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My Rig

in 2007

The equipment I use today has been selected for a good CW-performance and my choice was the Kenwood TS870S - Transceiver. Together with a Kenwood TL922 Linear and a tuned 2 x 16m Doublet, 12m. up I'm happy with the DX results.
As a backup Tranceiver I use a TS930 with excellent QSK performance, but the DSP IF - Filter of the TS870 gives me better receiving results during contests.

As a Paddle, I use a “Begali SCULPTURE” or the "SCHURR Profi "2 together with an old DOS -Laptop with keying-software of DF4KV (it´s Freeware, please check the Link). It's hard to believe how many mistakes one can make in CW - QRQ and on the display of my PC, I see them all.......

Ham Radio | [email protected]

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