
C.E.W.N: Caribbean Emergency and Weather Net
Serving Caribbean nations with Amateur Radio Communications
for Sixty five years and counting

The Amateur Radio network now known as the Caribbean Emergency and Weather Net was established in 1958 by Colonel Henry Frew, KV4BZ, for the purpose of having a general calling frequency for the Caribbean Islands and our North and South American friends.

The net’s original name was the Antilles Emergency Net.
Main Frequency is 3.815 Mhz LSB and secondary Frequency is 7.162 Mhz LSB

The purpose of the net is to handle emergency and weather traffic at all times. CEWN will be activated to 24 hour operations in case of an emeregency such as hurricane or earthquake per example. The CEWN will then handle all emergency traffic and relay as needed and required to the relevant authorities. The message sending and receiving form is here (right click and choose save link/target as)

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