
Welcome to my website. I'm Keith, VE3EG and this site will show some of my ham radio projects. My main interests in amateur radio are VHF/UHF and microwave equipment and operating. I was originally licensed as VE3HHT, but I have been using VE3EG for several years.

Projects, such as my 10 GHz "White Box" transverter, are listed in the Navigation column on the left. Other projects are shown below.

Figure 1 is a picture of my portable setup for the 2008 ARRL June VHF QSO Party contest. I was very lucky to be able to operate the ARRL VHF contests from my friend John Southern's apartment balcony for a few years.

operating portable

Figure 1. Contest operating on the balcony.

In the picture you can see my FT-817 transceiver, which is sitting on a homebrew operating stand (described on my FT-817 Operating Stand page). The aluminum box under the clock to the left of the FT-817 is a W1GHZ-designed 222 MHz transverter which I built from his article in the January 2003 issue of QST magazine. Details of the transverter are also available on Paul's website.

In Figure 2 you can see the operating setup for the 2010 CQWW VHF competition. Ken, VE3HLS and I operated QRP-portable multi-op from Nanticoke ON, EN92. The 2m yagi on the left-hand mast is an Arrow Antennas 146-4S which I had to modify to get it to match properly. Because other people have mentioned the same problem online, I have posted a short description of the modification on eHam.net

CQWW VHF from Nanticoke

Figure 2. Contest operating in the field.

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Copyright Keith Thomson, 2022.