Net Control: Net Pre Amble

Good morning/afternoon this is (my-call) (name), Net Control for the Caribbean Emergency and Weather Net today (today's date)
 The net operates daily at ten thirty and twenty two  thirty UTC.
 The purpose of the net is to handle and pass Emergency and weather traffic. (un-key)

This is (call), any stations holding priority traffic please call now.
 Any relays?

Any Marine Mobiles please call now
Any relays?

Any stations running low power call now 
Any relays?

This is (call) Net Control for the CEWN, now calling 'short time' meaning any stations that cannot say for the duration of this short net, we do encourage you to check in during the roll call. short timers call now. 

AT 10:35 +- CALL FOR OFFICIAL WEATHER, followed by 'unofficial weather' and/or weather observations

Proceed roll call, from North to South (morning) and South to North (evening).
 Call each island at least once and ask before moving on: any relays?

-All points north and West of Puerto Rico
-Puerto Rico
American Virgin Islands
British Virgin Islands 
St Maarten / St Martin 
St Eustacius
St Barthelemy 
St Kitts and Nevis 
Antigua and Barbuda 
Saint Lucia
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 
Grenada, Cariacou and Petit Martinque
Trinidad and Tobago
ABC Islands: Aruba Bonaire and Curacao
South American Mainland

Any stations missed on the way please call now.


If no further check ins: 

This is (call) closing this session of the Caribbean Emergency and Weather Net for (date)

We had (number) check ins today

Thank you, we re-convene at (time) this evening (or tomorrow morning)

I return the frequency to normal amateur use.


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