There are some very good "G/T" Yagi designs for 6m with very clean radiation patterns available from DG7YBN's excellent web site.
His 8 element design was chosen as it would fit on a 10.7m long boom from the antenna graveyard behind my shed.
The 8 element design has a little less gain than my previous 5/5/5 array , but has a much narrower beamwidth and far superior F/R radiation pattern to combat various noise sources from around the area.

The elements were scaled to 3/8" diameter and a Boom Correction Factor was added to suit the element mounting method and boom size used here. The DG7YBN design uses a bent driven element to increase the feed point impedance to 50 Ohms, allowing a split dipole fed with 50 Ohm coax cable via this Balun:

(The original information is in this section of DG7YBN's web site - click the "'Grounded' Coax Quarter Wave Line" link there, or scroll down to the relevant "'Grounded' Coax Quarter Wave Line" section on that page.)
The geometry of the bent driven element was also modified to improve the F/B by several dB. Here is a comparison of the original design in blue compared to my modified design in red ...

The Yagi's boom is supported with a pair of truss ropes and the antenna is mounted at 20m high on the main lattice tower.

The antenna was built to the modified nec file dimensions and produced the following SWR from 50.0 to 50.4 without any adjustment ...

This 6m Yagi was used very successfully until 16 January 2025 when it was replaced by something bigger!