Commands in RED are not yet fully functional
Commands not listed here get sent to the CLX cluster for processing.
You can view the CLX user manual here



                    Gives a list of all available commands and a short description.  CLX commands are not included,  see the HELP command below for CLX help.


                    This command gives you access to the CLX cluster help files.  E.G: /msg ddx help dx


                    This command will show the current spot count in the dDX database,  a breakdown of spots by band,  and the top ten DX spots in the database.

MONITOR <call>

                    This command instructs dDX to notify you when a certain call is spotted.  When dDX sees that spot come up it will send you "DXALERT! <call> was just spotted on <freq>".  If you set mIRC to play a sound when it receives "DXALERT!" it will play every time dDX see your spot!

REMOVE <call>

                    This will remove a call you wanted to monitor with the MONITOR command.

LOOKFOR <call>

                    This will list all the spots in the database for the selected call.  The call can also be a prefix EG: LOOKFOR VE2.


                    Returns the current dDX version number.

LEAVEMSG <call> <message>

                    This will send a message to <call> when he/she logs into #cqdx.