Elkhorn Valley Amateur Radio Club
P.O. Box 1033
Norfolk,NE  68702-1033
EVARC e-mail

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EVARC UPCOMING EVENTS     EVARC Meeting - March 8, 8:30 AM at District Table & Tap.... Club Dues - Club dues are due. Please submit them ASAP...... Test Session - May 17, 1:15 PM, Norfolk Public Library.... Club Members - Please update your contact info per the announcements......

EVARC Repeaters

146.730 -  W0OFK   PL - 131.8, FM primary mode, C4FM capable, Nebraska Hub 21659
444.250+  W0OFK   PL - 88.5, Wires-X, C4FM primary mode, FM capable.
442.600+  W0OFK  DMR-MARC, Linked to Neb. DMR System
144.390 W0OFK-4   APRS Digipeater

Weekly Club Nets
Monday's at 7:30 PM, 146.73- repeater
Thursday at 7:30, 444.250+ repeater

Other Local Links of interest

dipole antenna

Club Meeting

The next meeting will be Saturday March 8, 2025 at 8:30 AM
Meeting location: District Table & Tap
222 W Norfolk Ave, Norfolk, NE  68701

Minutes from the February 8 meeting are available on-line

Northeast Nebraska Hamfest

The  Northeast Nebraska Hamfest was a success. Thanks to everyone that came.  Thanks to Les and D&L Antenna and Ed, K0RPT for their support.  And congratulations to all the prize winners.  Photos can be see here.  Mark your calendar for next Northeast Nebraska Hamfest - November 15, 2025. 

Thanks to our sponsors.  A list of them can be seen on our sponsor page.  You can navigate to their web sites by clicking the logos

EVARC Club Links
Weekly EVARC Announcements
EVARC meeting minutes archive
Quarterly NET/Control Op schedule
Weekly Net Preamble
EVARC Constitution
EVARC Articles of Incorporation
Club Member Items for Sale
Why we are called HAMS!
What is Ham Radio

EVARC Officers - 2024
President - Shane Flanagan, KE0APG
Vice President - Andy Johnson, KF0CSI
Secretary/Treasurer - Aaron Mathis, KT0Q

Board of Directors

About us

Elkhorn Valley Amateur Radio Club (EVARC) was started in 1977. Now a 501c3 organization, we are an ARRL affiliated club located in Norfolk,Nebraska Serving the Northeast Nebraska area we operate two voice repeaters. Our two meter repeater operates on 146.73- (callsign W0OFK) and is located on a 400 Ft tower east of town. It is a Yaesu Fusion repeater capable of analog and digital (C4FM) voice.  It is operated normally in FM mode and is connected to the internet via Wires-X system.  It is normally connected to the Nebraska-Hub, room 21659.  We also have a 70 cm repeater that operates on 444.250+ (callsign W0OFK).   The UHF repeater is also connected to the Wires-X system and operates normally in digital mode. It is connected to room 83156. An APRS Digipeater is on the air under the call of W0OFK-4. We are involved with multiple aspects of Amateur Radio, providing classes, sponsor test sessions, have operating events throughout the year, provide training to the Boy Scouts, and support the local community with communications as needed.  Weekly nets on the 146.73- repeater are every Monday night at 7:30 pm local time and every Thursday night (7:30PM) on our 70cm repeater. Please feel free to check in. We hold monthly club meetings on the second Saturday of each month and test sessions every quarter in February, May, August, and November.  See the weekly announcements page for more details.


Annual membership dues $20 for FULL, $30 for FAMILY, $15, for ASSOCIATE, and $10 for STUDENT. Full and Family membership plans include voting privileges. For more information on EVARC's membership requirements read our Club Constitution.  Come join us at the next meeting. If you would like to join the club, complete the membership application form and mail it along with your dues to:  Aaron Mathis, KT0Q, c/o EVARC, P.O. Box 1033, Norfolk, NE  68702-1033, or just bring it to a club meeting.

ARES Membership

Are you a member of ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Service)? Club members are encouraged to become a member of ARES. Becoming a member lets your local Emergency Coordinator know what your capabilities are for providing communications duty in the public service when disaster strikes. Waiting until a disaster happens is to late. To become a member print out and complete the ARES registration form and return it to our local ARRL Emergency Coordinator, Andy Johnson, KF0CSI. You can send it to him via the club Post Office Box (EVARC, Post Office Box 1033, Norfolk, NE 68702-1033), via e-mail Andy Johnson, KF0CSI,or bring it to a club meeting.

Image coax cable with connectors

Local Weather Conditions

NR0A Weather Station
Norfolk Weather from NWS

Image coax cable with PL259

Links to Nebraska Ham Radio Clubs
Nebraska Section Home Page AKSARBEN ARC Amateur Radio Association of Nebraska Ashland ARC
Bellevue ARC

Boyer Valley Amateur Radio Club

Midway Amateur Radio Club Douglas County ARES
Heartland Amateur Radio Association Heartland DX Association Lincoln ARC Nebraska EMA
Pioneer Amateur Radio Club Plattsmouth ARC Strategic Air Command Memorial ARC Quarter Centruy Wireless Association
South East Nebraska Radio Club 10-10 International 3900 Club ARRL Midwest Division
ARRL - The National Association for Amateur Radio Blue Valley ARC Dakota County ARC Grand Island ARS
North Platte Progressive ARC Pawnee ARC Prairie Dog ARC Tricity ARC
NE ARES West Nebraska ARC Midway ARC

Other Links of Interest

Other Nets
HF Net Info
Midwest Net Frequencies and Times
Local VHF/UHF Nets

Propagation Information
DX Net HF Propagation
Solar Ham HF Propagation
Space Weather Enthusiasts Dashboard
VHF/UHF Propagation

RF Safety Calculators
Radio RF Safety Calculator
Lake Washington Ham Club
RF Exposure Calculator from the ARRL

beam antenna element