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German DXpedition 2000


Juan Fernandez Islands

Isla Robinson Crusoe

Robinson Crusoe Isl.

Feb 17 to Feb 29, 2000

visitors since Feb 9, 2000

Our Objectives
The Juan Fernandez Islands (CE0Z) in Zone 12, one of the most wanted DXCC entities, has been activated by major DXpeditions in September 1995, January 2000 and even will be activated by another, Finish DXpedition in March 2000. But we felt that there ist still a high demand for CE0Z, in particular for some difficult to reach areas on the world map. So, the decision for our this year's DXpedition destination was taken in favor of CE0Z.

Two stations will be operated simultaneously with emphasis on the low bands, CW and the digital modes RTTY and PSK31 but we will operate in SSB as well. Look for us on the usual DX frequencies. Permission was granted to operate also on 30m between 10.100 and 10.115.

The Crew
The CE0ZY crew

Back row, left to right: Mar DL3DXX, Tom DL2OAP, Jan DL7UFN
Front row, left to right: Falk DK7YY, Manfred DK1BT
Falk, Mar, and Manfred know each other since their common time at university in the early 80's. Jan and Falk met in Berlin after Falk moved there in the mid 80's and Tom met Falk and Mar on their trip to D44BC during the WWDX CW '96.

The members of this DXpedition took part in a lot of other activities.

The Equipment
2 ICOM IC736 transceivers
2 500W linears
3 Laptops
2 V80E Verticals (Titanex)
1 LP5 Log-Periodic (Titanex)
1 HF9V

Many thanks for the loan to Titanex Antennas!
QSL Information
QSL via the German QSL bureau DARC to DK7YY

or direct to:

Falk D. Weinhold, DK7YY
P.O.Box 700 343
D-10323 Berlin

Online Logs and DXpedition News
Click here to see if you are in the CE0ZY log.

Also be sure to check the News Page!

Webdesign by DF3CB.