
slot antenna feedpoint
slot antenna dimensions
2/70 slot antenna

A Horizontaly Polarized Slot Antenna for 2 mtrs and 70 cm + 23 cm

slot antenna instructions



This is one of my favorites, doesn't take up much room and works really well.

I've used it for contesting with excellent results, and in the past I had one attached to the roof rack on my car, though it was a bit too solid to leave on whilst driving.

Especially good on 70 cm.

This one is the latest in a long line of variations and is the best so far.

I have now used this antenna successfully on 23cm.

I would have thought the takeoff angle would be a bit high, but it works at least to over 100km.

Certainly a very good general purpose antenna.

Horizontaly polarized.

These 4nec2 plots are roughly equivalent to the antennas performance in real life.

At the moment, I can't measure the radiation patterns in the real world.

70 centimeters

2 meters

Slot Antenna Plot
Slot Antenna adjust