Transverter 2300MHz / 144MHz |
Transverter 2300MHz to 144MHz using modern parts. Adjustments not required due to ceramic band pass filters.
Frequency range (translated to 144-146MHz): 2300-2302MHz, 2304-2306MHz, 2320-2322MHz and 2400-2402MHz.
Output power: 2.5W
Noise figure: ~ 1.2dB
Output power, frequency range, pll lock status, voltage supply monitored by uC and I2C 2x16 LCD (can be used also without display). Frequency range switched in reale time by front panel push button. Integrated RF VOX, PTT and sequencer relay output are available.
The PLL is based on MCL DSN-2300 (1690-2310MHz) module (ADF4106 inside) and 10MHz OCXO. Phase detector frequency 500KHz instead of 250KHz datasheet value (better phase noise). The LO board was designed for stand alone operation, useful for various projects, for example 23cm transverter LO. DSN-1500 (1100-1500MHz) is also supported but Attiny PLL controller must to be reconfigurated.
Heatsink is required for QPA9424 TX power amplifier. Please note 4.5V power supply and idle current adjustment on pin 1.
PLL BOARD jumpers settings - used only as standalone generator, are not required when is connected to Atmega328 uC.
S2 close, S1 close = 2156MHz output (2300-2302MHz)
S2 close, S1 open = 2160MHz output (2304-2306MHz)
S2 open, S1 close = 2176MHz output (2320-2322MHz)
S2 open, S1 open = 2256MHz output (2400-2402MHz)
Gerber files and uC firmware are free only for ham radio use, non commercial!
Schematic of 2300MHz Transverter v1
Schematic of DSN Local Oscillator v1
Transverter 2300MHz PCB v1 (Gerber)
DSN Local Oscillator PCB v1 (Gerber)
2.3GHz XVRT uC Atmega328P firwmare v1.1 (Fuse Bits: low_fuses=0xE2; high_fuses=0xD6; extended_fuses=0xFD; 8MHz internal, LCD I2C address 0x27)
DSN PLL uC Attiny firmware v1 (Default Fuse Bits- 1MHz internal oscillator)
TX output spectrum at nominal power, IF 144MHz
Ebay DSN PLL Board, DSN-2300 datasheet, DSN-1500 datasheet