Jeff Walker ZL4DH

Jeff was licensed in 1947 and was an active member of Otago Branch. He was in charge of 'billets' at one of the Dunedin Conventions, arranging suitable accomodation for the large numbers attending. He was involved with the first contacts on 2400MHz in 1948 with Bill Collett ZL4BP. His reputation at the club was that no piece of equipment was temporary, and anything that Jeff made was a perfect example of neatness. Jeff was a teacher at King Edward Technical College and he set a high standard for his pupils to maintain. Life Member of Otago Branch and served as NZART Councillor 1953-

Jeff, being a pattern maker among other things, make the pattern for the bronze plaque at Shag Valley Station which commemorates the first ever two-way trans-world radio contact made by Frank Bell ZL4AA.

Jeff also made the plaque which is on the gate outside the Otago Branch NZART clubrooms in Macandrew Road.

Jeff died on 3rd November 1995

(*) ZL4DG (Rene) was Jeff's YL.

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