Western Washington Amateur Television Society
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Nets: Wednesday and Saturday at 20:00 Pacific Timezone
Greater Seattle Area, Washington

Net Audio Coordination on SeaTac Repeater: 147.08+ MHz, CTCSS: 103.5

Digital Video Frequencies
UPLINK - two uplink channels, horizontal polarization
435.25 MHz, 2 MHz Bandwidth, DVB-T
437.75 MHz, 2 MHz Bandwidth, DVB-T

DOWNLINK - vertical polarization
1255.5 MHz, 6 MHz Bandwidth, DVB-T


The Western Washington Amateur Television Society (WWATS) is a group of amateur radio operators in the Puget Sound area with a common interest in amateur television. We transmit and receive digital video pictures and have an ATV repeater on Cougar Mountain east of Seattle. The transition to digital was fairly recent so there may be some experimentation and changes. The changes will be noted in the Net Info section above.

The ATV repeater is turned on during our Wednesday and Saturday evening nets, and produces wonderful signals.

We hold our nets on Wednesday and Saturday evenings at 20:00 Pacific. The audio portions of our nets are conducted with the assistance of the SeaTac Repeater Association on 147.08 MHz. Visitors are welcome. We would be delighted to have you join our Wednesday and Saturday evening nets. For those who have a hard time receiving our over the air video broadcasts, we also do a live stream of our nets. Check the streaming page!

WWATS Club Call Sign: WW7ATS

WWATS email address: [email protected]

Discord Invitation Link