Hold Your Head High

Patriotism isn't about making all the right noises, but actually translating words into action. It's all very well to thump your chest with pride because of Pokhran. But true patriotism is about doing your bit for the country every inch of the way.

To begin with, by paying your taxes. Because in the end, it is your taxes that help the country protect its borders, care for its soldiers and provide succour to victims of tragedies. It also finds usage in avenues like healthcare, education, infrastructure, social welfare, agriculture and industries, thus truly fueling the nation's growth.

Your Tax is an investment in your future!
Pay Your Income Tax, Hold Your Head High!!
Even with partiotism, action speak louder than words!!!

Issued by Directorate of Income Tax

Related Link www.saraltaxoffice.com

Tamil Article by R.Rathnagiri

Courtesy: Dinamani Tamil Daily
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