The Hewlett Packard

Model 310A Wave Analyser

The 310A is one of a type of radio engineering instruments variously named wave analysers, heterodyne voltmeters or, more accurately, frequency selective voltmeters. They are essentially radio receivers capable of being tuned across a wide frequency range. Output is at least a voltmeter, but they usually also are able to demodulate the signal.

Other wave analysers

The wave analyser had its greatest use before the 1980s when the spectrum analyser was still only a laboratory novelty, but it can still have its uses, especially for the amateur, and particularly since you can now buy these instruments at almost scrap metal prices.

Using the 310A

Wave analysers are versatile instruments.

Follow the links above to read how the 310A may be used in each of these roles.

Technical Specifications

Follow this link to a precis of the 310A's specifications. The best guide to the 310A's specification and maitenance is the manual printed by Hewlett Packard. This is still on sale at different places, so no copy is provided here.


HP 310A Specifications Controls Maintenance Receiver Spectrum analysis Distortion Networks

Copyright John Alexander Faulkner VK2DVW 28 October 2004


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