Welcome to the web pages of N1RVN - Ervin Farkas

Nihil Sine Deo





"I am often asked how radio works. Well, you see, wire telegraphy is
like a very long cat. You yank his tail in New York and he meows in Los Angeles.
Do you understand this? Now, radio is exactly the same, except that there is no cat."
  Attributed to Albert Einstein

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I have always been fascinated by communications. I still remember the day when I put together my first "communications device". I took two empty plastic medicine bottles, cut off the bottom, so the bottles became tubes. I taped a thin piece of plastic to cover one end, then connected the two bottles together with some kind of wire. Then I handed one bottle to my sister, and after stretching the wire, we started talking one at a time, into the bottle. With a short delay the voice could be heard in the other bottle... It was so exciting, even the post man passing by stopped and checked it out.

I was about ten, maybe twelve years old... My "low tech device" worked fine over a distance of probably 8-10 meters.

But I wanted more! So I dreamed about becoming an amateur radio operator pretty much all my life. The wonderful possibility of talking with someone miles, maybe hundreds of miles away always electrified my imagination. Unfortunately, in my country of birth, Romania, it was extremely hard to get a ham license. Oh no, it was not the exam you have to pass. You see, there is no way you can fully control what's said over the air, and communists didn't feel comfortable letting people "behind the iron curtain" talk with other radio amateurs around the world. What if they tell others what's really happening under the terror of communism?

So I had to wait with my dreams until I moved to the United States (1998). I took my test on May first of 2003, and received my technician license five days later. I enjoy every moment I can dedicate to this hobby, weather it's from home or driving around, mostly to and from work.

My initial call sign issued by the Federal Commission of Communications was KI4AAE, replaced with this vanity call sign in February 2004.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------To be continued soon...


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Copyright © Ervin Farkas 2001-2004