What many in attendance referred to as the "best field day ever," was held in conjunction with the Leslie Co. Club on Tower Mountain in Leslie Co.  It appears there were at least 26 members and visitors in attendance sometime during the two day event, with at least 24 present at the time the photo below was taken on Saturday afternoon.
            The operation involved three different station setup areas, with the call KN4M, used in the 3A classification.  The group also got points for QRP, the use of natural power (Thanks to Rick's solar charged batteries), the publicity points, the message points, and some VHF contacts on 6 meters.
             Logging was done on 3 computers and Johnny Lackey, K4FDK, provided the logging program and sent the following stats for the operation:

Heres the stats compared to last year, with a  53% improvement.....
374  cw  Qso's
280  ssb Qso's
654  total Qso's
2656  Total Points

769   cw Qso's
191  ssb Qso's
958  total Qso's
4058  Total Points

           All three stations had good antenna setups, with a tower and rotatable dipole for the phone/food main
shelter, a vertical and dipoles for the CW/Phone operation at the cabin, and multiple dipoles for the main
CW tent. The layout is shown:

For more pictures and information, click on the following images:
Shelter Operations  Cabin Crew  CW Tent  Other Stuff
Many, many thanks to Tim, KE4LVS, and Don, KN4M, for sharing the digital pictures.  Sure makes things easier!

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