The goal here is not just to make past newsletters available, but to preserve the history of the club. To that end, feel free to download and keep a copy
of the collection. If you'd like to get them all at once instead of downloading one at a time or if you have any that we're missing, please contact the
editor (see bottom of this page).
You may notice some from the late 1980's - early 1990's have a few photos that are unusually sharp, some are in color even though the first color
SCCARA-GRAM wasn't published until September 2009. If the original photographs or halftones were available, those were used in the making of
these pdf files instead of the low quality photocopies. Halftones were converted to gray scale for improved quality. So, a few of these are a little
better than what the members originally received in the mail! 
SCCARA-GRAM 2025 January (0.6 MB)
SCCARA-GRAM 2025 February (0.8 MB)
ARRL News: HAM radio helps during California's firestorm. special event stations for 80 years after WW2 and discovery of Pluto. HAM radio open house. 76th annual international DX convention.
SCCARA-GRAM 2024 January (0.6 MB)
ARRL News: Changes to General and Extra class question pool. FCC changes symbol rate limits to bandwidth limits on HF, may do the same on other bands. WRC-23 settles 23 cm issue.
SCCARA-GRAM 2024 February (0.5 MB)
ARRL News: ARRL comments to FCC encouraging the removal of symbol rate limits on LF and VHF bands. ARRL now is the publisher of Gordon West license prep. books. Pac. Div. Director Kristen McIntyre K6WX to be ARRL V.P.
SCCARA-GRAM 2024 March (0.6 MB)
SCCARA to host the April electronic flea market. Bob W6OOY died. CA Historical Radio Soc. has extra HAM magazines and books to give away. Club on-line archives have been updated. N0ARY BBS RF ports are down, new antenna is ready to be installed.
ARRL News: Senate bill S.3690 introduced, will make it easier for HAMS in appartments or condos to have antennas.
SCCARA-GRAM 2024 April (1.6 MB)
SCCARA host the next electronic flea market. 2023 year-end financial report. 2 m repeater antenna is fixed. Clair Foster's donated radio equipment from 1936 is likely in the Perham Collection at History San Jose.
ARRL News: Bob Vallio W6RGG made honorary V.P. Amateurs ready to support solar eclipse. FCC increases log-in security. Lewis & Clark Trail special event. Marconi Day 2024.
SCCARA-GRAM 2024 May (1.1 MB)
Flea market report. Packet BBS computer upgraded.
ARRL News: HAM activity during the solar eclipse. Armed Forces Day test. Golden railroad spike 155 year anniversary special even station.
SCCARA-GRAM 2024 June (1.2 MB)
ARRL News: MFJ is closing operations.
SCCARA-GRAM 2024 July (0.5 MB)
ARRL News: Pennsylvania HAMs get exemption to State's new handsfree Law
SCCARA-GRAM 2024 August (0.6 MB)
Field Day report. Articles on dealing with hot weather, and on maximum power transfer
SCCARA-GRAM 2024 September (0.6 MB)
Club station coax test.
SCCARA-GRAM 2024 October (0.5 MB)
ARRL News: New Extra-class question pool. ARRL got hit with a ransom-ware attack in May. ARRL defends 902-928 band from commercial interests.
SCCARA-GRAM 2024 November (0.5 MB)
Club elections next meeting
ARRL News: AM Jamboree 2024. 100th anniversary of first trans-global contact HAM bootcamp.
SCCARA-GRAM 2024 December (0.6 MB)
Holiday dinner meeting. Club election results.
ARRL News: Field Day results. Oscar 7 (AO-7) 50 years old and still working. Sweden VLF alternator transmitter now 100 years old.
SCCARA-GRAM 2023 January (0.8 MB)
Articles on DIY Battery Box and Software Radios pt 3
ARRL News: new question pool for Gen license. Rep. Lesco of AZ intro's bill to change symbol rate with bandwidth in Part 97. NASA puts Morse code messages on space craft.
SCCARA-GRAM 2023 February (0.6 MB)
Articles on Antiquing, Software Radios pt 4, and year-end financial report
ARRL News: Volunteers on the Air year-long event.
SCCARA-GRAM 2023 March (0.7 MB)
SSTV article. Member gets 2nd place in Quartz-fest contest.
ARRL News: Gen. class errata on question pool. World amateur radio day.
SCCARA-GRAM 2023 April (0.6 MB)
Transmitter hunt for beginners. Electronic flea market starting up again.
ARRL News: FreeDV digital communications. FEMA guide includes amateur radio.
SCCARA-GRAM 2023 May (1.0 MB)
We host the May electronic flea market.
ARRL News: Field Day is coming. Lewis and Clark Special Event. Amateur software award.
SCCARA-GRAM 2023 June (1.6 MB)
We'll have Field Day at the Red Cross, club station. Repeater battery work.
ARRL News: FCC proposed changes to 60 m. We all must evaluate our stations for RF exposure. FEMA confirms HAM radio is relevant as ever for emergency communications. Marconi's yacht on the air.
SCCARA-GRAM 2023 July (1.1 MB)
SCCARA's archives now on The Digital Library of Amateur Radio & Communications. ID people in 1999 Field Day photos. Looking for some tubes
ARRL News: 79th anniversary of D-Day. Incorrect article, maybe by A.I. Proposal to reduce land use restrictions on Amateurs. FCC licensing web site mostly back up, was down.
SCCARA-GRAM 2023 August (0.7 MB)
Our Field Day results; FT8 during Field Day
ARRL News: ARRL Field Day; Holmdel Horn Antenna; Code still alive and well; Commercial interests want to use high power on shortwave next to ham bands; HAMs help with science experiment during eclipse; ARRL, NASA, help teachers with SSTV.
SCCARA-GRAM 2023 September (0.5 MB)
ARRL News: ARRL files comments against commercial shortwarve rules petition RM11953.
SCCARA-GRAM 2023 October (0.5 MB)
Club elections are coming up, nominations at the next meeting.
ARRL News: Emergency preparedness drill. Two new awards: First Conctact and New Member.
SCCARA-GRAM 2023 November (1.0 MB)
Club elections. Club station is working on WAS award. Silicon Valley started with HAM radio, including Steve Wozniak. SCCARA newsletter 70th anniversary.
ARRL News: AM Jamboree. Proposed changes to 60 m band. FCC to vote on changing symbol rate to bandwidth. video on Amateur radio in education.
SCCARA-GRAM 2023 December (0.5 MB)
Club email announce list is moving to Dec. meeting will be a holiday dinner meeting.
ARRL News: First Worked All States (WAS) award on 33 cm. New Pacific Section Manager. FCC finally changes digital symbol rate limit with bandwidth limit on HF, the same is proposed on other bands.
SCCARA-GRAM 2022 January (0.9 MB)
New club QSL card. Elections. Club station is open.
ARRL News: Senator Bumenthal supports amateur radio; Japan to put a small lander on the Moon transmitting on amateur 70 cm band.
SCCARA-GRAM 2022 February (0.8 MB)
Treasurer's year-end statement
ARRL News: Contesting "low-power" limit is now 100 W. Growing number of W.A.S. on 1.25 m. EZNEC antenna simulator is now free. 9 cm band reduced.
SCCARA-GRAM 2022 March (1.1 MB)
Member report on doing the Winter Field Day. Our 100th anniversary special event station was a dud.
ARRL News: We should prepare for the next solar storm. New rules for Field Day. New world-wide digital contest.
SCCARA-GRAM 2022 April (0.7 MB)
Electronic flea market starting up again, but still not our in-person meetings (because the pandemic still lingers).
ARRL News: Ukraine has HAM radio silence because of Russian invasion; CQ contests won't accept entries from Russia; New license fee; New distance record on 134 GHz; CEPT bans Russian membership.
SCCARA-GRAM 2022 May (0.9 MB)
SCCARA will host the June electronic flea market; story about airplane radio difficulties.
ARRL News: New license fee won't apply to upgrades; New WSPR beacon in Antarctica.
SCCARA-GRAM 2022 June (0.7 MB)
General meetings are starting up again. The electronic flea markets have been canceled. Story about Icom IC-7800.
ARRL News: Radio Direction Finding Championships. Vibroplex buys out Linear Amplifiers.
SCCARA-GRAM 2022 July (0.6 MB)
Our general meetings resume. Antenna length article.
ARRL News: Reverse beacon web site. Tube source. Alexanderson VLF Alternator.
SCCARA-GRAM 2022 August (0.7 MB)
Our 100th anniversary edition is available at our meetings, for a keepsake.
ARRL News: Field Day report. Winlink test in So. CA. FCC has updated it's CORES sytem.
SCCARA-GRAM 2022 September (0.6 MB)
SCCARA picnic
ARRL News: Video tour of ARRL radio lab. Space station amateur radio upgrades.
SCCARA-GRAM 2022 October (0.6 MB)
Op-ed commentary on converters.
ARRL News: Amsat plans tracking Artemis Moon mission. ARRL on-line groups. Battleship USS Iowa station NEPM to be active in memory of Pearl Harbor.
SCCARA-GRAM 2022 November (0.9 MB)
Dinner meetings again, starting with December. Electronic articles by members on A to D and parasitic resistance losses.
ARRL News: FCC grants digital speed waiver for hurricane. Radio Society of Great Britain hosts transatlantic centenary.
SCCARA-GRAM 2022 December (1.5 MB)
Electronic articles by members on software defined radio, crystals and temp., and do-it-yourself power cable.
ARRL News: Increase in W.A.S. using VHF and UHF moon-bounce. Award to creator of Hermes-Lite software definde radio.
SCCARA-GRAM 2021 January (1.1 MB)
The pandemic is still going strong, face-to-face meetings are still out. This is the start of our 100th year, let's make Feb. our grand 100th anniversary edition.
ARRL News: Arecibo Radio Observatory collapsed. Vacuum tube is 116 years old. FCC now requires an email address. First transatlantic contact was 99 years ago.
SCCARA-GRAM 2021 February (1.5 MB)
EXTRA! EXTRA! Read All About It! SCCARA is 100 years old!
Our 100th ANNIVERSARY Editon! Several articles from members commenting on our anniversary and other articles. Preliminary samples of our 100th anniversary QSL certificate.
ARRL News: FCC proposes to reduce amateur license fee. FCC now requires an e-mail address on license applications.
SCCARA-GRAM 2021 March (0.9 MB)
ARRL News: Finnish Amateur Radio League having their 100th anniversary. ARRL to extend modified Field Day rules because of the pandemic.
SCCARA-GRAM 2021 April (0.7 MB)
ARRL News: Quantum receiver. Monster dipole. WWVB upgrade. FCC allows partical repreive on 3.5 GHz.
SCCARA-GRAM 2021 May (0.9 MB)
Meetings are still canceled because of the pandemic, that should end soon since a vaccine is available. Club station will re-open starting late May. Fry's Electronics closed.
ARRL News: Digital mode FT8 accounts for 2/3 of the HF activity. FCC upates RF exposure rules.
SCCARA-GRAM 2021 June (0.7 MB)
Our special event station didn't work out so well, how about a 100th membership certificate instead?
ARRL News: FCC now requires an email address. A wooden satellite is to be launched. Red Cross emergency drill a success.
SCCARA-GRAM 2021 July (0.9 MB)
The club station is open again.
ARRL News: FCC seeks comments on commercial use of 70 cm and 5 cm during space launches.
SCCARA-GRAM 2021 August (0.9 MB)
tubes available
ARRL News: Russian Woodpecker radar now a cultural heritage site; X-Class major solar flare; Lighthouse special event station; Field Day 2021; EZNEC will be free as of Jan. 2022.
SCCARA-GRAM 2021 September (0.8 MB)
Repeater backup, Reflections, op-ed on SCCARA during the pandemic
ARRL News: Experimental 8 m station, ARRL has on-line RF exposure calculator; FCC fees won't go into effect until 2022; Alexanderson Alternator 17.2 kHz more listeners than expected; Arctic exploration ship used amateur radio has its 100th anniversary.
SCCARA-GRAM 2021 October (0.8 MB)
Still no in-person meetings due to the pandemic, board is starting to consider possibilities.
ARRL News: FCC grants 60 day waiver from data rate limits for huricane communications; 100th anniversary of first transatlanic radio communications; Open source satellite work not subject to export regulations; Beginnings of single side band (SSB).
SCCARA-GRAM 2021 November (0.8 MB)
Sweepstakes contest at the club station; We'll start including photos of our authors.
ARRL News: Amateurs may participate in eclipse festival in December; Sweepstakes contest in November; Tech license class on-line.
SCCARA-GRAM 2021 December (1.1 MB)
Invention of the transistor; W6UU repeater.
ARRL News: Tips for contestors; 100th anniversary of first HAM trans-Atlantic contact.
SCCARA-GRAM 2020 January (1.3 MB)
Dinner meeting photos; new column - what do you like about amateur radio?
ARRL News: FCC amends amateur radio RF exposure safety rules
SCCARA-GRAM 2020 February (0.9 MB)
first article of new column, what's good about amateur radio
ARRL News: Chinese HAMs may lose some spectrum, Canada has a new section (for contests)
SCCARA-GRAM 2020 March (0.6 MB)
The club was 99 years old at the Feb. meeting, member articles about amateur radio
ARRL News: Plans to retrieve Titanic's radio gear. ARRL proposed HF band plan update.
Satellite operating tips. Local HAMs break distance record on 122 GHz.
SCCARA-GRAM 2020 April (0.7 MB)
Meetings canceled and club station closed due to Covoid-19 panemic. Member articles about amateur radio.
ARRL News: 3.4 and 5.9 bands under threat. ARRL HQ and conventions closed due to Covid-19 virus.
SCCARA-GRAM 2020 May (0.6 MB)
Face-to-face gatherings canceled until group gathering restrictions are lifted, board meetings held on our 2 m repeater.
ARRL News: Field Day is still ON, but we'll all have to adapt to the Covid-19 restrictions. Other activities and conventions have been canceled or only done on-line. Logbook of the World updated. 2 m distance record, 4760 km.
SCCARA-GRAM 2020 June (0.7 MB)
All canceled: General meeting, flea market (we host), and club participation in Field Day. Board meeting on our 2 m repeater.
ARRL News: new RF safety rules. FT-4, FT-8 frequencies. Operating Field Day at home. Recovery of Titanic Marconi wireless approved.
SCCARA-GRAM 2020 July (0.9 MB)
Meetings still canceled. Finding out about toroid cores. What KK6CCU likes about HAM radio.
ARRL News: Waiver of some Field Day rules. IARU on increasing noise from digital devices. Amateur radio balloon. Pacificon 2020 canceled.
SCCARA-GRAM 2020 August (0.8 MB)
Meetings still canceled. The Bug keyer
ARRL News: 2020 Field Day is one for the books. Russian-Ukrainian war causing RF interference. Marine buoy on 20 m WSPR.
SCCARA-GRAM 2020 September (0.7 MB)
In-person gatherings canceled due to the coronavirus.
ARRL News: Emergency test early October. SAQ Alexanderson Day. Arecibo Dish Damaged. FCC proposal to delete the 3300 - 3500 MHz secondary amateur allocation for commercial use. HF band plans under review. Smartphone app can ID digital modes. James NV6W new Santa Clara Valley SM.
SCCARA-GRAM 2020 October (0.9 MB)
In-person gatherings canceled due to the coronavirus. Club election will be by email or postal mail. &nbnsp; George Allen W6YD ex-W6AO and Henri Ponce WD6CGI died.
ARRL News: FCC proposes license fee. Air Force research lab tracks sporadic-E layer. FCC draft to transfer 9 cm band to commercial 5G.
SCCARA-GRAM 2020 November (0.8 MB)
Club elections will be by email this year.
ARRL News: FCC to end 3.5 GHz amateur band. Some digital software now includes protocols for LF and MF bands.
SCCARA-GRAM 2020 December (0.8 MB)
In-person gatherings continue to be canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic.
ARRL News: New Fldigi tool for frequency measuring test. WRC-23 recommendations. Detecting faint signals using quantum physics. ARRL asks FCC to reconsider removing 3.4 GHz amatuer band. Kristen W6WX is new Pac. Div. Director. ARRL asks FCC to waive proposed amateur license application fees. International SW broadcast interference.
SCCARA-GRAM 2019 January (0.7 MB)
Patty N6IBS to speak on operating from National Parks. Addtion to the club archives includes a colorful period in the 1950's. Lloyd Frisbee KM6FDD died.
ARRL News: Log book of the world tops 1 billion entries.
SCCARA-GRAM 2019 February (0.5 MB)
Rachel KK6DAC to speak on batteries.
ARRL News: FCC applications pile up due to gov. shutdown. Australian 2200 m beacon on the air.
SCCARA-GRAM 2019 March (2.2 MB)
Umesh K6VUG to speak on amateur satellites. Possibility of selling our antenna trailer. 2024 financial report.
ARRL News: WWV 100 years old.
SCCARA-GRAM 2019 April (0.5 MB)
We'll have Field Day at the San Jose Red Cross. Don Apte AA6TV (ex-KK6MX) died. We now have a color laser printer, this is the first edition printed with it.
ARRL News: Bakelite patent issued 100 years ago. Over-the-horizon radar causing trouble for Euopean Amateurs.
SCCARA-GRAM 2019 May (0.6 MB)
Kerry K3RRY to speak on APRS at Burning Man. Board reduces fee for mailed paper SCCARA-GRAM.
ARRL News: DoD to include excercise info via WWV. Several amateur petitions to the FCC. Amsat and ARRL tell FCC obital debris mitigation plan is too hard on amateur satellites. On-the-air frequency measuring doesn't need expensive fancy equipment.
SCCARA-GRAM 2019 June (0.6 MB)
We'll be at the Red Cross for Field Day.
ARRL News: Ultra small LF transmitter. Magnetic loop antenna.
SCCARA-GRAM 2019 July (3.0 MB)
Field Day 2019 photos.
ARRL News: Tuning electricallly short antennas.
SCCARA-GRAM 2019 August (1.9 MB)
Editor notes: we first set foot on the Moon exactly 50 years ago.
ARRL News:   FCC petitioned for a new 8 m band; No consensus reached for FCC on �Symbol Rate�
bandwidth issues.
SCCARA-GRAM 2019 September (3.0 MB)
Field Day results;
ARRL News: Tower accident, can't be too careful; ARRL contest rules now prohibit automated contacts;
100 years ago amateur radio back on the air from WW1.
SCCARA-GRAM 2019 October (0.7 MB)
ARRL News: FCC proposes to make all licensing electronic; ARRL renews request for FCC to replace symbol
rate with bandwidth limit.
SCCARA-GRAM 2019 November (1.3 MB)
All the same officers and directors are running again.
ARRL News: Coast Guard proposal to end its NAVTEX broadcasts in the MF band.
SCCARA-GRAM 2019 December (0.6 MB)
All last year's officers and directors were re-elected.
ARRL News: The longest-lived amateur satellite, AO-7, turned 45 years old.
SCCARA-GRAM 2018 January (1.5 MB)
2 m repeater has emergency power. It seems our first meeting was early 1921 instead of later that year.
ARRL News: AO-91 satellite is operational. ARRL to start regular transmissions on 6 m. Several countries have expanded frequency allocations. Radio anniversaries abound in December
SCCARA-GRAM 2018 February (0.5 MB)
ARRL News: Quantum radio a future possibility.
SCCARA-GRAM 2018 March (0.7 MB)
We need a new secretary. SCCARA hosts the first electronics flea market held at Fry's Electronics. Goetz K6GKB describes using wind power at his station. Club roster is available (on paper only).
SCCARA-GRAM 2018 April (0.6 MB)
Still need someone to be Secretary. The first electronics flea market at the new location went well. Amateur radio puzzle instead of April fool's joke.
ARRL News: ARRL recommends enhanced HF privileges for Tech class.
SCCARA-GRAM 2018 May (0.8 MB)
Echolink is available on our 2 m repeater. Amateur crossword puzzle.
ARRL News: First 2200 m amateur transatlantic contact. New 630 m band is busy.
SCCARA-GRAM 2018 June (0.9 MB)
We'll do Field Day from the San Jose Red Cross this year (our club station location).
ARRL News: FT8 digital mode is becoming very popular. Results from tests during solar eclipse shows 40 m had greater distance.
SCCARA-GRAM 2018 July (2.8 MB)
Field Day photos at the Red Cross. Member Roy Metzger K6VIP died.
SCCARA-GRAM 2018 August (1.2 MB)
Svend KF6EMB on building a go-kit station Field Day 2018 at the Red Cross.
ARRL News: ARRL urges FCC to keep non-amateur satellites off amateur frequencies.
SCCARA-GRAM 2018 September (0.8 MB)
Clark Murhpy KE6KXO died. Ed LaBel KD6KCA to speak on the Allstar platform.
ARRL News: Volunteer monitoring program to replace the Offical Observer program. 2019 budget would elimiante WWV and WWVH.
SCCARA-GRAM 2018 October (0.5 MB)
Paul Ewing N6PSE to speak on DX-peditions We now have an official club email address.
ARRL News:
SCCARA-GRAM 2018 November (0.5 MB)
Digital radios (SDR) are available on-line for anyone to use. 2017 Treas. report.
ARRL News: Peggy Sue K6PSG, who inspired the 1957 song by that name, has died.
SCCARA-GRAM 2018 December (0.9 MB)
Club election results for 2019
ARRL News: RF power transmission may be a problem.
SCCARA-GRAM 2017 January (0.8 MB)
ARRL News: Anniversary of first transatlantic shortwave reception. Radio Australia ends HF broadcasts. Florida Senator kills Amateur Radio Parity Act Bill.
SCCARA-GRAM 2017 February (0.6 MB)
All newsletters from the archives have been digitized cleaned up and are now on the club web site, Gary Mitchell WB6YRU.
ARRL News: 630 m experimental band becoming popular. New digital modes gaining popularity for Moon bounce and HF. Re-introduction of Amateur Radio Parity Act speeding through Congress. New satellite to receive 15 m and transmit 10 meter. Historical SAQ 17.2 kHz station heard around the world.
SCCARA-GRAM 2017 March (0.6 MB)
First newsletter prototype 1953, when was the first SCCARA-GRAM, Gary Mitchell WB6YRU.
ARRL News: Radio Australia ends HF broadcast. ARRL considers asking for new entry level license class. FCC asks for comments on proposed new 5 MHz amateur band.
SCCARA-GRAM 2017 April (0.5 MB)
ARRL News: new California �Driving While Wireless� Statute. Paul Kangas W4LAA died. International Crystal Manufacturing Going Out of Business.
SCCARA-GRAM 2017 May (0.6 MB)
Newsletter report for 2016.
ARRL News: New bands soon 630 and 2200 m, article on NVIS.
SCCARA-GRAM 2017 June (0.8 MB)
ARRL News: AM Rally, new band charts available.
SCCARA-GRAM 2017 July (0.7 MB)
ARRL News: Rules are out for the new 630 and 2200 m bands, but can't operate yet.
SCCARA-GRAM 2017 August (1.0 MB)
Our 2 m repeater now has EchoLink. Member Virginia Metzger K6IUU died.
ARRL News: Field Day with 1930's vintage radios, IARU adopts satellite freq. coordination.
SCCARA-GRAM 2017 September (1.0 MB)
ARRL News: New FT8 digital mode, amateurs to do experiments during solar eclipse.
SCCARA-GRAM 2017 October (0.6 MB)
Member Don DeGroot, KA6TGE died.
ARRL News: Internet domain '.radio' available, results from operating during solar eclipse, operation on 630 and 2200 m now legal but there are restrictions.
SCCARA-GRAM 2017 November (0.6 MB)
ARRL News: Some are denied used of the new 2200 m band. Experimental VLF station on 8 kHz.
SCCARA-GRAM 2017 December (0.4 MB)
ARRL News: New digital modes possibly changing the face of amateur radio.
SCCARA-GRAM 2016 January (1.5 MB)
SCCARA membership and badge order forms in pdf format can now be filled in from your pdf reader and printed.
ARRL News: WRC-15 ends, consensus on new world wide amateur 60 m allocation (5351.5-5366.6 kHz). World Heritage Grimeton site tradition of running VLF 17.2 kHz station on Christmas eve, electro-mechanical VLF receiver to match.
SCCARA-GRAM 2016 February (1.7 MB)
SCCARA videos have been archived are now on the club web site, including one made in 1925.
SCCARA-GRAM 2016 March (1.1 MB)
Northern CA DX Club expresses thanks for making our film (made in 1925) available on-line.
ARRL News: FCC to consider life-time amateur license.
SCCARA-GRAM 2016 April (1.2 MB)
Our repeaters no longer have phone patch, reduced command set, 2 m repeater moved a short distance.
Member Robert Forster N6PCQ died.
ARRL News: Over the Horizon radar in some Region 1 countries becoming a problem in the HF bands.
SCCARA-GRAM 2016 May (1.2 MB)
We'll have Field Day at a new location: Houge Park, a neighborhood park in SW San Jose.
SCCARA-GRAM 2016 June (2.1 MB)
We'll have Field Day at Houge Park. Member Del Harbold K6JPX died.
ARRL News: Petitions to FCC: to remove 15 dB limit on amplifiers, change symbol rate to bandwidth, change CW segments to symbol communications.
SCCARA-GRAM 2016 July (0.6 MB)
Newsletter report for year 2015.
ARRL News: FCC to initiate "Noise Floor" inquiry.
SCCARA-GRAM 2016 August (1.4 MB)
SCCARA Field Day results.
ARRL News: FCC comment filing system all electronic. 600 m experiment over 202400 hours with no interference complaints.
SCCARA-GRAM 2016 September (0.7 MB)
ARRL News: FCC seeks comments on proposed rule change, bandwidth instead of symbol rate.
SCCARA-GRAM 2016 October (0.5 MB)
ARRL News: More countries get 60 M allocations. Amateur Radio Parity Act passes U.S. House, Senate is next.
SCCARA-GRAM 2016 November (0.5 MB)
Former long-time member Al Gaetano W6VZT died.
ARRL News: Looking at California's new "Distracted Driving" law. Urge FCC to remove symbol rate limits with bandwidth limits. Interference from HF broadcasters.
SCCARA-GRAM 2016 December (1.0 MB)
No meetings in December.
ARRL News: IARU adopts new 2 m band plan. Urge FCC to remove symbol rate limits with bandwidth limits. Interference from HF broadcasters.
SCCARA-GRAM 2015 January (2.3 MB)
Photos from the December luncheon. President's message warns about Li-ion battery fires.
SCCARA-GRAM 2015 February (0.7 MB)
ARRL News: The ARRL Library is now on-line. Some revisions to contest rules VHF and up.
SCCARA-GRAM 2015 March (1.7 MB)
ARRL News: Radio Shack is closing. Amateur licenses are now "paperless." Draft of new amateur segments in HF band.
Treasurer's report for 2014.
SCCARA-GRAM 2015 April (0.7 MB)
ARRL News: Amateur Radio Parity Act introduced in Congress, would extend to amateur radio "resonable accommodations."
SCCARA QSL card for its special event station W6E in October 2014 commemorating the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake.
SCCARA-GRAM 2015 May (0.6 MB)
ARRL News: Switching power supplies can be a significant noise source.
SCCARA-GRAM 2015 June (0.6 MB)
President's message: We'll do Field Day at Vasona Park in Los Gatos
ARRL News: FCC proposes new 630 m and 2200 m bands
SCCARA-GRAM 2015 July (1.0 MB)
ARRL News: Distance record set on 2.3 and 3.4 GHz, 4024 km.
5 year SCCARA member Larry Speckor, W2QOV died.
SCCARA-GRAM 2015 August (1.8 MB)
SCCARA hosts the August Electronic Flea Market.
ARRL News: Amateur Radio Becomes Primary on 1900-2000 kHz
Newsletter Notes: The digital SCCARA-GRAM archive is now on-line.
SCCARA-GRAM 2015 September (0.5 MB)
SCCARA repeater used in "Urban Shield" drill.
ARRL News: No more fee for vanity call sign. WWV 25 MHz is back.
SCCARA-GRAM 2015 October (0.5 MB)
ARRL News: China launches 9 amateur satellites. FCC is now paperless.
SCCARA-GRAM 2015 November (0.5 MB)
ARRL News: ARRL urges FCC to more forward on new amateur bands 630 m (472-479 kHz) and 2200 m (135.7-137.8 kHz).
SCCARA-GRAM 2015 December (0.9 MB)
ARRL News: Past ARRL Director and SCCARA member Brad Wyatt, K6WR, died. WRC approves global 60 M allocation. Use of FM simplex calling channel 146.52 now OK for ARRL contest like Feld Day.
SCCARA videos are being digitized for the archives, will be available on the club web site.
SCCARA-GRAM 2014 January (3.2 MB)
ARRL News: Radio Russia (former Radio Moscow) to end short wave broadcasts.
Former Mt. Umunhum Air Force Base and radar are finally being demolished (next to our packet BBS radio site).
SCCARA-GRAM 2014 February (0.3 MB)
ARRL News: follow-up on petition to FCC to change symbol rate limits to bandwidth limits, experiments at 472-479 kHz aim to demonstrate viability of a new MF amateur band, Canada Amateurs get new 60 m band segment.
SCCARA-GRAM 2014 March (987 MB)
Wife of Don Village K6PBQ died, SCCARA treasury ended 2013 with $5509.84.
SCCARA-GRAM 2014 April (2.6 MB)
Don AE6PM: Remotely control your station.
ARRL News: HF noise from "grow light" ballasts, experimental VLF amateur station in U.S. reaches Europe.
SCCARA-GRAM 2014 May (0.2 MB)
Newsletter cost analysis - dues doesn't cover the cost to mail paper newsletter.
ARRL News: WWV's 25 MHz signal is back on the air.
SCCARA-GRAM 2014 June (0.3 MB)
Get ready for Field Day, Treasurer - newsletter cost analysis, electric cars not necessarily a RF problem.
ARRL News: AM broadcasters and amateurs both want less noise in the MF band, Canada Amateurs get new band 472-479 kHz.
SCCARA-GRAM 2014 June FD addendum (0.4 MB)
SCCARA will be in Alviso for Field Day.
SCCARA-GRAM 2014 July (3.6 MB)
Howard Krawetz, N6HM died.
ARRL News: Amateur ULF signal on 8.971 kHz heard across the Atlantic.
SCCARA-GRAM 2014 August (0.3 MB)
ARRL News: Experimental operation at 472-479 kHz exceeds 170,000 hours.
SCCARA-GRAM 2014 September (0.3 MB)
John Scoville AE6ZR died.
ARRL News: Shortwave broadcasting in decline.
SCCARA-GRAM 2014 October (1.0 MB)
ARRL News: Experimental station in Texas on 475.62 kHz heard in Astralia.
SCCARA-GRAM 2014 November (1.3 MB)
SCCARA's special event station commemorating 25th anniversary of the Loma Prieta Earthquake.
SCCARA-GRAM 2014 December (0.6 MB)
ARRL News: FCC to go paperless with licenses.
SCCARA-GRAM 2013 January (2.3 MB)
ARRL News: petition for a new band at 472-479 kHz.
SCCARA-GRAM 2013 February (0.8 MB)
Member Jim O'Keefe, WE6V died.
Club treasury ended 2012 at $5058.39, down from $7600.22 in 2011.
Members successfully test aluminum solder stick for repairing aluminum antenna parts.
ARRL News: advice for matching amplifiers for Moon Bounce project. Iceland joins other European countries in gaining spectrum in 630 m band.
SCCARA-GRAM 2013 March (2.0 MB)
photos from Feb. meeting where we had equipment to test members' radios.
Report of trip to Mt. Umunhum radio site to work on SCCARA sponsored BBS.
SCCARA-GRAM 2013 April (3.1 MB)
member article on adventures installing Alpha-Delta 4-band wire antenna.
SCCARA-GRAM 2013 May (0.5 MB)
SCCARA sponsored BBS to move 2 m user frequency from 144.93 to 145.09 MHz this summer.
SCCARA's new 2 m repeater is being installed.
member article on S meters and what they really tell you.
SCCARA-GRAM report for 2012.
SCCARA-GRAM 2013 June (0.6 MB)
SCCARA will do Field Day at Alviso this year.
SCCARA-GRAM 2013 July (1.0 MB)
Report on how Field Day went at the Alviso location.
SCCARA sponsored BBS N0ARY, user frequency will be 145.09 MHz later this month.
SCCARA-GRAM 2013 August (5.4 MB)
Full report on SCCARA's Field Day weekend in Alviso.
SCCARA-GRAM 2013 September (0.7 MB)
ARRL News: ARRL to petition FCC to replace limits based on symbol rate with band width. AMSAT wants amateur satellites off the U.S. munitions list.
SCCARA-GRAM 2013 October (1.7 MB)
Report on SCCARA's picnic last month.
SCCARA-GRAM 2013 November (0.3 MB)
member article on 15 kHz channels in the 2 m band.
ARRL News: IARU to publish new band plan from 137 kHz to 250 GHz.
SCCARA-GRAM 2013 December (2.9 MB)
SCCARA participates in the 2013 CQ WW DX contest at member Clark's KE6KXO house.
SCCARA-GRAM 2012 January (0.5 MB)
Mailed SCCARA-GRAMs at 32, an all-time low. Most get the PDF version electronically now.
ARRL News: FCC grants medical devices to 70 cm band.
SCCARA-GRAM 2012 February (0.9 MB)
Memeber Goetz K6GKB starts "Work in Progress" column in SCCARA-GRAM. Treasury down to $7580 at the start of the year.
SCCARA-GRAM 2012 March (8.0 MB)
Several memeber projects.
ARRL News: FCC sets new rules for 60 m (5 MHz).
SCCARA-GRAM 2012 April (0.8 MB)
Member tests NVIS (near vertical incidence skywave) antenna.
SCCARA-GRAM 2012 May (2.6 MB)
Member Goetz K6GKB submitted many articles this month.
ARRL News: Amateurs must accept radar in 23 cm band.
SCCARA-GRAM 2012 June (4.5 MB)
Field Day in Alviso this year. Lots more articles from member Goetz K6GKB.
ARRL News: Suggested microwave band plans.
SCCARA-GRAM 2012 July (12.8 MB)
Field Day report from member Goetz K6GKB.
ARRL News: Suggested band plans for 9 cm and 23 cm.
SCCARA-GRAM 2012 August (0.5 MB)
More humoris articles from member Goetz K6GKB.
SCCARA-GRAM 2012 September (0.8 MB)
ARRL News: FCC releases Congressional study of amateur radio.
SCCARA-GRAM 2012 October (7.6 MB)
Several member articles.
SCCARA-GRAM 2012 November (3.9 MB)
Club station antenna work. Last meeting was member night. Report on SCCARA picnic, was like a mini Field Day.
SCCARA-GRAM 2012 December (0.8 MB)
ARRL News: 160 m band allocation changes. Possible new amateur band at 135.7-137.8 kHz.
SCCARA-GRAM 2011 January (2.9 MB)
Article on serface mount kits by member Don AE6PM. Photos from Dec. meeting.
ARRL News: Amateur allocation at 600 m gainin support among the Americas.
SCCARA-GRAM 2011 February (0.4 MB)
Treasury ends 2010 at over $9041.90. Northern CA 2 m band plan chart.
ARRL News: More interference from BPL (broadband over power lines).
SCCARA-GRAM 2011 March (0.4 MB)
Northern CA 6 m band plan chart.
ARRL News: 600 m amateur allocation a step closer. FCC considers 70 cm band for commercial use.
SCCARA-GRAM 2011 April (1.0 MB)
Our 70 cm repeater gets re-built. Northern CA 1.25 m band plan chart. NARCC wants to get into band planning.
ARRL News: FCC adopts spread spectrum rules change.
SCCARA-GRAM 2011 May (0.4 MB)
SCCARA hosts the May electronic flea market. Northern CA 70 cm band plan chart.
SCCARA-GRAM 2011 June (0.6 MB)
member Scott petersen KG6SPF died.   Article on SWR and transmission lines by member Don AE6PM. Northern CA 33 cm band plan chart.
SCCARA-GRAM 2011 July (3.2 MB)
Switching power supply article by member Fred AE6QL. Pt 2 article on SWR and transmission lines by member Don AE6PM. Field Day photos. &nbps; Northern CA 23 cm band plan chart.
SCCARA-GRAM 2011 August (0.5 MB)
Members Roy K6VIP and Verginia K6IUU donate Kenwood TS-440S rig. Pt 3 of SWR and transmission lines by member Don AE6PM. Northern CA SHF band plan charts.
SCCARA-GRAM 2011 September (0.5 MB)
Pt 4 of SWR and transmission lines by member Don AE6PM. Northern CA EHF band plan charts.
SCCARA-GRAM 2011 October (1.8 MB)
SCCARA's long time PO Box is changing from 6 to 106. Pt 5 of SWR and transmission lines by member Don AE6PM.
SCCARA-GRAM 2011 November (0.7 MB)
Member Don Steinbach AE6PM receives ARRL Pac Div HAM of the Year award. Northern CA HF band plan charts.
ARRL News: European proposal for amateur MF allocation makes progress. There are 700,000 U.S. amateurs. FCC tightens BPL (broadband over power lines) rules, but not enough.
SCCARA-GRAM 2011 December (1.5 MB)
Duplexer article by member Don AE6PM. Solar power dark side article by member Fred AE6QL. Northern CA MF band plan charts.
SCCARA-GRAM 2010 January (1.9 MB)
-40 dB tap article by member Don AE6PM.
ARRL News: History of 160 m. First Chinese amateur satellite.
SCCARA-GRAM 2010 February (2.8 MB)
Care of lead-acid batteries article by member Don AE6PM. Tour of KLOK AM station.
SCCARA-GRAM 2010 March (0.3 MB)
Member Ed Hajny W6ACW died. Yaesu FTM-350R radio review by member Fred AE6QL.
SCCARA-GRAM 2010 April (1.1 MB)
Member Patricial 'Trish' Gibbons WA6UBE died. Opion article on BPL by member Fred AE6QL.
ARRL News: FCC allows waiver to remote control device company in 70 cm band.
SCCARA-GRAM 2010 May (0.8 MB)
Prevous issue, April, was mistakenly labeled January.
ARRL News: City of Manassas ends BPL, not financially viable depsite promisses.
SCCARA-GRAM 2010 June (6.4 MB)
Our packet BBS N0ARY is repaired and back on the air.
ARRL News: Last Tech-Plus license to expire this month. Canadian HAMs now have 2200 m privileges.
SCCARA-GRAM 2010 July (0.4 MB)
SCCARA-GRAM 2010 August (0.6 MB)
ARRL News: 500 kHz experiment. Part 97 now allows employees participating in disaster drills to use amateur radio.
SCCARA-GRAM 2010 September (1.4 MB)
Chocolate zucchini cake recipe by member Marilyn KD6CXS.
ARRL News: world record set for longest distance on 10 GHz.
SCCARA-GRAM 2010 October (6.3 MB)
Our packet BBS N0ARY was down, but is now back on the air. Article on deceptive prices by member Fred AE6QL.
ARRL News: NY judge declares amateur radio is not a cell phone. U.S. to support secondary amateur use at at 461-469 kHz and 471-478 kHz.
SCCARA-GRAM 2010 November (0.4 MB)
Member Warren Gilleran KD6UD died, donated equipment to SCCARA, auctioned to members.
SCCARA-GRAM 2010 December (0.4 MB)
Humor article on what TENJOOBERRYMUDS means.
ARRL News: ARRL urges FCC to require notching out amateur HF bands from BPL.
SCCARA-GRAM 2009 January (0.3 MB)
ARRL News: FCC lambasted for minipulating or suppressing reports, data, and information, including regarding interference caused by BPL.
SCCARA-GRAM 2009 February (0.7 MB)
Member Jack Russell WA6IER died. Article on NeSCAF audio filter by member Ned Tufekcic AC6YY.
ARRL News: FCC Chairman change. Decline in BPL customers.
SCCARA-GRAM 2009 March (0.3 MB)
Article on Anderson Powerpole connectors by member Ned Tufekcic AC6YY. Article on getting started with packet BBS by member Gary Mitchell WB6YRU.
ARRL News: FCC gets new enforcement officer Laura Smith. ARRL issues policy regarding mobile operation with new laws in some states restricting cell phones while driving.
SCCARA-GRAM 2009 April (0.5 MB)
Pt 2 article on getting started with packet BBS by member Gary WB6YRU.
ARRL News: FCC clarifies what is a repeater, from a petition filed by member Gary WB6YRU.   LORAN-C (on 100 kHz) to be closed.
SCCARA-GRAM 2009 May (0.3 MB)
Pt 3 article on getting started with packet BBS by member Gary WB6YRU. Article on repeater spacing in 2 m band by member Fred AE6QL.
ARRL News: Comments on FCC's proposed BPL (Broadband over Power Lines). German team bounces signals off Venus.
SCCARA-GRAM 2009 June (1.2 MB)
Pt 4 article on getting started with packet BBS by member Gary WB6YRU.
ARRL News: Court orders FCC to release its unfavorable studies on BPL.
SCCARA-GRAM 2009 July (4.3 MB)
Pt 5 article on getting started with packet BBS by member Gary WB6YRU.
ARRL News: Court orders FCC to release its unfavorable studies on BPL.
SCCARA-GRAM 2009 August (0.3 MB)
Pt 6 article on getting started with packet BBS by member Gary WB6YRU.
ARRL News: FCC expands 500 kHz experimental license.
SCCARA-GRAM 2009 September (3.7 MB)
First color SCCARA-GRAM
ARRL News: FCC tells power utilities that amateurs don't have to pay for your tests to locate noise.
SCCARA-GRAM 2009 October (0.3 MB)
ARRL News: National Safty Council - no evidence that two-way radio use while driving increases crash risk.
SCCARA-GRAM 2009 November (0.4 MB)
list of web pages regarding last meeting's Moon bounce talk. Humor article by member Mike KB6LCJ.
ARRL News: WWV and WWVH.
SCCARA-GRAM 2009 December (2.7 MB)
Article on transmission line sampling by member Don AE6PM.
SCCARA-GRAM 2008 January (0.3 MB)
N0ARY BBS is being moved to Mt. Umunhum radio site.
ARRL News: Info on IARU region 2 band plan.
SCCARA-GRAM 2008 February (1.0 MB)
N0ARY BBS is now at Mt. Umunhum radio site, telephone port has been replaced with telnet port. VHF contest.
ARRL News: Air Force radar in No. CA, problem for 70 cm repeaters. 500 kHz distance record.
SCCARA-GRAM 2008 March (7.9 MB)
Member Emmett "Shorty" Freitas AE6Z died. BBS antenna fitted with PVC armor to survive the weather at Mt. Umunhum.
SCCARA-GRAM 2008 April (5.5 MB)
SCCARA to vote on new bylaws. BBS antenna mount doesn't survive the weather, PVC armor saves the antenna, new mount.
ARRL News: More on Air Force radar vs amateur 70 cm. FCC denies petitions to bring back Morse Code testing.
SCCARA-GRAM 2008 May (2.3 MB)
SCCARA picnic.
ARRL News: Court finds FCC messed up regarding BPL. Ten new amateur satellites.
SCCARA-GRAM 2008 June (0.6 MB)
Children's Discover Museum closes Amateur station donates radio to SCCARA. .
ARRL News: Offical describes how Amateur Radio fits in at the FCC.
SCCARA-GRAM 2008 July (1.6 MB)
New Windows based logging software for Field Day &nbps; Due to a fire near Mt. Madonna, SCCARA does Field Day at San Jose Red Cross. SCCARA demo station at Stanford U.
ARRL News: CA has new hands-free law, amateur not affected.
SCCARA-GRAM 2008 August (0.9 MB)
N0ARY BBS at new radio site.
ARRL News: FCC loses two points in court regarding BPL.
SCCARA-GRAM 2008 September (1.4 MB)
SCCARA picnic.
ARRL News: New Dutch amateur satellite.
SCCARA-GRAM 2008 October (0.2 MB)
rebuilt SCCARA 70 cm repeater back on the air.
ARRL News: Radio direction finding world contest.
SCCARA-GRAM 2008 November (0.3 MB)
SCCARA did well at the electronics flea market.
ARRL News: More regarding Air Force radar and 70 cm. More on 500 kHz.
SCCARA-GRAM 2008 December (0.7 MB)
article on decibell (dB and dBW).
ARRL News: IBM teams up with BPL provider in seven States. 500 kHz distance record.
SCCARA-GRAM 2007 January (0.2 MB)
ARRL News: FCC eliminates Morse Code requirement. HF allocation changes.
SCCARA-GRAM 2007 February (0.3 MB)
SCCARA-GRAM is now available on-line.
ARRL News: Morse requirement gone as of Feb 23. New Argentine satellite.
SCCARA-GRAM 2007 March (0.3 MB)
SCCARA-GRAM electronic version.
ARRL News: FCC Chairman perpetuates BPL myths. New laws regarding cell phone use while driving are a concern for amateurs.
SCCARA-GRAM 2007 April (0.3 MB)
ARRL News: Changes to ARRL's bandwidth approach. Experimental 500 kHz stations log 1000's of hours.
SCCARA-GRAM 2007 May (0.3 MB)
ARRL News: ARRL working on ways to reduce Air Force radar and amateur 70 cm conflicts. More work on bandwidth proposal.
SCCARA-GRAM 2007 June (0.3 MB)
ARRL News: Motorola suspends BPL development.
SCCARA-GRAM 2007 July (4.4 MB)
Field Day photos.   Reprint of article in Jan. 1937 QST about SCCARA.
ARRL News: ARRL asks non-compliant BPL project to shut down. U.S. Sentate to look into BPL interference potential.
SCCARA-GRAM 2007 August (0.3 MB)
Temporary new meeting location. Some membership statistics.
ARRL News: More news regarding BPL and court briefs.
SCCARA-GRAM 2007 September (0.7 MB)
New meeting location, Kaiser Santa Clara.   Editor looking for old SCCARA-GRAMs for the archives.
SCCARA-GRAM 2007 October (5.3 MB)
Picnic photos.
ARRL News: interference issues with BPL.
SCCARA-GRAM 2007 November (0.3 MB)
Possible move of our N0ARY BBS (from its shared spot with our 70 cm repeater).
ARRL News: ARRL faces FCC in court over BPL.
SCCARA-GRAM 2007 December (0.2 MB)
ARRL News: New 500 kHz experiments.
SCCARA-GRAM 2006 January (1.7 MB)
SCCARA participates in Sweepstakes 2005 contest at San Jose Red Cross.
ARRL News: Record broken on 134 GHz. BPL interference.
SCCARA-GRAM 2006 February (0.6 MB)
ARRL News: BPL interference in New York
SCCARA-GRAM 2006 March (0.6 MB)
ARRL News: ARRL asks FCC to deny industry waiver request for 902-928 MHz. Petition to FCC to regulate bands by bandwidth instead of mode.
SCCARA-GRAM 2006 April (0.6 MB)
ARRL News: BPL chip maker shows interference abatement improvements.
SCCARA-GRAM 2006 May (0.6 MB)
ARRL News: comments requested on ARRL's spread spectrum petition. Manassas BPL interference.
SCCARA-GRAM 2006 June (2.8 MB)
ARRL News: CA approves BPL regulations. Rules changes now in effect.
SCCARA-GRAM 2006 July (4.2 MB)
Photos from Field Day.
ARRL News: U.S. House OK's bill with BPL study.
SCCARA-GRAM 2006 August (0.6 MB)
ARRL News: Intruders in several HF amateur bands. 6 m band unusually active.
SCCARA-GRAM 2006 September (0.6 MB)
ARRL News: FCC adopts Part 15 rules for BPL.
SCCARA-GRAM 2006 October (3.3 MB)
Picnic photos.
ARRL News: IARU members want broadcasters to end battle on the ham bands. ARRL gets experimental license for 500 kHz. LF long-distance QSO on 136 kHz.
SCCARA-GRAM 2006 November (0.6 MB)
N0ARY BBS email port got so much spam, it had to be shut off.
ARRL News: New law - amateur radio si part of emergency communications community. FCC releases omnibus amateur radio report & order.
SCCARA-GRAM 2006 December (0.6 MB)
ARRL News: Amateur radio omnimus rules take effect. Broadcasters support ARRL in BPL court appeal.
SCCARA-GRAM 2005 January (0.6 MB)
ARRL News: CA CPUC is enthusiastic for BPL (broadband over power lines). BPL not viable compared to DSL or cable. Unlicensed widebad at 6, 17, and 24 GHz. FCC approves first software defined radio.
SCCARA-GRAM 2005 February (0.4 MB)
SCCARA-GRAM to be made available via email and our web site.
ARRL News: FCC releases test data on BPL, finally. BPL company can't see any intereference, ARRL says they're incompetent. Canada gets broad support to drop Morse code requirement.
SCCARA-GRAM 2005 March (0.5 MB)
ARRL News: ARRL tells FCC in should reconsider its BPL order.
SCCARA-GRAM 2005 April (0.6 MB)
Super transistor (April fools). SCCARA-GRAM now available electronically.
ARRL News: BPL provider fails to address New Your interference complaints.
SCCARA-GRAM 2005 May (0.5 MB)
ARRL News: US House introduces resolution calling on FCC to evaluate BPL interference.
SCCARA-GRAM 2005 June (2.8 MB)
Club dues will be going up. 1983-2005 membership graph.
ARRL News: UK study shows interference from BPL trial. Amateur regulations changing in some countries.
SCCARA-GRAM 2005 July (0.5 MB)
Fuel Cell opinion article by Fred AE6QL.
SCCARA-GRAM 2005 August (0.5 MB)
ARRL News: FCC proposes dropping all Morse code testing requirement.
SCCARA-GRAM 2005 September (0.6 MB)
ARRL News: Message from ARRL President regarding amateur radio and hurricane Katrina.
SCCARA-GRAM 2005 October (0.5 MB)
ARRL News: Federal grant to help amature radio operators who help with hurricane relief efforts.
SCCARA-GRAM 2005 November (0.7 MB)
Picnic photos.
ARRL News: Pennsylvania utility says BPL is not economically favorable. &nbps; ARRL objects to BPL database access limits. Transpacific reception of amateur LF signals.
SCCARA-GRAM 2005 December (0.6 MB)
ARRL News: LF experimentation by amateurs. ARRL petitions FCC to regulate signals based on bandwidth instead of mode.
SCCARA-GRAM 2004 January (0.4 MB)
ARRL News: Hong Kong, Denmark drop Morse Code requirements.
SCCARA-GRAM 2004 February (0.6 MB)
Treasurer's report: total accounts = $6050.66.
ARRL News: Austrian BPL pilot project ended, caused HF interference.
SCCARA-GRAM 2004 March (0.7 MB)
ARRL News: Austrian BPL pilot project ended, caused HF interference.
SCCARA-GRAM 2004 April (0.5 MB)
Member and past SCCARA President Don Hayden KO6HH died.
ARRL News: FCC proposes rules for BPL (Broadband over Power Lines) systems. New 241 GHz record.
Hamfest Survival guide (selling at a flea market)
SCCARA-GRAM 2004 May (1.9 MB)
New York Times article: Morse code for @ is dit-dah-dah-dit-dah-dit.
ARRL News: FCC allows RF ID tags from 433.5 to 434.5 MHz.
(This archive was reproduced using the origial color maps, but at the time the SCCARA-GRAM was in black & white.)
SCCARA-GRAM 2004 June (1.9 MB)
SCCARA hosts the June Electronic Flea market.
Amateurs can contact the International Space Station.
ARRL News: NTIA study documents interference from BPL (broadband over power lines).
(This archive was reproduced using the origial color maps, but at the time the SCCARA-GRAM was in black & white.)
SCCARA-GRAM 2004 July (0.5 MB)
Treasurer's report: total accounts = $2379.64.
ARRL News: Iowa HAM is BPL interference poster child.
SCCARA-GRAM 2004 August (0.5 MB)
ARRL News: FCC Chairman Powel supports broadband over power lines. Actor/Amateur Marlon Brando KE6PZH/FO8GJ, died.
N0ARY BBS's email port had to be turned off because of spammers.
SCCARA-GRAM 2004 September (0.7 MB)
Treasurer's report: total accounts = $4970.16.
Field Day 2004 photos.
(This archive was reproduced using the origial color images, but at the time the SCCARA-GRAM was in black & white.)
SCCARA-GRAM 2004 October (0.5 MB)
ARRL News: ARRL comments on BPL (broadband over power lines), N. Carolina utility to end BPL.
SCCARA-GRAM 2004 October Extra (0.3 MB)
Addendum, (articles omitted from Oct. issue).
SCCARA-GRAM 2004 November (2.3 MB)
ARRL News: FCC Adopts new BPL rules, acknowledges interference potential.
(This archive was reproduced using the origial color images, but at the time the SCCARA-GRAM was in black & white.)
SCCARA-GRAM 2004 December (1.0 MB)
Board minutes: discussion of accounts being down to $4000 and selling some club owned radios.
ARRL News: FCC adopts BPL (broadband over Powerline) report and order.
(This archive was reproduced using the origial color images, but at the time the SCCARA-GRAM was in black & white.)
Up to this point (including December 2003) the pdf's were created directly from the original WordPerfect files.
From here down they are scans of paper camera-ready masters.
SCCARA-GRAM 2003 January (0.6 MB)
ARRL News: WRC-03 Conference discussing ways to improve 40 m band world wide.
SCCARA-GRAM 2003 February (0.4 MB)
Our N0ARY packet BBS is back on the air.
ARRL News: FCC has a new system for filing comments.
SCCARA-GRAM 2003 March (0.9 MB)
SCCARA Badge will have its own form, no longer part of the membership form, our 2 m repeater is on the air at Eagle Rock.
ARRL News: Pac. Div. Director Jim Maxwell, W6CF, died. New Field Day class F for Emergency Centers.
SCCARA-GRAM 2003 April (0.4 MB)
SCCARA's Editor has been at it for 10 years now as of the last issue.
SCCARA-GRAM 2003 May (2.5 MB)
Don K6PBQ does Scouts Jamboree on the Air for 10 years now, (photos).
ARRL News: CA antenna bill zips through Assembly.
SCCARA-GRAM 2003 June (2.1 MB)
ARRL News: Comments solicited on FCC's "Broadband over Powerlines" (BPL). FCC says no to LF allocation.
SCCARA-GRAM 2003 July (0.5 MB)
ARRL News: Amateurs have new spectrum at 60 m, WRC-03 ready to end Morse Code requirements.
SCCARA-GRAM 2003 August (3.6 MB)
N0ARY BBS is repaired. Pictures from Field Day.
ARRL News: HF broadcasters to move from part of 40 m band. We have five channels in 60 m band. CA passes antenna bill.
SCCARA-GRAM 2003 September (0.7 MB)
ARRL News: ARRL has supported keeping Morse Code requirements, but opinions seem to be changing. League to document digital modes allowed on HF, experimental beacon in Alaska on 136 kHz.
SCCARA-GRAM 2003 October (0.6 MB)
ARRL News: More comments on BPL (broadband over power lines), more countries drop Morse Code requirements, popular U0-14 FM satellite stopped working.
SCCARA-GRAM 2003 November (0.7 MB)
SCCARA station survey.
ARRL News: More comments on BPL (broadband over power lines), world's broadcasters come out against BPL, many comments regarding Morse Code requirements, 73 magazine ends.
SCCARA-GRAM 2003 December (1.9 MB)
SCCARA station survey results were anemic. SCCARA-GRAM format gets a few small changes.
SCCARA-GRAM 2002 January (2.1 MB)
SCCARA will have a no-code tech class. SCCARA-GRAM format gets a few small changes.
SCCARA-GRAM 2002 February (0.6 MB)
ARRL News: 219-220 MHz retained for amateurs on a secondary basis and with restrictions.
SCCARA-GRAM 2002 March (0.7 MB)
ARRL News: A few changes to the Field Day rules.
SCCARA-GRAM 2002 April (0.5 MB)
Next meeting Dick Barrett W6CFK will speak about SCCARA's early days.
ARRL News: FCC putting new pressure on 2390-2400 MHz amateur band.
SCCARA-GRAM 2002 May (0.7 MB)
ARRL News: FCC putting new pressure on 2390-2400 MHz amateur band.
SCCARA-GRAM 2002 June (0.9 MB)
ARRL News: FCC to consider two new amateur bands, 5.25-5.4 kHz and 135.7 to 137.8 kHz.
SCCARA-GRAM 2002 July (2.6 MB)
Field Day arrangements were a little messed up this year, but we did OK anway.
SCCARA-GRAM 2002 August (3.5 MB)
Results from Field Day 2002.
ARRL News: FCC ask for comments regarding new amateur bands 5.25-5.4 kHz and 135.7 to 137.8 kHz.
SCCARA-GRAM 2002 September (0.5 MB)
Work continues on getting a better site for our 2 m repepater, the Kaiser Santa Teresa site isn't working out.
ARRL News: Callbook ends after the Winter 2003 issue.
SCCARA-GRAM 2002 October (0.7 MB)
ARRL News: FCC consideres turning 1.25 m band over to commercial use.
SCCARA-GRAM 2002 November (0.5 MB)
SCCARA elections, two officer positions still open.
SCCARA-GRAM 2002 December (0.5 MB)
We need two officers: V.P and Secretary.
SCCARA-GRAM 2001 January (0.7 MB)
We're lacking a Secretary and V.P.
ARRL News: World Radio Conference will be in 2003, ARRL opposes relaxing CW testing requirement.
SCCARA-GRAM 2001 February (1.6 MB)
Opinion article on the shrinking membership by Gary Mitchell WB6YRU. Article by Don K6PBQ on JOTA 2000.
ARRL News: Jamming in the Middle East. Canada proposes reduced Morse code requirement. Packet station on the ISS. &nbps; ARRL board admits Morse code will eventually be dropped, but still wants to maintain code requirements in the U.S.
SCCARA-GRAM 2001 March (0.6 MB)
Article on Remote Base by Brad Wyatt K6WR. Audio amplifier circuit by Rik Schneider AD6QV. N0ARY BBS getting interference from new ATV K6BEN in East San Jose.
ARRL News: LF transatlantic amateur contact. WWV survey.
SCCARA-GRAM 2001 April (2.0 MB)
Former member Harry Wijtman AE6m died.
ARRL News: Update on WWV survey. Amateur Spectrum Protection Act of 2001 introduced. Company wants FCC to allow their RFID tags in 70 cm band. &nbps; New Field Day rules. ARRL considering 160 m band plan changes. ARRL wants FCC to expland amateur use of 216-220 MHz. Distance record set on 76 GHz.
SCCARA-GRAM 2001 May (0.9 MB)
ARRL News: Europe lowers CW requirement to 5 WPM.
SCCARA-GRAM 2001 June (1.5 MB)
George Fujii K6DEZ member since 1932 died.
ARRL News: License renewal now done on the FCC web site.
SCCARA-GRAM 2001 July (1.9 MB)
Meeting location change from HP to Kaiser Santa Clara.
ARRL News: Cordless phones from China cause interference. WWV survey available on-line. BBS to end short wave transmission to N. America.
SCCARA-GRAM 2001 August (0.8 MB)
SCCARA member (from 1974 to 1996) Bill Oliver WB6ORU died.
"Murder at Mt. Madonna" (humor article about a mouse at Field Day)
ARRL News: Amateur signal on 184 kHz spans the Pacific.
SCCARA-GRAM 2001 September (1.1 MB)
ARRL News: FCC considers putting mobile 3G in amateur UHF bands.
SCCARA-GRAM 2001 October (0.5 MB)
ARRL News: Amateurs respond in force after terrorist attacks on Sept. 11.
SCCARA-GRAM 2001 November (4.9 MB)
Possible Field Day site at Lake Cunningham Park. Ride & Tie article by El K6ZYY. Picnic photos. Article and photos of ARRL HQ by Don KK6MX.
ARRL News: FCC says band plans to matter. IARU calls for end to Morse requirement. Battle over Part 15 access to 425-435 MHz.
SCCARA-GRAM 2001 December (2.3 MB)
SCCARA turns 80, article by Dick Barrett W6CFK.   Visiting ARRL, article by Don KO6HH. JOTA 2001 article by Don K6PBQ.
ARRL News: Sharing the bands. Petition to allocate 60 m.
SCCARA-GRAM 2000 January (1.1 MB)
We need a Secretary and V.P. Article on radials for vertical antennas.
SCCARA-GRAM now delivered by first class mail.
ARRL News: Brad Wyatt K6WR steps down as Pac. Div. director, Jim Maxwell W6CF to take the post.
SCCARA-GRAM 2000 February (0.8 MB)
Gary WB6YRU steps down as Editor to become Secretary.
ARRL News: Now there are three license classes, one code speed. ARRL purchases Communications Quarterly, to merge with ARRL's journal QEX.
March, April, and May 2000 were not produced
SCCARA-GRAM 2000 June (0.8 MB)
Doug WN6U takes over as Secretary, Gary WB6YRU to be SCCARA-GRAM editor again.
SCCARA-GRAM 2000 July (0.6 MB)
ARRL News: Ideas to boost amateur radio growth.
SCCARA-GRAM 2000 August (0.8 MB)
Mike KB6LCJ becomes SCCARA's new name badge maker.
SCCARA-GRAM 2000 September (0.7 MB)
Gary WB6YRU takes over as SCCARA's name badge maker.
ARRL News: Amateurs must now be in compliance with FCC's RF safety regulations.
SCCARA-GRAM 2000 October (0.6 MB)
ARRL News: IARU calls for phasing out of Morse code requirement.
SCCARA-GRAM 2000 November ( MB)
Letter from Trish, SCCARA will have to pay rent for the 2 m repeater if it stays at her house, repeater info.
Photos from SCCARA hosting October flea market, picnic, and Field Day.
SCCARA-GRAM 2000 December (1.0 MB)
Early SCCARA member Otho "Och" Lawrence K6CAY gets 75 year award. Opinion on CW requirement.
ARNS article reprint: Space Shuttle based on a horse's butt.
ARRL News: U.S. to recommend ending Morse code in maritime-mobile. ARRL to review its policy on Morse code.
SCCARA-GRAM 1999 January (1.6 MB)
ARRL News: TMSAT-1 satellite has packet BBS, ready for use. SETI and amateur radio. Wireless modems HF interference source. Dutch HAMs experiment with 136 kHz, ARRL petitions FCC to allocate LF amateur segments.
SCCARA-GRAM 1999 February (0.6 MB)
ARRL News: Possible ARRL name change.
SCCARA-GRAM 1999 March (0.9 MB)
Jean "Doc" Gmelin W6ZRJ and Orin "Hank" Brown W6HB died. Hank was a charter member. Article on 10 m beam antenna by Don KO6HH (former KC6WMM). Article on PL by Wally KA6YMD.
ARRL News: PSK31, effective digital mode.   Jordan's King Hussein JY1 died. Wireless Privacy Bill in Congress.
SCCARA-GRAM 1999 April (1.0 MB)
Secretary needed. Finacial report.
ARRL News: HAARP HF experiment. LF experimental license issued.   ARRL e-mail address for members.
SCCARA-GRAM 1999 May (1.1 MB)
Possibly going from bulk mail to first class on newsletter mailing.
ARRL News: Arguments for and against LF amateur allocations. &nbps; Offical Observer notices should be taken seriously. FCC issues stronger radio scanner rules.
SCCARA-GRAM 1999 June (1.1 MB)
ARRL News: FCC discontinues its complaint telephone line. Update on Spectrum Protection Act.
SCCARA-GRAM 1999 July (1.2 MB)
Selling SCCARA article by Dan Dietz WM6M.
ARRL News: Debate over keeping Morse code requirement shows up in Wall Street Journal. FCC sets vanity license fee. MFJ buys out Hy-Gain. 146.52 now off limits during Field Day.
SCCARA-GRAM 1999 August (5.2 MB)
End of commercial telegraph.   Humor article about Field Day by Mike KB6LCJ. Repeater interference. Field Day photos.
ARRL News: Experimental station on 136.75 kHz.
SCCARA-GRAM 1999 September (1.0 MB)
Why SCCARA? article by Gary WB6YRU. Financial report. NIVS antenna article by Arnie Corro CO2KK.
ARRL News: 160 m opens during solar eclipse. FCC's Universal Licensing System starting.
SCCARA-GRAM 1999 October (3.3 MB)
Picnic photos.
ARRL News: Distance record on 2 m. Sweden lowers code requirement to 5 WPM. FCC relaxes rules for spread spectrum.
SCCARA-GRAM 1999 November (3.7 MB)
Dan Dietz WM6M died. Kids Faire article by Don Village K6PBQ.
ARRL News: FCC gets funding for two new bureaus Enforcement and Public Information.
SCCARA-GRAM 1999 December (1.0 MB)
We haven't had a Secretary for two years, Gary WB6YRU may stop being Editor and become Secretary.
ARRL News: FCC revises conduction emission limits. FCC allocates 5.9 GHz to Intelligent Transportation System.
SCCARA-GRAM 1998 January (0.9 MB)
N0ARY upgrade article by Gary Mitchell WB6YRU. Space Shuttle frequency list. Red Cross emergency communications.
ARRL News: FCC issues RF safety guidelines.
SCCARA-GRAM 1998 February (0.9 MB)
ARRL News: New crew on MIR to be all HAMs. RS-12 sat. on 2 m and 10 m. RF exposure guidelines in effect.
SCCARA-GRAM 1998 March (0.7 MB)
N0ARY BBS 2 m port is up and running.
SCCARA-GRAM 1998 April (0.9 MB)
Computer zaps its creator (April fools).
ARRL News: New rules for Field Day. FCC proposes rules changes. House passes radio scanner bill.
SCCARA-GRAM 1998 May (1.7 MB)
Field Day article by Dan Dietz WM6M. Picnic photos.
ARRL News: Amateur Radio Spectrum Protection Bill introduced in Congress. FCC may lower fee for vanity call sign. Wireless Privacy Bill passes in the House. FCC to allow comments filed electronically. FCC may put GPS in amateur 23 cm band. Spread Spectrum article in April 1998 Scientific American.
SCCARA-GRAM 1998 June (1.0 MB)
Humor article: I am my own grandpa.
ARRL News: Land Mobile wants shared use of 70 cm. Great Britain says no to mandatory Morse code testing.
SCCARA-GRAM 1998 July (2.5 MB)
Photos from our 1994 Field Day.
ARRL News: Vanity call sign fee will be $13. FCC accepting comments on proposal to share Land Mobile with amateur on 70 cm. FCC to tighten radio scanner rules.
SCCARA-GRAM 1998 August (1.7 MB)
We need a Secretary. ICOM IC-735 donated to the club by KB6OHO estate. Field Day photos.
ARRL News: Proposed simplified license structure. New radio scanner rules could hurt amateurs. Amateur Spectrum Protection Act of 1998 introduced in Congress.
SCCARA-GRAM 1998 September (0.9 MB)
ARRL News: World Amateur Radio Day. FCC's Biennial Review includes Part 97 changes.
SCCARA-GRAM 1998 October (3.2 MB)
N0ARY BBS is being moved, share the spot at Alexian Bros. with our 70 cm repeater.
ARRL News: More on FCC's Biennial Review. FCC adopts ULS - Universal Licensing System.
SCCARA-GRAM 1998 November (0.8 MB)
Let's get Pacificon back in Silicon Valley, article by Lloyd DeVaughns KD6FJI. Pacificon '98 article by Barbara Britten KD6QEI. Humor article about hell freezing over.
ARRL News: FCC renews enforcement emphasis. Gamma ray burst briefly affects propagation.
SCCARA-GRAM 1998 December (1.7 MB)
Inverted V antenna for a mobile home, article by Henry Ponce WD6CGI.   CQ JOTA, article by Don Village K6PBQ.
ARRL News: Petition for two new LF amateur bands. Netherlands LF test.
SCCARA-GRAM 1997 January (2.3 MB)
REACT, article by Barbara Britten KD6QEI. Intro to Packet pt 20 (last), by Larry Kenny WB6LOZ. OSCAR-13 ends, burns up on re-entry.
ARRL News: FCC delays new RF exposure rules. TAPR (Tucson Amateur Packet Radio) takes over info on digital systems from ARRL's Repeater Directory. ARRL committee supports maintaining Morse code testing requirement at WRC 1999. VHF, UHF bands in demand by non amateur at WRC-1997.
SCCARA-GRAM 1997 February (0.9 MB)
Someone we know?, humor article by Dan Dietz WM6M. Estate sale of Bill Stevens W6ZM SK.
ARRL News: Sat. industry eyes 146-148 MHz. FCC establishes 5.7 GHz service in Part 15.
SCCARA-GRAM 1997 March (0.9 MB)
NiCd care and charging, article. Photos can now be scanned and electronically printed in the newsletter, but am still using a 300 dpi printer.
ARRL News: ARRL opposes sat. industry effort to include 219-225 MHz. Many new antenna ordinances around the country.
SCCARA-GRAM 1997 April (0.7 MB)
FCC enacts code requirement for internet. (April fools).
ARRL News: Proposed changes to rules for spread spectrum. Amateur volunteers Bill introduced in Congress. FCC drops date of birth info. from license records.
SCCARA-GRAM 1997 May (1.0 MB)
Corrosion protection for towers, article. Standardize power connectors, article. Bulk mail account costs $85 per year, last newsletter was late because the payment was missed.
ARRL News: Various rules changes and proposals. HAM radio excluded from CB enforcement Bill. NJ Superior Court judge rules federal law prevents him from ruling HAM radio interference is a nuisance.
SCCARA-GRAM 1997 June (1.0 MB)
Station protection from lightning, article pt 1.
SCCARA-GRAM 1997 July (1.0 MB)
J. Ferris Norman "Norm" KC6VPZ died. W6ZM estate sale. Station protection from lightning, article pt 2.
ARRL News: Amateurs covered by Volunteer Protection Act of 1997.
SCCARA-GRAM 1997 August (1.0 MB)
SCCARA will have a web site, but we need a web master. Antennas are going up at the Red Cross for the club station. Club officials, article by Don KO6HH. CDF Chile recipe by Barbara KD6QEI. Estate sales of W6ZM and KC6VPZ. Feb. 1995 WordRadio reports Florida judge ruled amateur transmissions are noxious and offensive. Station protection article pt 3.
ARRL News: Amateur Radio News Service has newsletter competition, deadline Dec. 31, 1997.
SCCARA-GRAM 1997 September (1.0 MB)
Tower grounding and corrosion vs type of metals.
ARRL News: ARRL asks FCC to privatize handling of interference complaints.
SCCARA-GRAM 1997 October (0.8 MB)
New meeting location, at HP in Cupertino. Bob Keller KB6OHO died. SCCARA Roster summer 1997.
ARRL News: Right to Receive, privacy law could affect scanners and amateur. FCC revises RF safe thresholds.
SCCARA-GRAM 1997 November (1.0 MB)
SCCARA records, article by Jack Ruckman AC6FU.
ARRL News: FCC has new electronic renewal form. APRS move from 145.79 to make way for satellites and
Space Station on 145.80 MHz. RF exposure rules take effect Jan. 1, 1998.
SCCARA-GRAM 1997 December (1.0 MB)
Working model of Sputnik is in orbit and on the air. How Gullible Are We? article.
ARRL News: Scanner Bill has been rewritten for HAMs and scanner enthusiasts. Latest at WRC-1997.
SCCARA-GRAM 1996 January (4.5 MB)
Dinner meeting photos. Intro to Packet pt 8, by Larry Kenny WB6LOZ. Humor articles on origin of some slang terms and the spell checker. Board meeting and newsletter deadline moved up one week. No more first-class option on mailing the newsletter.
ARRL News: Vanity call signs about to begin. No change to CW testing requirement. As military bases close, so do their MARS stations. &nbps; FCC will not investigate interferrence to home electronics.
SCCARA-GRAM 1996 February (2.2 MB)
Intro to Packet pt 9, by Larry Kenny WB6LOZ. Amateur radio class.
ARRL News: Possible threat to HAM bands 2.3 GHz and 5.7 GHz.
SCCARA-GRAM 1996 March (4.4 MB)
Intro to Packet pt 10, by Larry Kenny WB6LOZ.
ARRL News: Slight delay on vanity call signs. Telecom. reforms have little effect on amateur, some on VE program.
SCCARA-GRAM 1996 April (1.0 MB)
President's message mentioned getting very old SCCARA radio equipment from Doc W6ZRJ. Financial statement. Intro to Packet pt 11, by Larry Kenny WB6LOZ.
ARRL News: 50-81 GHz band threat. FCC considering RF exposure guidelines. Newsletter The DXer of No. CA DX club gets top honors.
SCCARA-GRAM 1996 May (3.7 MB)
Intro to Packet pt 12, by Larry Kenny WB6LOZ. R5 antenna review by Gary Mitchell WB6YRU.
ARRL News: Bill in Congress would give liability protection to amateur volunteers. FCC releases report on amateur RF fields.
SCCARA-GRAM 1996 June (1.3 MB
Intro to Packet pt 13, by Larry Kenny WB6LOZ. SCCARA amateur radio class is complete. Article on fixing power supplies, pt 1. Dues may go up to $20. SCCARA Roster 1996.
ARRL News: United Kingdom HAMs get new VLF band, 71.6-74.4 kHz. FCC may allow Part 15 wireless network use of 5 GHz.
SCCARA-GRAM 1996 July (1.2 MB)
Intro to Packet pt 14, by Larry Kenny WB6LOZ. Article on fixing power supplies, pt 2. Article on station grounding for HF.
ARRL News: Sat. industry looking at 2 m and 70 cm bands. Most rumors of band threats are from
mere studies leading up to WRC-97.
SCCARA-GRAM 1996 August (0.8 MB)
Intro to Packet pt 15, by Larry Kenny WB6LOZ. SCCARA special event station for our 75th anniversary. SCCARA logo recreated, now in digital format, by Gary Mitchell WB6YRU. Article on fixing power supplies, pt 3.
ARRL News: More on sat. industry looking at 2 m and 70 cm bands. Former Ft. Ord MARS station now belongs to Marina City and is a civilian radio club.
SCCARA-GRAM 1996 September (1.0 MB)
Bill Stevens W6ZM, member since 1935, died. Cliff Furlow KE6HM, member since 1981, died. Officers and Directors article by Don KO6HH. Intro to Packet pt 16, by Larry Kenny WB6LOZ. Article on fixing power supplies, pt 4. New SCCARA-GRAM header, with logos.
ARRL News: FCC has new rules on RF exposure. bands VHF and above at risk.
SCCARA-GRAM 1996 October (0.8 MB)
Halleck Island DX-pedition by George AB6OZ. Intro to Packet pt 17, by Larry Kenny WB6LOZ. Article on fixing power supplies, pt 5, last part, by AA2AD. Dinner meeting sign-up, special SCCARA 75th anniversary.
ARRL News: New RF exposure rules go into effect Jan. 1 1997.
SCCARA-GRAM 1996 November (0.8 MB)
President's message by Hugh Collis KD6EFL about next month's 75th anniversary dinner. CW commentary by Gary Mitchell WB6YRU. Bye-bye to 2300 MHz, by Bruce perens AB6YM. Intro to Packet pt 18, by Larry Kenny WB6LOZ. MARS stations to drop all CW nets. Dinner meeting sign-up, special SCCARA 75th anniversary.
ARRL News: Congress adjourns, pending Bills related to amateur radio are dead.
SCCARA-GRAM 1996 December (0.9 MB)
Intro to Packet pt 19, by Larry Kenny WB6LOZ. SCCARA roster Dec. 1996.
ARRL News: TAPR received FCC approval to begin spread spectrum experiments above 50 MHz.
SCCARA-GRAM 1995 January (0.7 MB)
The Editor is now also the Secretary--more reports in the newsletter. Elmer survey.
ARRL News: Vanity call signs are coming, $7 annual fee. FCC reorganization. Congress legislative report. Rusty Epps W6OAT collecting data on local antenna ordinances.
SCCARA-GRAM 1995 February (3.9 MB)
Photo of club "higher-ups" for 1995. Speech by Dick Barreett W6CFK at our 50th anniversary meeting. Photos of our Dec. Dinner meeting. Options and cost of mailing the newsletter.
ARRL News: Vanity call signs should begin shortly. More details about FCC reorganization.
SCCARA-GRAM 1995 March (2.2 MB)
Jean "Doc" Gmelin W6ZRJ talked about the history of SCCARA. George Brady AB6OZ forms SCCARA Youth Committee. Dumbing down amateur radio and what to do, article by WB2EZG.
ARRL News: FCC allocates 2310-2360 to satellite radio services. Amateurs get primary status in 2390-2400, 2402-2417 MHz.
SCCARA-GRAM 1995 April (2.3 MB)
Bill Stevens W6ZM talked about SCCARA history at the dinner meeting. SCCARA to have it's own 2 m contest. Walter Nelson W6AVJ died. Walter Drozdiak W6LDO died. SCCARA roster as of March 30, 1995.
SCCARA-GRAM 1995 May (3.8 MB)
Don Apte KK6MX gets volunteer award for ATV during recent flood. SCCARA roster May 1995.
ARRL News: FCC proposes letting computer industry avoid RFI certification. Amateurs get access
to 219-220 MHz, but with restrictions. NTIA report outlines future amateur spectrum.
SCCARA-GRAM 1995 June (5.3 MB)
SCCARA's 2 m contest results. SCCARA hosts flea market despite the rain. Intro to Packet pt 1, by Larry Kenny WB6LOZ.
ARRL News: Study shows no link between RF and cancer. FCC allows automatically controlled HF digital.
SCCARA-GRAM 1995 July (1.1 MB)
Intro to Packet pt 2, by Larry Kenny WB6LOZ. Field Day notes, Gary Mitchell WB6YRU. Novice station at Field Day, by Timothy KE6MEA age 11, and Sarah KE6MPP age 14. General license class, George Brady AB6OZ.
ARRL News: FCC drops fee for vanity license from $70 to $30 for ten years. more details on automatically controlled digital at HF.
SCCARA-GRAM 1995 August (4.8 MB)
John Cole AA6QE died. Intro to Packet pt 3, by Larry Kenny WB6LOZ. Field Day photos, it got up to 105 degrees. SCCARA roster Aug. 1995.
ARRL News: Rod Stafford KB6ZV becomes ARRL president (was a SCCARA member). 5.8 GHz wanted by Apple Computer. Battle over 2300-2310 MHz postponed.
SCCARA-GRAM 1995 September (0.9 MB)
Youth group license class, report, George Brady AB6OZ. Intro to Packet pt 4, by Larry Kenny WB6LOZ.
ARRL News: FCC making cut backs, close some monitoring stations.
SCCARA-GRAM 1995 October (3.0 MB)
September lasagna dinner, photos. Estate sale of John Cole AA6QE. Intro to Packet pt 5, by Larry Kenny WB6LOZ.
ARRL News: FCC issues RFI book. Mars Global Observer has a beacon on 437.1 MHz 1.3 W.
SCCARA-GRAM 1995 November (1.3 MB)
Ed Rawlinson WD6CHD "Chili Hot Dog" died. Intro to Packet pt 6, by Larry Kenny WB6LOZ.   first class postage option on newsletter. SCCARA-GRAM page 1 now has maps instead of written directions. SCCARA roster fall 1995.
ARRL News: FCC clarifies amateur use of digital codes. Dept. of Defence MARS stations to end use of Morse code as obsolete. Delay on vanity call signs. IARU region 2 meeting results.
SCCARA-GRAM 1995 December (5.0 MB)
Secretary Says column includes prediction of digitizing club records. SCCARA circa 1946, article by Jean "Doc" Gmelin W6ZRJ. Intro to Packet pt 7, by Larry Kenny WB6LOZ. Testing transistors in-circuit, article by Peter AA2AD. Newsletter first class postage option to be dropped.
ARRL News: No change in Morse code requirements for HF.
SCCARA-GRAM 1994 January (2.0 MB)
New member Len Wade WA6YEM died. Member Brad Wyatt K6WR is ARRL Pac. Dir. Marconi's first DX, article. SCCARA will have another amateur class in Feb. Some good humor articles: Santa's annual trip, how copper wire started, principles and laws.
ARRL News: FCC proposes to allow amateurs to pick their call sign.
SCCARA-GRAM 1994 February (3.2 MB)
If our 2 m repeater is move, PL will be required. Progress is being made at the new Red Cross building, which will include the club station. Another class is being planned. SCCARA Filed Daze, article by Doc W6ZRJ on our early Field Days. Peter chadwick G3RZP, out going president of RSGB - Great Britain's version of our ARRL, visited us, article by Brad Wyatt K6WR.
ARRL News: New rules regarding 222.0 - 222.15 MHz take effect.
SCCARA-GRAM 1994 March (2.2 MB)
San Jose Red Cross is moving, our club station moves with them, antennas were removed from the old site.
ARRL News: FCC published fine schedule. NTIA proposes to reallocate some of 13 cm band. FCC proposes vanity call sign program.
SCCARA-GRAM 1994 April (3.8 MB)
William (Bill) Walters W6MKE died. Humor Field Day (April fools?) article by Harold Welch KK6ZE. March flea market report, Gary Mitchell WB6YRU. Article on 73 vs 73's.
ARRL News: More info on the NTIA (National Telecom. and Info Admin.) looking at our 13 cm band. FCC does telephone interference survey.
SCCARA-GRAM 1994 May (1.1 MB)
Keith Butts KN6K takes over as repeater chair from Stan Getsla WA6VJY. On becoming a HAM, article by Cynthia Himmelfarb KC5BUF. April 1 humor article on 9600 baud packet. SCCARA roster 1994.
ARRL News: Last chance for comments regarding NITA and 13 cm band. More on vanity call signs. FCC relaxes rules on packet message forwarding.
SCCARA-GRAM 1994 June (1.0 MB)
Field Day article by Harold Welch KK6ZE, we'll run 3A battery QRP this year. Help needed with our flea market fund raiser.
ARRL News: New FCC-ARRL Amateur Aux. agreement. Update on NITA and 13 cm band.
SCCARA-GRAM 1994 July (0.7 MB)
Field Day on the USS Alabama, by Mike Hastings KB6LCJ.
SCCARA-GRAM 1994 August (0.8 MB)
Roger Williams W6WGF died. Sheldon Bennett W6HVL died. Board voted to end our regular flea market effort and stop renting the locker, Gary Mitchell WB6YRU. Foothill Flea Market, El Wirt K6ZYY. Field Day report Harold Welch KK6ZE. Ducting to Hawaii, Scott WA6LIE. SWR Baluns Antennas, pt 1, article by AA2KH.
SCCARA-GRAM 1994 September (0.8 MB)
Elections, Ed Rawlinson WD6CHD. Flea Market report, Gary Mitchell WB6YRU. SWR Baluns Antennas, pt 2, article by AA2KH. Elmer list becomes a regular column.
SCCARA-GRAM 1994 October (1.0 MB)
SCCARA radio contest. Robert Walton W6SYL died. Article about Bob Walton W6SYL and Frank Quement W6NX by Dick Barrett W6CFK. Flea Market article (last one) Gary Mitchell WB6YRU. Antenna Testing article by Stan Getsla WA6VJY. SWR Baluns Antennas, pt 3, article by AA2KH.
ARRL News: FCC has a new customer service phone line.
SCCARA-GRAM 1994 November (3.5 MB)
SCCARA radio contest about to begin.
ARRL News: Progress on amateur Bills in Congress.
SCCARA-GRAM 1994 December (0.7 MB)
SCCARA radio contest results. Club election results, need a Treasurer. SCCARA amateur radio class just ended, Mike Hastings KB6LCJ. Looking for SCCARA-GRAMs prior to 1985, Gary Mitchell WB6YRU.
ARRL News: Bill signed into law, all gov. agencies to give amateur radio reasonable accommodation.
SCCARA-GRAM 1993 January (0.3 MB)
SCCARA 1992 year in review, by Mike Hastings KB6LCJ. We need a new Editor. New amateur radio class starting in February.
SCCARA-GRAM 1993 February (0.3 MB)
Several announcements regarding repeater, getting ready for move to San Jose Radio vault, changing PL on 2 m repeater. Gary WB6YRU agrees to be new Editor. &nbps; HAM class soon to start.
SCCARA-GRAM 1993 March (2.8 MB)
First newsletter by Gary Mitchell WB6YRU, new layout. Treasurer's report. Cost to meet at United Way is going up, looking at alternatives. Updates and upgrades to our 2 m repeater, Stan Getsla WA6VJY.   Photos of new 2 m radio site.
SCCARA-GRAM 1993 April (2.6 MB)
2 m repeater interference better now, update to our 70 cm repeater. Flea market report with photos. &nbps; Photos of our HAM class. Dues are going up next year, mostly to cover the meeting room costs at United Way. Packet BBS plans.
ARRL News: FCC proposes secondary allocation for amateur at 219-220 MHz. Congress passes Spectrum Bill to give 200 MHz to emerging techologies. 449 MHz possible allocation to radar. FCC proposes allowing wider use of 902-928 MHz. FCC proposes new RF radiation guidelines.
SCCARA-GRAM 1993 May (0.9 MB)
Help needed with flea market effort, Gary WB6YRU. Results of our HAM class, Mike KB6LCJ. Humor article on student bloopers. We'll run QRP during Field Day this year. SCCARA roster April 1993.
ARRL News: New amateur allocation 219-220 MHz, but with restrictions. FCC drops station location from license. FCC proposes easing restrictions on message forwarding systems.
SCCARA-GRAM 1993 June (2.6 MB)
Clarence "Duke Dodge KB6DLG died. Wife of Ed WD6CHD died. HAM class is over, CW class continues, Fall class planned, Doug WN6U. HAM radio or CB, article by Jean "Doc" Gmelin W6ZRJ. Field Day article, we're running QRP this year, photos from past Field Days.
ARRL News: Semi-auto digital below 50 MHz. Novice testing go under VEC system. New radio scanner restrictions take effect.
SCCARA-GRAM 1993 July (0.7 MB)
Need help with flea market. &nbps; W6UW (us) and the Red Cross, article by Jean "Doc" Gmelin W6ZRJ. Field Day articles.
ARRL News: Resolution introduced in Congress supporting amateur radio.
SCCARA-GRAM 1993 August (5.9 MB)
Licensing class in Sept. Field Day results and photos.
ARRL News: FCC changes rules allowing more flexibility in public service projects.
SCCARA-GRAM 1993 September (0.7 MB)
SCCARA starts HAM code and theory class. CA QSO contest.
ARRL News: FCC changes 97.113 to lessen restrictions on prohibited transmissions. FCC to preempt local and state law on transceivers. No fee for amateur licenses. Congress Bill to avoid distruption of amateur service, vanity call signs, semi-automatic digital at HF, message content rules.
SCCARA-GRAM 1993 October (0.7 MB)
Dues remain at $15. Work continues on our 2 m repeater at the City Radio vault. SCCARA special service club.
ARRL News: New Bill - volunteer service act to protect amateurs from liability. Distance record broken on 902 MHz.
SCCARA-GRAM 1993 November (3.2 MB)
Jean "Doc" Gmelin W6ZRJ has boxes of SCCARA records. Ed Rawlinson WD6CHD donates old SCCARA-GRAMs 1985-1991. Photos of dinner meeting.
ARRL News: Station location dropped from amateur licenses.
SCCARA-GRAM 1993 December (4.0 MB)
HAM class ends, photos, by Doug WN6U and Mike KB6LCJ. Article on transceivers being too close to each other, Mike Curtis WD6EHR. Club Chronology (history), club records, Gary WB6YRU. Field Day survey, Barbara Britten KD6QEI.
ARRL News: FCC proposed instant temp license for those passing their HAM test.
SCCARA-GRAM 1992 January (3.0 MB)
1991 review and plans for 1992, Mike Hastings KB6LCJ. Dec. dinner meeting photos. Repeater report, 2 m has PL 100 Hz.
SCCARA-GRAM 1992 February (2.9 MB)
Selling donations at the flea market since 1989 benefits for our repeater.   Elmer survey. QSO article from Joe Doring DL1RK. SCCARA QSL card contest. Repeater article from SVECS.
SCCARA-GRAM 1992 March (0.5 MB)
AMTOR in SCCARA's future, article by Mike Hastings KB6LCJ. Club committees. Repeater report, noise problem, Stan Getsla WA6VJY. Compiling club property list. Club QSL card contest. Estate sale.
ARRL News: Bill introduced to protect amateur spectrum.
SCCARA-GRAM 1992 April (4.5 MB)
Jim "JD" Daddysman K6YKG died. San Jose RACES 40 years old. Terry KC6SOC works N6WQC on Space Shuttle at Norwood Creek school (see video). Rainy flea market, Gary Mitchell WB6YRU. Repeater noise problem to be worked on, Stan Getsla WA6VJY. Remembering Prof Harold and first commercial radio was here locally, Jean "Doc" Gmelin W6ZRJ.
SCCARA-GRAM 1992 May (3.7 MB)
Dinner meeting photos. Club HF station at the Red Cross with Collins KWM 380 donated by Frank Quement W6NX. Installing antennas at the club station, photos. Repeater work, photos. Elmer list. Don K6PBQ handles communications at MS walk-a-thon, photo.
SCCARA-GRAM 1992 June (0.4 MB)
Two active members moving away, Frank McCormick AA6LL, Herb Himmelfarb KB6ABG. Repeater report, our 2 m repeater is bothering the Manteca repeater, working on it. Stan Getsla WA6VJY. SCCARA QSL card contest.
SCCARA-GRAM 1992 July (4.1 MB)
Format change. Flea market report, photos. SCCARA gets computers, packet equipment, Mike Hastings KB6LCJ. Status of HAM Radio, article pt 1, Vince Biancomano WB2EZG.
SCCARA-GRAM 1992 August (3.8 MB)
Field Day report, photos. SCCARA to sponsor Novice class. Adjustments to repeater. Status of HAM Radio, article pt 2, Vince Biancomano WB2EZG.
ARRL News: FCC proposes change to relax content restrictions to allow public service. FCC changes rules to allow amateurs of any class to operate from a space station.
SCCARA-GRAM 1992 September (4.4 MB)
Format change. SCCARA is a Special Service club. Why are we called HAMs? Picnic photos. Still some conflicts between our repeater and the one in Manteca. Al Gordoy K6LHQ died. Reflections of an Oldtimer, article by Jean "Doc" Gmelin W6ZRJ.
SCCARA-GRAM 1992 October (3.7 MB)
Flea market report, photos. Dinner meeting photos. 2 m repeater will have PL 100 Hz. Club now has a property list. CDF chili recipe, Barbara Britten KD6QEI.
SCCARA-GRAM 1992 November (2.3 MB)
Meeting and AMTOR demo photos.
ARRL News: ARRL committee recommends digital autoforwarding allowed in HF. Sprectrum Protection Bill dies as Congress adjourns.
The files before this point were made from scans of production copies that had been mailed to members,
so their quality isn't as good.
If we have the original photos or original halftones, those were substituted for better image quality.
SCCARA-GRAM 1992 December (2.9 MB)
SCCARA will have a Novice/Tech class in Feb. We need an Editor. What the Heck is Amateur Radio, article by Jean "Doc" Gmelin W6ZRJ.
ARRL News: ARRL considers name change. ARRL has proposal to allow unattended digital in certain parts of HF.
SCCARA-GRAM 1991 January (0.3 MB)
2 m repeater gets back up battery. Rod Stafford KB6ZV. SCCARA to put on Novice class.
ARRL News: New Tech class doesn't need to pass code test, no HF priveleges.
SCCARA-GRAM 1991 February (5.5 MB)
Plans to combine 2 m and 70 cm repeater in the same cabinet. Packet BBS and nodes at risk by auto-forwarding messages with illegal content, Stan Getsla WA6VJY. Red Cross required restrictions on messages to service members in Operation Desert Storm.
ARRL News: HAM spectrum protection Bill introduced in the House. Tech class no longer must demonstrate code proficiency.
SCCARA-GRAM 1991 March (0.5 MB)
Old 16 mm SCCARA film given to Jean "Doc" Gmelin W6ZRJ by Dick Barrett W6CFK, it's a copy made by Frank Quement W6NX for SCCARA. Film was transferred to tape by Mike Hastings KB6LCJ. Sample letter to Representatives supporting Spectrum Protection Act, by Sec. Manager Steve Willson KA6S.
ARRL News: From Charles McConnell W6DPD ARRL Pac. Dir. Some changes to HF band. FCC asks feasibility that HAM radios can be modified to NOT receive beyond HAM bands. Harry Engwicht W6HC first President of SCCARA.
SCCARA-GRAM 1991 April (5.8 MB)
SCCARA is 70 years old. We hosted the past five Pacificons, but not this year. SCCARA's Oldest oldtimer Otho "Och" Lawrence K6CAY, article by Bob Keller KB6OHO. SCCARA roster from mid 1920's. Then and Now, article by Jean "Doc" Gmelin W6ZRJ. Flea market photos. Electronic Museum at Foothill College will move.
SCCARA-GRAM 1991 May (3.7 MB)
Repeater report: NARCC propsed plan for 1.25 m band. Comment on private repeaters. Advise on what not to announce on the repeater. Unlicensed people on the repeater. Stan Getsla WA6VJY. Dinner meeting photos and comments. Frank Mabie WA6KCY died. Don Village K6PBQ runs station at Children's Discovery Museum. &nbps; SCCARA code class.
SCCARA-GRAM 1991 June (6.0 MB)
Field Day, photos from 1990. Repeater Report mentions FCC says we must vacate 220-222 MHz by Aug. 1991, Stan Getsla WA6VJY.
SCCARA-GRAM 1991 July (6.7 MB)
Field Day report, photos. Amateur license class. Plans to link 2 m and 70 cm repeater, S-meter function. Stan Getsla WA6VJY.
SCCARA-GRAM 1991 August (4.6 MB)
Meeting location change, Agnews now charging $100 per meeting, new place is Storage Dimentsions cafeteria in Milpitas. PL installed on 2 m repeater, S-meter function is coming, Stan Getsla WA6VJY. HAM class, photos. ATV demo last meeting, photos. George Snell W6AKM died. Article by Dick Barrett W6CFK, Orrin "Hank" Brown W6HB gives info on our old 16 mm film and the Mt. Hamilton expedition in the 1920's.   Foothill Electronic and Radio museum looking for a new home. HRO is moving from Burlingame to Sunnyvale.
SCCARA-GRAM 1991 September (1.6 MB)
Article on dues and life membership, club history, Jean "Doc" Gmelin W6ZRJ.   QSA-5 R-9 signal report, article by Jean "Doc" Gmelin W6ZRJ.   Don Village K6PBQ at the Queen Mary radio station.
SCCARA-GRAM 1991 October (0.5 MB)
New meeting place - United Way Bulding in San Jose. SCCARA officer duty descriptions. Faulty disk drive reports the problem using CW, Bill Brothers N6ZPC. SCCARA Page in The Oscillator, 1930 article by Frank Quement W6NX.
SCCARA-GRAM 1991 November (4.4 MB)
SCCARA participates in JOTA (Scouts) at our club station in the Red Cross. Field Day results. Ten-Four or QSL?, pt 1 article by Jean "Doc" Gmelin W6ZRJ. ARRL power connector standard, polarity and protection, Bob Underwood AA6BT.
SCCARA-GRAM 1991 December (0.4 MB)
Ten-Four or QSL?, pt 2 article by Jean "Doc" Gmelin W6ZRJ. Clipings from Dec. 1930 The Oscillator. Gary WB6YRU takes over flea market fund raiser from Frank McCormick AA6LL. Editor Mike Hastings KB6LCJ to become President, and President George Allen WA6O to become Editor.
SCCARA-GRAM 1990 January (1.9 MB)
Many improvements were made on the repeater last year, even more to come. Member Randy Miltier KK6BO arranged for a couple of TV spots regardng amateur radio. Producing the newsletter, Editor Mike Hastings KB6LCJ. ARRL WAS map.
SCCARA-GRAM 1990 February (4.6 MB)
Considering PL on 2 meter repeater, possible conflicts with Paso Robles repeater. &nbps; SCCARA HAM class underway. Letter from Bernard Quement, thanks for plaque honoring father and SCCARA founding member Frank Quement W6NX.
SCCARA-GRAM 1990 March (2.6 MB)
Repeater now has 100.0 Hz PL, but strong signal without PL will work. New repeater controller is on order and soon our 2 m and 70 cm repeaters will be separated. Our HAM class is still going strong. Book review by
Dick Letrich WB6WKM. Shipping leaders move to automatic communications what will replace Morse code, Mercury article. Recognition of amateur's assistance during earthquake.
SCCARA-GRAM 1990 April (2.6 MB)
New hardware for 2 m repeater. Children's Discovery Museum will have a HAM station, need volunteers. Made a lot at the flea market despite rain. J-Pole antennas.
SCCARA-GRAM 1990 May (3.0 MB)
Work on 2 m repeater, may be off the air for a while. We're getting new members from our HAM class and flyers at Quement Electronics.
SCCARA-GRAM 1990 June (4.0 MB)
Repeater at Alexian Bros. site is now on the hospital's emergency power system. Amateur radio on the Space Shuttle. Some old SCCARA records found. Frank Quement W6NX and Quement Electronics, article by Jean "Doc" Gmelin W6ZRJ. Frequency chart.
SCCARA-GRAM 1990 July (2.4 MB)
New meeting place. Thanks to Lou Steirer WA6QYS. Children's Discovery Museum opens, with HAM demo station.
SCCARA-GRAM 1990 August (6.5 MB)
Karin Furlow KB6ELS died. Pacificon info and flyer. Field Day photos. SVECS power connector standard.
ARRL News: Disabled HAMs to get a break on code requirements.
SCCARA-GRAM 1990 September (5.3 MB)
Need volunteers to help with Pacificon. 2 m repeater to be moved to site near Alum Rock, 70 cm repeater still at Alexian Bros. Hospital site, PL won't be used. A Real HAM, pt 1 article by Jean "Doc" Gmelin W6ZRJ. 1932 photo of scouts some later became amateurs. Cordless Phones, article by Bob Kay, from John Johnson KWVSBP. Pacificon 1989 photos. Tragedy at my Shack, by John Slonz. Pacificon sign up.
SCCARA-GRAM 1990 October (0.7 MB)
2 m repeater moved to temporary site, 70 cm repeater is alone at Alexian, it has PL. &nbps; Picnic Oct 28 to relax after Pacificon. A Real HAM, pt 2 article by Jean "Doc" Gmelin W6ZRJ. What's in a Name? Origin of Yaesu, article by Bill AA6PA. Article on the need to read the manual by Jeff Angus WA6FWI. License class flyer.
SCCARA-GRAM 1990 November (0.4 MB)
2 m repeater is running. Membership statistics. Simulated emergency test. Thank you letter for Pacificon from Diane Bickers N6DOD, ACRC president. BAYLARC welcmoes visitors on the weekly nets. Head count of local radio clubs. Article on Sun Spots and propagation from Global Communications June-Sept. 1990.
SCCARA-GRAM 1990 December (4.1 MB)
2 m repeater has been operating well last couple of months at the temporary site (QTH of Trish Gibbons WA6UBE), photos. Chart of where your dues go. Battery Safety, article by Alonzo Dallas N6XME. Why 50 Ohms? article. Operation Desert Shield frequencies.
SCCARA-GRAM 1989 January (2.8 MB)
New editor Mike Hastings KB6LCJ. Emmett "Shorty" Freitas AE6Z made life member. Radio Shack sells a 10 m radio.
SCCARA-GRAM 1989 February (0.4 MB)
Treasurer's report. CB React helps too; Review of Radio Shack's HTX-100 and Uniden HR2510 10 m radios.
ARRL Bulletin: FCC opens 18 MHz for amateurs.
SCCARA-GRAM 1989 March (0.4 MB)
We won't be at Mt. Madonna for Field Day this year. JD's code class. Atlas Radio or New Dentron mail fraud fiasco. Ad - SCCARA sponsors free amateur radio class.
SCCARA-GRAM 1989 April (4.0 MB)
SCCARA will put on Pacificon '89. Early member Paul Tibbs W6WGO died. Bob Richman N6KLQ died. Jean "Doc" Gmelin W6ZRJ takes over as club historian from Dick Barrett W6CFK. We'll be at the Police Assn. camp ground near Saratoga for Field Day. 2 m repeater evaluation. Recolections of SCCARA's early days, by Jean "Doc" Gmelin W6ZRJ.
SCCARA-GRAM 1989 May (3.3 MB)
Charter member Frank Quement W6NX died. Paul Tibbs W6WGO and club call W6UW, more club history by Jean "Doc" Gmelin W6ZRJ. First WAC certificate issued to early member Brandon Wentworth 6OI/W6OI, other club history by Dick Barrett W6CFK. Preparation list for next earthquake.
SCCARA-GRAM 1989 June (1.6 MB)
List of imrovements and equipment for 2 m and 70 cm repeater. Field Day 1948 by Jean "Doc" Gmelin W6ZRJ. Map to police camp ground in Saratoga for Field Day.
SCCARA-GRAM 1989 July (7.5 MB)
Field Day 1989, photos. Our Treasurer and Novice gets first QSL card. some intermod problems with 2 m repeater. Digipetar Rabbit, by Frank Tarranalle N2ISO.
SCCARA-GRAM 1989 August (0.6 MB)
Repeater problems and equpment purchased. Founding SCCARA member Harry Engwicht W6HC, by Jean "Doc" Gmelin W6ZRJ. Pacificon '89 flyer. Potluck and Dan Deitz WM6M place. Member questionnaire. Field Day 1989 by Lou WA6QSY. Stuff from RADIO magazine prior to WW2, Emmett "Shorty" Freitas AE6Z.
SCCARA-GRAM 1989 September (0.5 MB)
Pacificon '89 coming up. Quement family donates Collins transceiver. Repeater upgrades will proceed, Stan Getsla WA6VJY.
SCCARA-GRAM 1989 October (8.3 MB)
Photos from previous Pacificon (1988). 2 m repeater should be better now, work done, Stan Getsla WA6VJY. Radio station on the USS Carl Vinson. PAARA auction/flea market.
SCCARA-GRAM 1989 November (2.0 MB)
Earthquack Oct. 17 1989, many anecdotes and comments. Our repeater at Alexian Bros. was not available, power was out. CA QSO part at Pacificon.
SCCARA-GRAM 1989 December (2.7 MB)
Repeater report - backup power, Stan Getsla WA6VJY. CW speed vs packet speed.
SCCARA-GRAM 1988 January ( MB)
Member profile Jack Russell WA6IER. Code class by member Jim Daddysman K6YKG starts. Ad for Coast Guard Reservist Radioman. Treasurer's report - Pacificon '87 big success, we have 240 members, money for club improvements, by Dan Dietz WM6M.
SCCARA-GRAM 1988 February ( MB)
Club member introduce HAM radio to school, code class going strong. Lee Dimter W6YBV and Ed Turner W6NVO died. First Voice of America, article from Hangtown ARC. Member profiles Roy Metzger K6VIP and Wally Britten KA6YMD, by Bob Keller KB6OHO. Member survey.
SCCARA-GRAM 1988 March (0.4 MB)
New meeting place: Agnew. SCCARA will host another Pacificon. SCCARA needs a new Editor. Phil Vargas N6IEC died.
ARRL News: IARU preparing for WARC 1992, HF broadcasters want more spectrum. FCC reviewing Part 15 (low power intentional and unintentional radiators).
SCCARA-GRAM 1988 April ( MB)
Pacificon '88 is in the planning stages. Member profile Jean "Doc" Gmelin W6ZRJ, by Bob Keller KB6OHO. Code class update. Treasurer's report - a little over half the membership has renewed so far. Armed Forces Day radio test in May.
SCCARA-GRAM 1988 May ( MB)
Member profile Mike Hastings KB6LCJ, by Bob Keller KB6OHO. Update on UPS' 220 MHz grab. SVECS power connector standard.
SCCARA-GRAM 1988 June ( MB)
Planning for Pacificon '88 is progressing. Member profile Carla Watson WO6X, by Bob Keller KB6OHO. Frank Quement donates tower parts. Member and ARRL Pac. Dir. Rod Stafford KB6ZV becomes traffic judge. "Lofer" article (160-190 kHz) by Herb WY6G. Field Day preparation.
SCCARA-GRAM 1988 July ( MB)
Field Day report, photos. Morse code class ad. Treasurer's report - membership is 167, that's down by 1/3, by Dan Dietz WM6M. Pacificon '88 ad.
SCCARA-GRAM 1988 August ( MB)
Ed Rawlingson WD6CHD resigns as Editor. Member profile Bill Oliver WB6ORU, by Bob Keller KB6OHO. QSO article with Russian HAM by Jim O'Keefe WE6V. Program from Pacificon 1933 put on by SCCARA. SCCARA roster as of July 1988.
It appears the September and October 1988 issues may not have been produced.
SCCARA-GRAM 1988 November (0.3 MB)
Mike Hastings KB6LCJ will be Editor in 1989. We bought a used Honda generator. First SCCARA-GRAM in a while. Pacificon '88 report was missed.
SCCARA-GRAM 1988 December (0.2 MB)
(just minutes and basic reports)
SCCARA-GRAM 1987 January (0.5 MB)
Ads are $20 per half page. SCCARA name badges available. Where's our corp. seal? Antenna sketch by Jim Daddysman "JD" K6YKG.
ARRL News: our 220 band may be under attack. If you run a HAM class, tell the ARRL to help get the word out. Info on 2 m band.
SCCARA-GRAM 1987 February (0.5 MB)
Change of page 1 graphics. Women have history in communications, Carla Watson WO6X. Treasurer's report: our liability insurance has gone up, Dan Dietz WM6M. SCCARA offers HAM classes. 1.25 m band, article from 73. Need help with newsletter. Planning for Pacificon '87 underway, Emmett "Shorty" Freitas AE6Z.
SCCARA-GRAM 1987 March (0.5 MB)
Repeater expenditure report, ACC controller, Emmett "Shorty" Freitas AE6Z. 70 cm article, from 73.
SCCARA-GRAM 1987 April (0.5 MB)
Maybe have PL on our 70 cm repeater, Wally Britten KA6YMD. &nbps; What is PL, Emmett "Shorty" Freitas AE6Z.
ARRL News: Changes to Novice privileges. Court rulling approves tower over local restrictions. Land Mobile Services trying to get 220-222 MHz. 23 cm band and above.
SCCARA-GRAM 1987 May (0.5 MB)
Prez Sez: Frank Quement W6NX donated antenna trailer with tower, Ed Rawlingson WD6CHD. QTE? article from "Radio" March 1939. Phone line on the repeater is only for emergencies. Tuner review, Mike Hastings KB6LCJ. Treasurer's report: we have 279 members, big thanks to Frank Quement W6NX, Dan Dietz WM6M. Coaxial Cable article by Eric Homa N6NMZ.
SCCARA-GRAM 1987 June (0.7 MB)
Bylaw change to allow board meetings following regular meeting. V.P. gives thougths on HF antennas, Alan Levin N6NOY. 70 cm repeater will have PL 107.2 Hz. We have some equipment members can borrow. Member roster.
ARRL News: Pacificon '87, by SCCARA.
SCCARA-GRAM 1987 July (0.4 MB)
Prez Sez - Field Day activities, up coming picnic, Ed Rawlingson WD6CHD. Pacificon info, Emmett "Shorty" Freitas AE6Z.
ARRL News: Several video tapes are available.
SCCARA-GRAM 1987 August (0.3 MB)
Treasurer reports start of new HAM class, Dan Dietz WM6M. Loop antenna for 2 m direction finding.
SCCARA-GRAM 1987 September (3.5 MB)
Surface wires better for low noise grounding than ground rods, from World Radio Sept. 1987. New feature - Member Profiles James "JD" Daddysman K6YKG and Frank McCormick KA6HWC, by Bob Keller KB6OHO. A Trop Duct? humor article. A Moment in History - first Moonbounce 1960.
SCCARA-GRAM 1987 October (3.4 MB)
Member profiles Kathy Getsla KB6ICQ and Joe Quirantes WA6DXP, by Bob Keller KB6OHO. W6CCJ, article, not signed but probably editor Emmett "Shorty" Freitas AE6Z. SCCARA presented with ARRL flag. Buttermilk Banana Nut Bread, from KB5ADQ copied from CHARRO. Hello Old Timer, poem by VE2DG. &bnsp; Youth and amteur radio, commentary by Emmett "Shorty" Freitas AE6Z. Repeater improvements.
SCCARA-GRAM 1987 November (13.8 MB)
Pacificon '87 photos, reports. Meeting location change. Francis "Chick" Greeley W6NW died. UTC or GMT, by WE4Q.
ARRL News: Court uses PRB-1 invalidates overly restrictive antenna ordinances.
SCCARA-GRAM 1987 December (1.7 MB)
Make Novices feel welcome, Mike Osborne WA6VLY. Member profiles Keith Butts KN6K and Don Village K6PBQ, by Bob Keller KB6OHO. Code class is popular, Ed Rawlingson WD6CHD. We're now meeting at Isaac Newton Senter in Santa Clara.
SCCARA-GRAM 1986 January (0.4 MB)
New meeting location - San Jose Red Cross. Treasurer's report - Novice class ended, we went from 138 members in 1985 to 205. ABC's of RTTY, pt 1, article by Harry Wijtman AE6M.
SCCARA-GRAM 1986 February (0.3 MB)
Liability insurance going up. New Novice class to start next month. &nbps; ABC's of RTTY, pt 2, article by Harry Wijtman AE6M.
SCCARA-GRAM 1986 March (0.8 MB)
Borrowed 70 cm repeater is going on the air. Treasurer's report - Cost of our Mt. Madonna Field Day site is going up, printing and mailing costs going up on newsletter, may have to increase the dues, we have 240 members. New 70 cm repeater will be purchased. Equipment Column starting, by Eric Homa KB6LCR. &nbps; ABC's of RTTY, pt 3, article by Harry Wijtman AE6M. Shortwave frequencies for RTTY. WAS form. SCCARA roster.
SCCARA-GRAM 1986 April (0.5 MB)
ABC's of RTTY, pt 4, article by Harry Wijtman AE6M. Ham radio news, comments on swap or sell our used stuff on the air, Dick Letrich KB6WKM. 1986 ARRL national convention.
SCCARA-GRAM 1986 May (0.7 MB)
Meeting room problems with the Red Cross, new meeting location County Sercie Center through Jan. Novice class to start in June. SCCARA flea market in Quement's parking lot June 1. New YL column by Carla Watson WO6X. ABC's of RTTY, pt 5, article by Harry Wijtman AE6M. FCC to allow automatic control above 50 MHz, but still requires a control operator to monitor passing traffic, Rod Stafford KB6ZV. Scouts radio merit badge.   Pacificon '86 by SCCARA ad.
SCCARA-GRAM 1986 June (0.9 MB)
Once Upon a SCCARA Field Day, article by Emmett "Shorty" Freitas AE6Z. ABC's of RTTY, pt 6, article by Harry Wijtman AE6M. Equipment columist Eric Homa is now N6NMZ, was KB6LCR. Trying to get a QSL card, by Frank Glass K6RQ (was W6MVL in 1959 and 1936). Pacificon '86 form.
SCCARA-GRAM 1986 July (0.7 MB)
Treasurer's report - funds coming in to get our borrowed 70 cm repeater going, newsletter costs, liability insuracne went from !40 to $551. Shortwave listenting guidebook, Dick Letrich WB6WKM. ABC's of RTTY, pt 7, article by Harry Wijtman AE6M. Pacificon '86 notes and info. Yaesu FT-757 GX review, Dick Letrich WB6WKM. Antenna Wax humor article.
SCCARA-GRAM 1986 August (0.8 MB)
Repeater Committee has been formed, Keith Butts KN6K chairman. SCCARA roster. ABC's of RTTY, pt 8, article by Harry Wijtman AE6M. Equipment Column - Yaesu 2700RH has a display heat problem, swap net frequencies, Eric Homa N6NMZ. More on the Yaesu Ft-757 by Dick Letrich WB6WKM. The Royal Order of the WOUFF HONG, Dick Letrich WB6WKM. Sun spots and HF propagation, article by Jim K6ZH.
SCCARA-GRAM 1986 September (0.5 MB)
Equipment column - list of Westlink repeaters, Erick Homa N6NMZ. Diagram of dual repeater status at hospital site. We have about 240 members. ABC's of RTTY, pt 9, article by Harry Wijtman AE6M. Ads in the SCCARA-GRAM approved, but will need someone to handle it.
SCCARA-GRAM 1986 October (0.6 MB)
Pacificon '86 is here. our 70 cm repeater is on the air 442.425/447.425 MHz. Potluck BBS. Umac Phantasatron 606, humor article. Treasurer's report - recommend $15 dues to keep up with expenses, Dan Dietz WM6M. ABC's of RTTY, pt 10, article by Harry Wijtman AE6M. Repeater usage tips. Reducing RFI into cable and VCR, by Chuck W6MAP.
SCCARA-GRAM 1986 November (0.7 MB)
SCCARA-GRAM was only 1 page Feb 1985, I became editor and built it up, now Emmett "Shorty" Freitas AE6Z will take over as editor, Dick Letrich WB6WKM. Western Amateur Linking Assn. 1.25 m and 2 m chart, Condor connection. ABC's of RTTY, pt 11, article by Harry Wijtman AE6M. Artists and Amateur Radio, article from ARRL. Reprint ad from QST of SCCARA's 1933 Pacificon. HAM towers, from VE7BJ in The Ontario Amateur.
SCCARA-GRAM 1986 December (0.5 MB)
Dues starting 1987 will be $15, $20 for family memberships. Review of Kenwood TS430 by Mike Hastings KB6LCJ. A Walkthrough the VHF/UHF spectrum, from 73. Repeater committee - looking at RF cavities for 70 cm repeater. New editor Emmett "Shorty" Freitas AE6Z, someone has to do it.
SCCARA-GRAM 1985 January (0.1 MB)
Change in layout. We need an editor. (mostly basic info and announcements.)
SCCARA-GRAM 1985 February (0.1 MB)
Pres. message - Seriously need an editor, repeater is almost ready for operation.
SCCARA-GRAM 1985 March (0.2 MB)
New editor Dick Letrich WB6WKM, first licensed 1977. We need a decent repeater. Volunteer examination schedule.
SCCARA-GRAM 1985 April (0.2 MB)
Change in layout. SCCARA flea market June 2 in Quement's parking lot. Charter member Otho "Och" Lawrence K6CAY gets ARRL 60 year certificate. SCCARA member survey form.
SCCARA-GRAM 1985 May (0.2 MB)
Change in layout. New bands: 12 m. Treasurer's report - 146 members, new ARRL membership program share with local club, Dan Dietz KA6DXN (later became WM6M).
SCCARA-GRAM 1985 June (0.3 MB)
Change in layout. Progress on repeater. FCC will be issuing W-by-3 calls after N-by-3 calls are used up (probably 8 years). 27 members (of 160) sent in the member survey, results.
SCCARA-GRAM 1985 July incomplete (0.2 MB)
Pages 3 and 4 are missing.
Police and Fire "games", amateur radio to participate with communications. Commentary on Field Day 1985 being too remote, needs to be where the public sees us, Dick Letrich WB6WKM. Treasurer's report - we have 161 members, club repeater fund gaining donations. Directional 2 m antenna design, Stan Werneck W5EF. Extra class certificate available from FCC.
SCCARA-GRAM 1985 August (0.2 MB)
Change in layout. 1985 Field Day report, statistics. SCCARA 2 m net started in the late 1970's by Dick Letrich WB6WKM. Sale or Want ads free for members.
The September 1985 edition is missing.
SCCARA-GRAM 1985 October (0.3 MB)
Novice class starts. Pacificon '86 planing. Treasurer's report - Ernest Robert Roggero KA6AQH died, we have over 180 members, Dan Dietz WM6M. We'll need to find a new meeting place for 1986.
SCCARA-GRAM 1985 November (0.3 MB)
Meeting at Empire Library this month. Past presidents to receive the newsletter regardless.
ARRL News: ARRL asks FCC to expand Novice privileges. Many Novices never upgrade.
SCCARA-GRAM 1985 December (0.3 MB)
New meeting place will be the Red Cross, probably HAM classes too. Plans for Pacificon firming up. Repeater nearly ready to go on the air. Treasurer's report - over 190 members, Frank Quement W6NX remains interested in SCCARA despite not getting out much any more, Dan Dietz WM6M. License testing.
We only have a few before 1985 and some of them are incomplete.
SCCARA-GRAM 1984 June (0.7 MB)
Note: This one is a copy of a copy, so the quality isn't great, especially the roster.
1984 Pacificon coming up. club liability insurance $200 for $1,000,000 coverage. Club roster, 201 members.
SCCARA-GRAM 1984 December (0.3 MB)
Photo on page 11 of November 1984 QST taken by our own Keith Butts KN6K, first volunteer examiner program at our convention last September. Tests at Alexian Bros. Hosptial site demonstrates much better coverage for our repeater. New controller needed before repeater can be installed. Terry Hansen W6KG, one of SCCARA's earliest members, died,
article by Dick Barrett, W6CFK. Dick was SCCARA's first historian, ever since WW2, by Ed Rawlingson WD6CHD.
SCCARA-GRAM 1983 xx incomplete (0.2 MB) Note: The first page and cover (at least) are missing. Month unknown, possibly January.
Dick Bareett W6CFK and XYL went on a cruise with other HAMS, worked a station on board, maybe SCCARA could arrange something like this? SCCARA net suggested format and script. Meeting location map.
SCCARA-GRAM 1979 July incomplete (1.5 MB) Note: Only page 4 and two photo pages. Month unknown, probably July.
Member profile Harry Wijtman AE6M. Field Day 1979 photos.
SCCARA-GRAM 1976 September (0.5 MB) Note: This is the earliest known edition called "SCCARA-GRAM".
Pacificon 1976 this month. Last month dinner meeting, recognizing some member's efforts, club got a Bicentannial Award. SCCARA color name badge. Novice class nearly done, higher class planned in the Fall. We have 154 members. We are considering a 220 MHz repeater.
SCCARA 1974 June (0.2 MB) Note: This edition is not named, it's just referred to as the bulletin.
Field Day will be at the Boy Sout's camp in Saratoga. We'll have our annual flea market in September. We'll have higher class license classes this fall.
SCCARA 1974 September (0.2 MB)
Flea market Sept. 14. Frank Glass K6RQ is holding commercial and amateur classes at Leigh High School.
SCCARA 1973 January only the president's message (0.04 MB) Note: All we have of this edition is just the president's message wishing everyone well.
SCCARA 1970 November (0.08 MB)
Reports and announcements. Mention is made about filter schematics for thermostats, that page is missing.
SCCARA 1968 January (0.06 MB) Note: The first page seems to be missing, and perhaps other pages.
Plans for future meeting programs and president's message.
SCCARA 1968 March (0.09 MB)
Volunteers wanted for OSCAR VI. Field Day being planned. Bill passes House that would give FCC power to regulate equipment that might cause interference.
SCCARA 1965 January (0.1 MB)
Need help on Convention flyers. At Christmas dinner Division Dir. Harry Engwicht W6HC gives ARRL award to John Troster W6ISQ. (Note: we have a photo of this elsewhere in the archives) OSCAR III to be launched in a month or two. Planning for this year's meetings.
SCCARA Junk Box 1965 August (0.1 MB)
Review of Convention. We'll have our trailer at the fair in September. Next meeting will be our annual raffle and auction. Club year starts July 1. Old Timers banquet next month. We'll need zip codes on all mailings from now on. Maybe we can do a joint disaster drill with the Red Cross.
SCCARA Junk Box 1964 July (0.1 MB) Note: This is the earliest edition we have called "The Junk Box" (see 1953 for a prototype).
Club will have an auction next meeting. Last month was ARRL's 50th anniversary. August meeting will tour IBM plant. Our VHF/UHF QSO part a big success. Field Day on Mt. Hamilton was the best yet, this newsletter was written there.
SCCARA Bulletin 1963 January (0.08 MB)
OSCAR III scheduled to go up in the Spring. Best meeting attendance is when we have VHF/UHF presentation, homemade equipment is popular. We need a newsletter editor.
SCCARA Bulletin 1962 November (0.1 MB)
Last month meeting demonstrated amateur TV. This month's meeting will be on OSCAR II. Novice class is going well.
1953 First club paper, prototype
SCCARA Junk Box prototype 1953 November (0.2 MB)
This hand-written prototype was discussed at the November 25, 1953 board meeting. "The Junk Box" As far as we know, this was the first SCCARA newsletter. Best guess: the first edition was published January 1954. The earliest published edition we have is July 1964. Why the newsletter was called the Bulletin between 1954 and 1964 is unknown.
If you have any that we're missing, PLEASE let us scan them for the archives.
If there is something in one that you think should be in the highlight notes or if
you notice any mistakes, please mention it to the editor.
Newsletters are in pdf file format. The pdf reader can be downloaded free from Adobe: