Mich-A-Con RF

WE Energies Award


The Mich-A-Con Amateur Radio Club received the We Energies Reliability One Award last year.  The award consisted of a $1500 contribution and was available to ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Service) groups in any community with 5,000 or more We Energies customers. The club was recommended for the award by Peter Schlitt, Dickinson County Emergency Services, for our service to the government and the community. The award will be used for repeater repairs and/or what ever is needed to keep the systems up and running. The club voted to make a separate bank account for the $1500 donation.

In June of last year, the Mich-A-Con Amateur Radio Club registered with FISTS, The International Morse Preservation Society.  FISTS is a well established and recognized CW organization in the world of amateur radio. Founded in 1987 by Geo Longden, G3ZQS, it now has a membership in the thousands, is world-wide, and growing daily. The purpose of the club is to further the use of CW on the amateur bands, to encourage newcomers to the CW mode and to engender friendship within the membership.  Our FISTS number is 10150.
Information about the FISTS Club can be found at http://www.fists.org

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