QSL Cards @ AE9B

Amateur radio is a hobby, a passion, and an obsession to many people around the world. While I really enjoy my hobby and also providing and collecting cards, it is not as thrilling as it used to be. Here are a collection of the cards I have sent out since my first in 1997. I now buy cards by the 5,000 and get nearly 300 cards a month from the bureau. I will always... provide a card for anyone sending an SASE, G.S. or IRC.

You can also see MY QSL Cards over my history and My DXCC Cards by the following breakdowns. DXCC1thru5, 6 thru 9, A thru CO, CP thru EZ, F thru FY, G thru IS0, J2 thru KH6, KH7K thru OZ, P2 thru SV9, T2 thru UR, V2 thru YV0, Z2 thru ZS8



My Original Call Sign


General and Advanced License


Extra Class



Used mostly for RTTY


PJ2 Cards

 With Good Friends NW0L and WB9Z



Portable North Dakota