient was the brainchild of Professor Frank Pantridge from the Royal Victoria Hospital, in Belfast.
This Daimler ambulance was first operated from the Belfast City Hospital and later from the Central Ambulance Depot which is situated in the grounds of the Royal Victoria Hospital in Belfast, in 1952. Daimler ambulances were eventually phased out of service in the mid 1960's in the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service and were replaced by Karrier type vehicles. This Daimler was sold off to a private buyer many years ago, and just a few years ago it was re-discovered in a very dilapidated condition and was re-acquired by the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service. The ambulance was restored to the condition shown in the above photograph by members of
The Northern Ireland Association of Retired Ambulance Staff. And in order to keep the restoration as authentic as possible a "Pye" vintage VHF radio of the era was donated by a local Amateur Radio Operator, Mr Terry Barnes - GI3USS to whom I acknowledge the appreciation of everyone concerned.
Both of these vintage ambulances are regularly displayed at various vintage car rallies throughout Northern Ireland, and by special request at local hospital gala days. They both have been put on show at the Belfast Lord Mayor show for the past three years and on each occasion have been awarded prizes. At these functions the ambulances have been manned and driven by members of the Northern Ireland Association of Retired Ambulance Staff, who are dressed in uniform of the time these vehicles were in everyday service.
My interest in these types of vehicles, stems from the fact that I served 29 years with the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service. I was an E.M.T. (Emergency Medical Technician), and I retired through ill health in 1993 with the rank of Leading Ambulanceman.
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