Welcome to the K0AJL website.

My name is Andy Lokken and my call is K0AJL. I live in Lakeville, Minnesota and I have been a ham for about 17 years. My first call was KC0TUD, which I held for a few years until I noticed K0AJL was coming up. That call belonged to a man in Missouri named Richard Munday before I had it. My main interests in ham radio are VHF+, portable and military radios, and any combination of those three. I also collect HP/Agilent/Keysight gear, both RF related test equipment and HP 9000 computers.

I have a particular affinity for Mizuho, Nishi Musen, Aitec, and Tokyo Hy-Power equipment. I’m hoping to get some of them documented on the internet (here) a little more.

Many thanks to qth.com for their kind donation of web hosting.

If you find something here you want to chat about, drop me a line- my email is my first initial and my last name (one word) at gmail dot com.

Over the next few weeks I will be updating this website. 3-3-23. Nothing too fancy though.

HP VXI radio monitoring.
coming soon!

Mizuho SB-21 15
M 1W or 10W USB/CW meter transceiver
MX-27RS 11M AM transceiver

Some of the military radios at K0AJL:
TBX WWII US Navy/Marines portable HF CW/AM transceiver
UK/PRT-320/1 HF manpack SSB/CW/AM transceiver

Navy/Marine DAV-2 HF AM Transceiver
Navy RBZ HF AM receiver

Old projects:

MCR-1 “Biscuit Tin Receiver” HF AM receiver
Cubic ASTRO B HF SSB/CW transceiver