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               HI there and Welcome to my Web site!

   I am  Venco Stojcev  Z36W,  HAM since 1980. You can find here    
    something  about  me, my HAM activities, links to my radio club, my    
    city and   my country. My favor  interest  in  this hobby are DX-ing,
    contesting and friendship  of  course. In the  future,  you  can  find 
    here  latest  news about HAM in Macedonia, some  DX and  contest
                                                               73's Venco Z36W


                  How to get license in Macedonia ?

   According to the new  law for telecommunication  from  2005 year, foreign  from CEPT countries including USA,
    Canada Australia etc. may use Z38/home call  with  out  any paper or  other  request.  Request  is  needed  only
    if  some group  would  like  to  made  some  activity (contest or dx-pedition) and  want  to  use  some  Z38X  or  
    Z38XX call. More information about new law  you can find on  the official  web   site  of  Agency  for   electronic
    communications  www.aec.mk

ELECTIONS in R.C. "Nikola Tesla" - Stip

         On  march  31-st  2007,  Radio club "Nikola Tesla"  from  Stip, has  elections. New  and  old President for the
    next  4 years  is  Mr. Ljube  Zdravkov , Vice  President  is Venco  Stojcev Z36W, Secretary  Chris  Z31GX.  More
about these you can find on my news page

                 Z360M IN  CQ WW RTTY -2007

Our Radio Club is celebrating this year 60 years of its founding, so we decide to work this contest with this
     special call. More about our participation in CQ WW RTTY
  contest you can find on my   contest page.

                 Z37M IN CQ WPX SSB CONTEST - 2007

Our team was participate in the last  WPX SSB contest in Multi OP's - Single TX category.  Team members for
    this contest were Chris Z31GX, Ozren Z35T and Venco Z36W and  supporters during installing on antennas were

Momo Z31MM,  Igor  Z32ID  and  Roberto. Claimed score is 2670 qso's, 933  mults and score is 5,238,795More
about this activity you can find on my contest page.

                Z38N IN CQ WW CW CONTEST - 2006

  CQ  WW  CW  Contest  2006, we  worked  together with our friends from  Salgotarjan, Hungary, members  of
    the radio club HG6N. More about these you will find


                                                                                 WEATHER IN STIP

                   Click for Stip, Macedonia Forecast           Click for Stip, Macedonia Forecast

     My favorite links                                                                              

Here are some links to web's which I am using very often                High quality and LOW cost QSL CARDS !!!
Look at: www.lz1jz.com
HA6DX cluster                                                                                       Save your time, and of course, your money ! 
NG3K contest page                                                                               ______________________________________________
Rttycontesting.com                                                                              Some links to web site's of my friends
SM3CER contest page
3830 info page                                                                                       Z31GX,  Z32ZM


    QRZ callsign lookup:  
    Callsign lookups provided by qrz.com


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Last updated: 15-06-2010

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