Wantagh Amateur Radio Club   W2VA
Wantagh, NY

Our Next Meeting:  Friday  December 14, 2001   8 PM
At  Wantagh Public Library

Yes once again its Holiday Time and we are planning a special party for next Friday's Meeting.
We will be having some deli food which includes a five foot hero, cold cut platter, side salads,
baked beans, chili, coffee and soda.  Go to http://www.qsl.net/w2va/cq.htm for the official announcement.
In addition members are requested to bring a desert or candy, if they wish.
The officer slate for 2002 was nominated and elected at last month's meeting.   To complete the new Officers slate,
Al Bockelman K2ES answered the call as nominee and is now our next Recording Secretary.
Phil Lewis N2MUN HRU2002 Chairman informs me that the next scheduled Ham Radio University 2002 planning meeting will be held on this Tuesday December 11 at 7:00 PM  at the Babylon Town Hall EOC 200 East Sunrise Hwy  Lindenhurst. 
They are looking for the following items:VGA Projectors qty 2, Screens qty 4, Overhead projector qty 1, PA system,
Easel / Blackboard qty 2.  If you can supply one or more of these items or if your interested in HRU 2002, you can email
Phil Lewis direct at [email protected].  HRU 2002 will take place on January 20, 2002.
The World Trade Center recovery is ongoing.  FOX News had a feature on Ham Operator participation in the effort.
An MPEG copy of it can be downloaded from the NLI Section web site at  http://www.hudson.arrl.org/nli/
Our website http://www.qsl.net/w2va  now has a link for the Internet Radio Linking Project (IRLP).
Vic K2IY
November 9 Meeting Minutes
Meeting was opened at 8:20 PM by the Pres., Vic K2IY.                                                  
Officers present:        President          Vic Panzica       K2IY
                                Vice-President  Vince Vignati     KD2EP
                                Treasurer          Herman Milatz   W2TLC
                                Secretary          Bill Kelly           N2RRX
                                Directors           Arnold Tarallo    W2OEJ
                                                        Sid Wolin          K2LJH
                                                        Al Bockelman    K2ES

Minutes were read by the Secretary and accepted with correction:
LIMARC VE Sessions will be held at Levittown Town Hall

Treasurer's Report:  $723 is the current balance.
Ham Radio University HRU 2002 is scheduled for Sunday January 20, 2002
It will be held at Babylon Town Hall Annex.
The next planning meeting will be held Monday November 12 at the Babylon EOC.

Sid Wolin K2LJH reported on his ARES participation at the New York City Marathon.
There were over 24,000 entrants and more Ham volunteers than normal.
DX report by Len KB2HK:
There will be a DXpedition to Picairn Island beginning November 16.
The solar flux is at 234 and conditions are great. Stations being heard from
the Mid East on 15 meters. We are starting to approach downward part
of the present solar cycle.
Adam Smook N2EWB donated a GAP Antenna to the club.  It is now being stored in
Vic's K2IY backyard.  Len KB2HK raised the issue of equipment that has been donated
or purchased by the club in year's past which is now unaccounted for.
Eliot N2HYD, complimented Frank N2RSO on the appearance of the Club Web Site
which now has a link to IRLP (Internet Radio Linking Project).

The yearly elections were held. Al Bockelman K2ES agreed to be nominated
for the Recording Secretary position and Eliot Spiro N2HYD was nominated
for the director position now vacated by Al Bockelman.
The slate was nominated and there were no challengers for any position.
Recording Secretary Bill Kelly N2RRX cast the single vote for the slate.
President Vic Panzica K2IY, Vice President Vince Vignati KD2EP,
Recording Secretary Al Bockelman K2ES, Treasurer Bill Kelly N2RRX,
and Directors: Sid Wolin K2LJH, Arnold Tarallo W2OEJ and Eliot  Spiro N2HYD.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:30 PM