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Welcome to the WG3E Web Site
Coming to you from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, this is the Web site of amateur radio station WG3E (Allen Huber). This site's purpose is to provide information on amateur radio software I've written and on the users of that software.

The QSL.NET version of this site is a reduced version of the complete site located at www.op.net/~ahuber/. That site might be more current than this one, so stop by.
April 7: Beta 3.02.014 available for downloading.
This site was last updated on 2000-04-07.
This site is designed around an 800 x 600 display, although it will look acceptable at 640 x 480 with some scrolling. It is tested with Explorer 4 and Navigator 4 with some minor discrepancies. Send e-mail to [email protected].

The N1MJD/R rover vehicle
N1MJD/R vehicle N1MJD/R roof full o'antennas
WG3E in June contest
Downhill view to Pine Creek Operation from Tiadaghton State Forest