Beginning Friday, May 17, 2002 Jim traveled West to Portland, Oregon to meet up with Andrew, "Rufus and Cleo" and participated in The 2002 Team Trophy Challenge competition coordinated by Doug Shipman and The Pacific Coast Rover Club ( Held in the beautiful Tillamook State Forest, this two day and night off-road event challenged the best 4X4 drivers and vehicles the West Coast has to offer.
(Andrew & Jim "wheeling" & wired for some SERIOUS communications.)
Testing their off-road skills in a competitive event against others in the exciting Pacific Northwest, this two-day and night event allowed 4x4 TEAMS across the Northwest to test their preparedness for the unknown!
TEAMmates encountered a variety of tasks, not limited to just driving. Over the two-day and night period they covered two separate routes, each with their own physical and mental challenges. Teams were required to read a map and use a compass, do TEAM tasks, balance a vehicle, drive a trials section, winch ---- AND ANYTHING ELSE THROWN AT THEM!!. The winning TEAM accumulated the best score over the two-day period. See below for results.
To get an idea of what was in store for them go HERE for the previous year's information and comments.
(photo by Michael Slade)
CQ - CQ - CQ - de W2EMT-7 qrp!!
Andrew and Jim setting up camp in Tillamook State Forest.
(photo by Michael Slade)
Jim working a little DX with his SGC-2020 and 5 watts of power with his Blue Top Optima Battery - Never missed a lick even at 20 watts out.
After returning to Portland, we repacked/restocked the D-110 and headed East - with Rufus & Cleo of course!! - through Washington State, Idaho and on into Montana & Yellowstone National Park for a 10 day trek. All was well until 85 miles outside of Livingston, MT when a horrendous grinding was heard from the transfer case. OOPS - No gear oil left - Flatbed trip #1 on into our friend Trey Coon's home in Livingston. We then settled into The Murray Hotel (outstanding!) while R & C enjoyed Trey's back yard and his pooch Cody. We had originally thought that by simply adding more gear lube would do the trick - it did - kind of-sort of - but outside of the North entrance of Yellowstone National Park - Flatbed trip # 2 back to Livingston to re-evaluate our situation!
Then along appears "Livingston" our new 1964 Series II.!
The then owner has just decided the night before to sell the truck and had driven it to a parking lot next to The Murray Hotel to advertise it. HMMM- Were we being told something here?? -We had a D-110 that was now being flat-bedded # 3 back to Portland Oregon and parked in front of us was a BEAUTIFUL 1964 Series II waiting for a new home! It had been garaged and never driven for 15 years, had 72K original miles on the clock and had just recently been re-commissioned and ready to roll. The rest is history!! -
We finished up exploring the area and floating the Yellowstone River over the remainder of the week with Andrew's old school friend Trey Coon "Yellowstone TroutScout Outfitters" A licensed Fly Fishing and Back Country Outfitter). (406)222-5178 - [email protected] He's the man you want to fish/explore with!! Andrew hopes to make another Rover trip to Livingston soon.
Andrew & Jim playing and fishing in Yellowstone with "Cody" and "Cleo"
Andrew, Trey & Jim on The Yellowstone River near Livingston, MT.
With earplugs in place, a cooler of ice and water, Rufus and Cleo aboard, we began our uneventful trek back to Portland Oregon in "Livingston". Though not the speediest vehicle on the road - we didn't/couldn't pass a single car/truck all the way back - the sweet little Series II Rover never missed a beat and got us home safe and sound 18 driving hours later. We had an awesome trip and lots of "thumbs-up" along the way. Traveling over Fourth of July Pass at 8,000 feet elevation in a Series truck is truly a lifetime experience!! WOW!
"0 to 60 mph in the SAME day!!! Ya-Hoo!!
"Livingston" going over the 8,000 ft. Fourth Of July Pass at the Montana-Idaho boarder. Just kept on "tickin" all the 800+ miles to Oregon!!
CLICK HERE to see photos of Andrew's Fourth of July trek into the desert areas of Eastern Oregon.
Photos of the 2001 Challenge - CLICK HERE
Photos of the 2002 Challenge - CLICK HERE
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