Online manual for the #CQDX dDX bot

By: Don Lafontaine VE2UFO

The dDX bot on #cqdx relays Amateur Radio DX spots from the cluster network to iRC users on the othernet IRC network.  There are other functions that operators may find usefull when chasing that "rare" one.  This manual will explain it's operation and go into detail on all the functions that are available to the #cqdx users.

dDX sits on the channel and relay spots that arrive on it's own CLX cluster node.  It will also allow users to add their own spots to the cluster network.  These spots all get stored into an internal database for later retrieval if the user wishes to look back.  The database can be cleared out at any time by the bot operators.  Currently the bot operators are:

If some sort of consensus can be reached on when to clear the database,  ask one of these people to do it for you.  Otherwise,  the database will most likely be cleared at the start of contests,  or when the database is deemed to be too full of old spots. (Daily cleanup would be good when not in a contest).