Microwave transverter information page

Created 3rd February, 2014 - Modified 14th August, 2017

Using microwave bands for for SSB / Digital weak signal modes, via both Terrestrial and EME DXing.
Microwaves is becoming the new frontier, now that the gear and parts are becoming more accessible, due to
more ex-commercial surplus and more kits available
some sources of kits and associated bits are:
VK5EME Minikits
VK3XDK kits
SG Labs 1296 MHz Transverter
VL2BKC ZLPLL Frequency reference kit
VK3HZ Frequency reference kit
Kune micrwave modules - top shelf gear
Down East Microwave kits form USA
home of ProgRock

Microwave Info Snippets

The 10 GHz Xvtr + LNA:
the Rx with small dish (90cm or greater) should see a increase in noise when aim at a tree or the ground.
the Rx will see moon noise with at least 2.5m dish or greater,
the Rx will see sun noise with a 90cm dish or greater,
Rcv using spectran/wsjt, the echos off the moon from the 10GHz beacon that uses a 8 metre dish when it is in high power mode, using 90cm dish or greater,
Rcv using spectran/wsjt, the echos off the moon from the 10GHz beacon that uses a 8 metre dish when it is in 50w power mode,using 1.2m dish or greater,
With a 2.5m solid dish (or larger) and 3 watts on 10GHz you should be able to work other EME stations using jt65


NOTE: only licensed Amateur Radio operators can operate this modified equipment on assigned Amateur frequencies/bands.

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