YLRL History




YLRL—Who Are They?
Organized in 1939, YLRL is a nonprofit organization of women Amateur Radio Licensees. With a membership of approximately 1100, it is international in scope with about 200 of those members who are DX YLs. The original founding mothers of YLRL are:
Lida, W1GQT Marjorie, W7GXI, SK Jean, W5HYF, SK
Enid, KH6IHW Ethel, K4LMB, SK Lenore, W6NAZ, SK
Jean, W9NLW Genevieve, W6RGX, SK Mary, W8SMM, SK
Anita, W8TAY, SK Loretta, exW0UA, SK Carol, W6WSV, SK
Ethel, VE2HI, SK

YLRL Encourages
The YLRL (Young Ladies' Radio League) exists to encourage and assist YLs (Young Ladies) throughout the world to enter into the Amateur Radio Service. There are a variety of interests to offer licensed YLs: Traffic Handling, Public Service, Civil Defense, Contests, Awards, DX, etc., on AM, CW, SSB, FM, RTTY, AMTOR, Packet and Satellite. Of course, there are the infinite benefits derived from just plain gal-to-gal ragchewing and the resulting friendships. You are always welcome in any YLRL activity. Come on in—the YLs are anxious to meet you!

YLRL Sponsors
YLRL sponsors and otherwise carries out programs to promote YL interest, appreciation, and understanding of radio communications and electronics. Through these programs, it encourages YLs to advance and improve their skills as Amateur Radio operators.

YLRL Contributes to International Goodwill
YLRL offers YLs the opportunity to host foreign YLs during their visits to the United States and to sponsor their participation in YLRL activities.

YL Nets
You man know about local YL nets in your area, listen in, and join up. YL nets are fun. Among the larger nationwide nets are YL Open House, Wed., 1900 UTC (1800 spring and summer) on 14.288 MHz; YL Tangle Net, Thurs., 1800 UTC on 14.298 MHz; and YL Roses Net, Mon., 1800 UTC on 28.433. Of course, these frequencies are approximate. Tune around the band and you will hear YLs chatting away. If you miss the call for your area, break in between transmissions and DON'T GIVE UP if you're not heard the first time. We Want YOU!

Nets provide the easiest way for you to meet other YLs and give you a chance to qualify for the various YL awards.

Competition Awaits
YLRL encourages Amateur Radio competition between YLs by offering certificates, trophies, etc., for demonstrated excellence in such operating competitions. All the dates and rules are published in YL Harmonics. Following is a list of our contests, giving the length of the contest and the months in which they are usually held:
Specialized Services Offered
The YLRL offers a program of specialized service to blind YLs through the Tape Topics program. YL Harmonics is sent to the visually impaired members upon request. For more information, contact the Tape Topic Librarians .

Cooperation Appreciated
Each year, more than 30 members give their time and energies to the necessary jobs of administration, publicity, editing and writing for YL Harmonics, contest log checking, certificates custodianship, acting on committees and as District Chairmen in the different areas. Since the administration of YLRL (a nonprofit organization) is by unpaid volunteers it is always appreciated when members cooperate.

Your talents are always appreciated:

The YLRL provides scholarship funds to worthy YLs to continue their educations, with preference given to those in the academic study of communications and electronics or related arts and sciences.

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Last Updated: November 16, 2009

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