The Rio Grande Valley Amateur Radio Club members, if intrested in becoming an ARES member contact Rene KF5KYL and an application form will be sent to you. In our group meeting some members would like to take part and prepare for emergencies if needed. Its recommended to take the IS100B & IS200B located at the FEMA.GOV website. Members remember to pay your due's, we are handing out personalized member cards and if you would like a personalized shirts with your callsign email Rene. If you would like to recap our December Meeting, check out the Meeting Minutes at the bottom of our homepage. For more information contact Rene KF5KYL.
The Rio Grande Valley Amateur Radio Club will be sponsoring a Technician Class tutorial course from 6pm to 9 pm on Monday, June 15th. Once you have taken the course, the Club's Volunteer Examiners will offer the Technician Class Exam (cost $15.00) on Saturday, June 20th. Location: Central Fire Station, 415 W. Tom Landry St. For more information contact Eddie KF5UEZ.
Last month there was a security breach that occurred with the servers at the ARRL Headquarters. However there is no reason to be concerned about sensitive personal information being leaked, according to Mike Keane (K1MK) "Servers were taken offline and isolated from the internet when the hack was discovered. Certain ARRL web functions have been temporarily disabled. The ARRL expects to restore services by close of business on Wednesday October 8th." Official Press Release.
The AARL Regional Centennial Events - Is in its final event. October 10th thru 12th (Pacificon) stationed in Santa Clara, California. Just FYI California is 2 hours behind. Have Fun!
The AARL and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) have announced a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) that will enchance cooperation between the League and FEMA in the are of disaster communication. Administrator Craig Fugate, KK4INZ and ARRL President Kay Craigie N3KN signed the agreement July 18 during the ARRL National Centennial Convention at the Connecticut Convention Center in Hartford, Connecticut.
Solar activity is suddenly weakening, and Thursday, July 17 the daily sunspot number was zero. We had no other zero sunspot days so far this year, non last year or in 2012, and only two in 2011, on January 27th and August 14th.