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The Tower Pics

60 mph gust the firts night and still standin.jpg

7 foot lightning rod a 85 foot.jpg


antennas eye view.jpg

as the night sets.jpg

asleep or awake.jpg

awaiting the antenna.jpg

back of the repeater.jpg

beautiful day windy night.jpg

bolting in the antenna.jpg

can you say verdigo.jpg

can you see what you are doing.jpg

cant remember.jpg

does this keep kc8ual from falling to the ground.jpg

downtown lansing.jpg

finishing touches befor the big gust come.jpg

getting dark.jpg

gm's fischer body plant.jpg

goofin off on the tower.jpg

heave ho oops just standin around.jpg

how high can you go.jpg

how many hams does it take to set the guides.jpg

in talling the motorola.jpg

kc8ual at 80 foot.jpg

kc8ual climbing like a monkey.jpg

kc8ual hanging out at max heght.jpg

kc8ual is having too much fun.jpg

kc8ual wind is too strong come down.jpg

local department store.jpg

look ma no hands.jpg

man was this a cold day to work.jpg

more of the local scenery.jpg

more shots from 60 foot.jpg

not sure.jpg

not yet.jpg

now heave ho heave ho.jpg

one coming down the new tower comming up.jpg

parking in the suburbs.jpg

repeater front.jpg


short anchor.jpg

shots from 60 foot.jpg

shots from 70 foot.jpg

should this be bolted here.jpg

station masters almost mounted.jpg

still fiddilin around with the antenna.jpg

still not high enough.jpg

tall anchor.jpg

testing the 7 foot cactus j-pole lightning rod.jpg


the man protecting the tower from high voltage.jpg

the motorola.jpg

the station master.jpg

the thre antennas.jpg

the tower going up.jpg

the tower via the power lines.jpg

the yard.jpg

up on the roof.jpg

watch out for the powerlines.jpg

watch out nick is tightening the guides.jpg

we finished the tower though everone stood around.jpg


wind is setting in at 45 mph gusts.jpg

working the coax.jpg

working the station master up.jpg