Useful files for RadioAmateurs - From the T93Y's workshop.
Kalendar Radioamaterskih Takmičenja
Kalendar i prevedene propozicije najvažnijih svjetskih radioamaterskih takmičenja u 2000. godini.

Prefiksi zemalja bivšeg Sovjetskog Saveza
Detaljna raspodjela prefiksa i pozivnih znakova po regijama u svim zemljama bivšeg Sovjetskog Saveza isključujući Baltičke republike.

T9 CQ WW SSB Rekordi - T9 CQ WW SSB Records
Najbolji CQ WW SSB rezultati T9 stanica - Best T9 CQ WW SSB Scores

T9 CQ WW CW Rekordi - T9 CQ WW CW Records
Najbolji CQ WW CW rezultati T9 stanica - Best T9 CQ WW CW Scores

CT DXCluster konekcija sa BAYCOM modemom
Detaljno uputstvo kako povezati BAYCOM modem i popularni program za rad u radioamaterskim takmičenjima CT

Current DXCC list in PDF format
T93Y DXCC list is last updated in April 2000 and include two last additions : East Timor 4W and Chesterfield Island FK/C. It shows most common prefix, country name, CQ and ITU zone and have table to track worked/confirmed countries on bands 160-6 meters. 

T93Y HAM Radio Font
Font from the Arial family with slashed zero character - Font iz porodice Arial sa prekriženom nulom.

LogPlus to ADIF Converter
Program which will allow you easy migration from logPlus to another logging software. Tested with Logger by K4CY so let me know it you have problem ADIF import to other software.

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