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Amateur Radio Klub

Amateur Radio Emergency Nets

About US





Join our Mailing List


Agenda Minutes








Klub Meeting Saturday February 15th at 9:30 AM

Gilchrist Library  

129 north (Main Street)

Trenton Fl.



SkyWarn Weather Spotter Advanced Class





Amateur Radio Festival N0v. 9th 2024

More pictures soon



A sign on a pole in front of a building

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A group of people sitting in chairs

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A person wearing a yellow hat and holding a microphone

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A person standing at a microphone

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A person sitting at a table

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A group of men sitting at a table

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A group of people standing next to a table with food items

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A table with several electronic devices on it

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A group of people standing next to a sidewalk and a table

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A group of people standing on a sidewalk

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A group of men sitting at a table

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A group of men standing in a shelter

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A person standing next to a table with a table and chairs

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A person sitting on a porch

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A person wearing a hard hat

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A group of men sitting at a table

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A flyer with a building and text

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Festival Sponsors



Dixie Amateur Radio Klub Monthly Meeting

Saturday October 19TH,

A person standing next to a table

Description automatically generatedTwo men sitting at a table looking at a computer

Gilchrist County Library

Dixie Amateur Radio Klub Monthly Meeting

Saturday August 17TH, 

Gilchrist County Library


A group of people sitting in chairs in a room

Description automatically generated  A group of people sitting at tables

Description automatically generatedA person in a red hat sitting on a scooter

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Many Thanks!

 for making this year’s field day a success



Several pictures of people working in an office

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March 9th Meetings Presentation By Mike KD4INH

A room with a table and chairs

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Work on Digipeater


     A person sitting on a bench

Description automatically generatedA person working on a table

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Bell Repeaters 2 meter and 440 Repeater!

Join us on 147.285 and 443.950

Both + offset and 123 PL tone

Thanks Mike KB4MS

A two metal boxes with wires and wires

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Antenna Lightning Protector Demo by Mike KD4INH and Curtiss KO4PZE


A person sitting at a table

Description automatically generatedA person in a red shirt opening a box

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