3/19: I just started building this site, stay tuned for more features: pictures, forms, news of HAM radio and EMS..

wow really nice of qsl.net to provide this!


Lightning: Scary Stuff! Reading Polyphaser’s site will scare anyone away from the hobby forever. I carefully considered a design which I think is working.. any comments on my design?

The ICOM756PRO: my base station radio

Mobile Station: It snuck up on me, it was a hideous wild thing: wires all over, complaining for attention, demanding and unreliable. The wiring in the car was out of control.

The mobile HF radio is an ICOM 706: way old but it works!

A Lonely Story: So sad, it was so lonely, alone and isolated. Noone to talk to, not even grounded (in reality) An HF radio with no antenna is a sad thing. But connecting an antenna up can kill someone! What happens next is....

The CODE!!!! H

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