To connect to remote Node:

    NOTE: To obtain connection and disconnection codes consult with your local node owner.

    • Key mic

    • Transmit:

    • "This is (call sign of operator), connecting to (Node name)(Node call sign)."

    • While keying mic, press in quickly remote Node ID connection four digit code.

    • Unkey mic & WAIT 10 seconds until Network Message indicates connection to remote Node.

    • If the Network Message is not heard try again.

    • WAIT & LISTEN 10 seconds after remote Node identifies to prevent user interfence.
    • Transmit:
    • "This is (call sign of operator) calling from (QTH of operator).
      Is there anyone on frequency who would like to have a brief QSO?"

    • Remember to key mic, pausing 2 to 3 seconds before EACH transmission to allow for
      delays in the system. Call again if no one answers.

    To disconnect from remote Node:

    • Transmit:
      "This is (call sign of operator) disconnecting from (Node name)(Node call sign)."
    • Keep mic keyed while quickly pressing in the remote Node ID disconnection two digit code.
      Then unkey mic and WAIT to hear the Network disconnection message.


  • Occasionally, you will not hear the Network Message indicate you are disconnected from the
       remote Node. If this happens, the local Node automatically will disconnect in approximately
       3 to 5 minutes, providing there is no local audio transmitted during that period.

  • If in QSO, identify every 5 minutes when appropriate.

  • Pause to allow local hams to break in and make a quick call or join the QSO in progress.

Prepared by:
Glenna VE7DSC
Elizabeth VE7TLK/VA7TK


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