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Amateur Radio Klub

Amateur Radio Emergency Nets

About US





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Agenda Minutes








Amateur Radio Festival & Tailgate

Nov. 9 Sat. 9 am - 1 pm

Trenton Train Depot

N. Main St. Trenton Fl

Learn about Emergency Communications via HAM radio by getting on the Air!

Raffel for prizes (some prizes may require Amateur Radio License) for Donation

Hot Dogs and Drinks will be sold.

FCC Amateur Radio Testing after event.

Tailgaters can set up after 8 am.



Dixie Amateur Radio Klub Monthly Meeting

Saturday August 17TH,  9:30 AM

Gilchrist County Library


A group of people sitting in chairs in a room

Description automatically generated  A group of people sitting at tables

Description automatically generatedA person in a red hat sitting on a scooter

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Many Thanks!

 for making this year’s field day a success



Several pictures of people working in an office

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March 9th Meetings Presentation By Mike KD4INH

A room with a table and chairs

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Work on Digipeater


     A person sitting on a bench

Description automatically generatedA person working on a table

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Bell Repeaters 2 meter and 440 Repeater!

Join us on 147.285 and 443.950

Both + offset and 123 PL tone

Thanks Mike KB4MS

A two metal boxes with wires and wires

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Antenna Lightning Protector Demo by Mike KD4INH and Curtiss KO4PZE


A person sitting at a table

Description automatically generatedA person in a red shirt opening a box

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