Mich-A-Con RF

Mich-A-Con Amateur Radio Club
January 2004

Please take the time to complete this questionnaire, the future and vitality of our club depends on your important input.

City, State, Zip _________________________________________________
Call Sign______________________________________________________
Email Address__________________________________________________
ARRL Member?  Yes ______    No _______

Are you presently active in Amateur Radio?  Yes ___  No ___

What aspects of Amateur Radio do you enjoy?

If not active, what is the reason?

Are you presently interested in upgrading your Amateur Radio license?
Yes ___  No ___
Upgrading to what class license?

Is there something the club could do to help you upgrade your license?
Yes ___  No  ___
Please explain:

How many club meetings have you attended during the last year?
If the meeting day was changed, would you be able to attend more often?
Please explain:

Are there other reasons for not attending meetings?
Please explain:

What can the club do to make the meetings something you would look forward to attending?

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