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Oklahoma Section

John Thomason, WB5SYT
Section Manager

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Section Web Site


Traffic Handling Report for: ( June 2003 )

Traffic Handling Report for: ( June 2003 )

1. Public Service Honor Roll Report

Name Call Letters
Arlyn Seidle KK5GY 1/40 2/40 3/10 4/40* Total 152

Pat Murphy NJ5M 1/40 2/40 3/30 4/40 * Total 150

Tom Johnson N5IKN 1/40 2/20 3/30 Total 90

O. C. Elfer WA5OUV 1/40 2/40 3/30 Total 110

Note: PSHR * for June 2003, the total points earned in Item 4, the men earned
these extra credit for setting up and working the the SET station activities.

2. Nets traffic Reports ABBR. Sessions Check Ins Traffic Net Manager
Oklahona WX net OTWN 25 213 212 WA5OUV
L/W DRN-5 7290 N. Texas Ttraffic Nets

Ok Phone Emerg. Net OPEN 5 156 8 W5JPI
L/W Oklahoma ARES Emergency Net when needed

Sooner Net SOONER 26 123 41 W5JPI
L/W Razor Back Traffic Net Ok Traffic/WX Net OTWN

Mays Co ARC MARC 4 69 5 K5RQV

N E OK Radio Amateur KC5RQV 5 38 0 NJ5M
L/W Sooner Net

Stillwater ARES Net SAN 4 53 0 W5JPI
L/W Central Ok. Dist. ARES
Oklahoma Dig. Net DON 3 5 0 W5JPI

Edmond ARC Night Net EARS 28 125 0 KM5GZ

Enid ARC Night Net EARC 5 117 0 KC5OKG

NOVA VHF Net 4 69 5 N5IKN

Kaw County ARC KCARC 5 60 0 KK5GY

Payne Co AREC PCARC 5 63 0 W5JPI

Wheat straw Net WSARC 4 32 0 N5IKN

New Kirk KCARC 5 60 6 W5JPI

Blackwell OIDAR 47 54 3 N5VEA

3. Stations Activity Report SAR

Name Call Orig. Received Sent Delivered Total

Tom Johnson N5IKN 0 139 74 74 284
L/W DRN-5 Region 5, CW training Nets

O.C. Elfer WA5OUV 43 0 43 43 129

O. C. Efler WX WA5OUV 0 0 43 43 86
Activity low due to band conditions!

Melvin Miller K5KXL 46 57 48 36 189

Patrick Murphy NJ5M 0 85 19 110 259

Cecil Carter KI5LQ No Report for June 2003

James Hubert KF5Ano report this past month

Arlyn Seidl KK5GY 20 59 43 50 172

Note 2: The average traffic handling far exceeds the recommended
70 points average. These men have been faith full ARRL amateur
radio handlers in the Oklahoma Area, I believe that the traffic handling
certificate should be made available to them. This Information taken from
the past six months SAR Reports

Name Call . Six Month total Average per mo.
Tom Johnson N5IKN 1952 325

O. C. Elfer WA5OUV 1037 172

Melvin Miller K5KXL 1097 182

Patrick Murphy NJ5M 1519 253

Hebert KF5A 2351 391

Arlen Seild KK5GY 1298 216

As noted: these traffic handlers are far in excess of 70 pieces
Points per month.

Melvin E. Miller K5KXL
Oklahoma Section Traffic Manager