About me:
I have had an interest in radio and electronics since I was a kid. Always loved building electronic devices more than playing with them. Everything from building and modifying radios, designing embedded microcontroller devices to antenna design / builds are what I love the most.
I graduated from the Ohio Institute of Technology in 1981. I have been programming embedded micro controllers since the early 80's and have experience in many areas of electronics. I work at West Virginia University (32yrs) and have worked in many areas throught the campus. I maintained two-way radio, paging (Motorola Compa to current digital mode radios) and early alarm systems. Maintained and programmed the Honeywell D1000 building control computers, fire alarm, variable frequency drives etc. currently I work as a electronics engineer in the athletic dept. There I maintain and develop broadcast network backbones and large scale LED video boards and the processing equipment that feeds them.
Been a ham since 1985 and use CW as my main means of communications on the air. Try to contest when I can but my work schedule during the fall and winter make it difficult. A member of the Society of Broadcast Engineers, ARES, FISTS CW Club, NAQCC and Flying Pigs QRP Club. I own Echolink 565554 located on the West Virginia University campus and also maintain the W8MWA repeater in Morgantown, WV.
If you have made a contact with me and would like a QSL card just drop me an email with your contact details and I will send you a real paper QSL out in the mail. There is still a thrill going to the mailbox to see who's card might be in there.
Email contact requests and questions to [email protected]
This site last updated on May 31, 2013