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The REAL history of the TRANSISTOR


 The reproduction of this text is authorised provided that the authorship is preserved and mentioned - Copyright: Marcus Martins-PY4SM/PY2DD)


Circulating on the Internet the reaction of a story that, if confirmed, will radically change our way of looking at all the electronic paraphernalia that surrounds us: radio, television, computers, satellite, etc. The transistor, invention that revolutionized the modern world and that is the basis of the electronic circuits of today, have been developed from alien technology ­ gena. Is a fascinating subject, but that in order to be accepted as truth, need to beat the mighty wall of silence that surrounds the Roswell case there is almost 51 years. For those not familiar with the case, a flying object not identified crashed near the city of Roswell, New Mexico, in July 1947, in a region known as the plains of San Augustin. On occasion, staff relations public of American Air Force gave with the tongue on the teeth, stating that it was an extraterrestrial artifact he had manned the fallen. It is clear that soon after the authorities denied the fact, but therein the circus already was armed.


Beginning to take body the famous "Roswell incident". Gathered evidence, accusation and denials during all this time. The alien hardware would have been carefully studied by American scientists and at least one crew member of the ship would have been located, with its autopsy filmed. They arrived until the display this movie on TV recently. Well, just 50 years later, in 1997, the Air Force appeared with the official statement of the object of Roswell was a balloon that was part of a secret project at the time. According to the Usaf (United States Air Force), such a sensitive project was named Mogul, and the contraption would have been confused with a flying saucer by experienced officers of the 509º group of bombing of Roswell, which at that time was the only group of the US atomic bombing.


The conversation is not pasted. Quite the contrary: the civilian independent researchers working on the case, which already were full of certainties, testimonials and support material, became even more agitated. For joy of these searchers, the military who commanded the operations of dispatch of wreckage of crashed extraterrestrial vehicle for military and civilian research centers decided to write a book: "the day after Roswell". This "is the official Colonel Philip j. Corso, who claims that alien technology ­ gena was searched thoroughly and had as consequence of several discoveries that later would be wrongly assigned to earthly scientists. According to Corso, the wreckage would have been sent to laboratories such as those from AT&T and Motorola. These companies, naturally, deny everything. However, the officer who opened the verb is very military respect. Corso's book deserves attention, judging from the remarkable resume that American Army Officer, with 21 year career retired in 1963, 19 military awardings, Member of the National Security Council, the Intelligence Officer of MacArthur in Korea and having occupied other prominent positions.


Several advanced devices removed from the flying saucer would have been forwarded to Bell Laboratories, at the time working in Murray Hill, New Jersey. Among these was nuclear machines equipment, artifacts of communication and computing systems. The components have been studied, analyzed and tested in detail and, among them, one of the pieces appeared to possess amazing potential-it was a strange alien switch consisting of a material containing the chemical elements silicon and arsenic, arranged in a micro array much more complicated than any other material produced artificially until then. This piece worked simultaneously as a high speed switching and amplifier. Decided to call it "transfer resistor" (TRANsfer reSISTOR). It is worth noting that until September of 1947 had not invented any device that looked like or work with a transistor. There were only germanio diodes and selenium produced with natural materials.


Company claims to have prototype of electronic technology-based alien artifact


The company American Computer Company plays report stating that transistor resulted from research on a flying saucer crashed in Roswell in 1947.


The whole story is very strange and full of topics worthy of the most elaborate theory conspiracy theorist. Would make a nice scientific science fiction movie script. The only problem is that people respect and trust making the important assertion: "the entire electronic arsenal developed by humanity is a result of the use of an alien ship technology that would have fallen in the American city of Roswell, New Mexico, in July 1947. Last year the "Roswell incident", as it became known to most popular and until today polemic history of Ufology, completed 50 years, coinciding with the cinquentenario his own modern era of ufology, inaugurated by report of Kenneth Arnold, American civilian pilot to fly over Mount Rainier would have observed a formation of nine flight discoidal objects at high speed.


And just in the 50-year anniversary, the incident in Roswell won two new versions, an officer and another re-pushing the amazing character of the alleged episode. The official version was the note released by the Air force of the United States, stating that really an object crashed in Roswell, but that this was just a balloon with a reflection of radar waves. According to the USAF, the project, named "Mogul", was so secret and would end up being confused with a flying saucer by experienced officers of the 509º group of bombing of Roswell, at that time the only bombing group atomico of United States. The version that supports the character ufologico the incident was released first by Colonel Philip j. Corso, in his book The Day After Roswell "(the day after Roswell), published by Pocket Books. In the book, Colonel Corso claims to have it own commanded the dispatch operations of the wreckage of the alien ship rugged for civilian and military research laboratories for the purpose of research and development of technology to form the opinion that they were inventions.


Checking of alegacoes of Mr. Corso soon generated a controversy in Ufology. Most informants mentioned by him already died. Confirmation would be possible only with the good will of the u.s. Government, to departments such as the Pentagon, CIA and companies for which they would have gone the wreckage, as Bell Laboratories, AT T, Motorola, General Electrics etc. IE: confirmation of truth will be the victory of all the UFOlogy in the world waiting for 50 years. However, against his critics, Philip Corso presents your resume and military ranks, these committed. A Colonel in the u.s. Army retired in 1963, with 21-year career and 19 military recognizes, was Intelligence Officer on the staff of General Douglas MacArthur in Korea; Member of the National Security Council (under Eisenhower) and Director of the Sector of foreign technology in the research and Development Department of the u.s. Army, the Pentagon. When he retired, the Colonel became specialized in national security advisor to Senators James Eastland and Strom Thurmond.


The American Computer Company and the Transistor


But the debate got really hot after a company that sells computers came on the scene. The American Computer Company (ACC), a medium-sized company headquartered on the second floor of a building of business establishments from New Jersey, in the USA, released on its Web site on the Internet ( a new version for the history of the invention of the transistor, in which device is based almost all electronic devices, from a simple radio stack until the more advanced computers of today. As he describes the ACC in your Web pages (, the transistor would have been developed at Bell Labs-arm-of-the-art research and development the company Lucent technologies, incorporated by AT&T as part of a research project and learning the operation of devices found in the crashed alien artifact in Roswell.


On the site, the account began being presented so initially only the Enlightenment, requesting readers ' opinion, which would be part of a strategy later explained by the Chairman of the ACC, Jack Shulman, during an interview with radio host Jeff Rense. The broadcaster, who runs the popular program, Sightings in the USA (, Shulman reported that the intention was to give publicity to the history and at the same time does not damage the image of the company along to their customers, leaving the post of future receipt of readers of the site and the ACC contacts confirm or deny the material presented.


The Chairman of ACC claims to have received the report of a consultant of your company with which, as is usual in the world of ufology, he pledged to not reveal the name. The mystery, as well as music and a taste for controversy seem to be part of the life of Shulman. The sucessfull is also Director of ACSA-American Computer Scientists Association (American Association of scientists from Prentice Hall), an Association that claims victory by W.O. your system assembled by Valkyrie ACC-about the computer Deep Blue and plays on your site even world-renowned Unabomber terrorist's statement. Shulman has a page on the website of the ACSA- to present your resume in the music industry. Instead of your picture, however, is a photo of the monument of Stonehenge in England. The site, which reproduces an article from Shulman about artificial intelligence, refers to him, among other adjectives, such as "one of the fathers of technology of computing", having developed work for IBM, AT&T, HP, Bell Labs/AT&T, the u.s. Government and "dozens of others".


Email lists and reinforces the with statement of astronaut


Soon emerged on the mailing lists of Ufology in the Internet, some of them relayed in Brazil by OVNIBR-l, maintained by researcher Pedro Cunha, dozens of messages supporting the initiative or doubting the facts reported by the ACC. Reverberating in more the suspicion, two mysterious researchers, called Bob Wolf and Ed Wang, who often seemed to speak on behalf of ACC, which was denied by Shulman. The President of the company says that two researchers who came in contact with him, as well as many others.


Not taking notice of the controversy, the ACC continued expanding on your website space for the history of the transistor. Several reports, press releases and offices were published. Appealing to the spirit of the American people the company sent official notice to the Department of Defense of the United States to comment on the story for the benefit of own confidence of the American people in their Government.


Given that the controversy has begun to heat up. Practically at the same time, according to Shulman, the guarantees for the ACC was broken into, some equipment of lesser value were stolen and a series of documents was left in the company. The investigation eventually had involvement of the Office of Strategic Information of  North American Air Force and the CIA, after telephone contact of the ACC with Central looking for information about a supposed spy satellite mentioned in one of the many mysterious communications received via fax or email.


Fighting attacks to take down his security system on the Internet, the ACC continued and was able, through the former astronaut Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man to walk on the Moon, an important incentive. On October 15, 1997, the Agency of international news Associated Press aired note revealing that Michell has admitted that some military airplanes used technology derived from an alien spaceship that would have been captured and disassembled. The note, which refers to the statements of the astronaut during a Congress on October 11, says that for Mitchell, "the proposed secret project is being forwarded for decades under a governmental administration parallel, separate from the President and members of the high-degree of the Pentagon". Although not referring specifically to the ACC, the company took the statement as reinforcement to your own account.


New technologies "aliens"


After several comments, new revelations (see exclusive interview of Jack Shulman Vigilia magazine, via email), finally came to hand more scathing of the company: according to the ACC, not only the material gathered in the investigation that emerged is reliable, as was able to identify a new electronic component between the notes that were passed on by the mysterious consultant. Named by the firm of Transcapacitor, or Transcap, he would be capable of storing a single ' chip ', the equivalent of 90 gigabytes of computer memory, for example. Or even be applied to amplifying devices between 50 and 1000 times the capacity of conventional transistor operation.


The news aroused the interest even of the famous electronic Newsbytes newsletter magazine (, publicize vehicle computing technologies. The article, published on December 18, 97, by Craig Manefee, reported the creation, by the ACC, the Transcapacitor Technologies Laboratory (TTL-Laboratorio de Transcapacitor technologies). Shulman is not only announced that as confirmed already have in their possession a prototype of the device, on which you want to clear the entire Internet community and ufologica before selling the right to manufacturing. To this end, an alleged photo was placed on your site, as well as the symbol that will be used in electrical circuits and reports of technical analyses carried out by laboratories of the company.


According to the President of the ACC, patents already being provided by the competent bodies in the United States and there have been proposals to purchase--until now rejected--on the part of executives of large companies, but, as always, he still does not want to reveal their names. The Newsbytes he declared: "people may think I'm just doing it for the money. Well, I'm in it for the money, but I won't find anyone by financial aid until we understand this better. It would hurt my credibility, "he pondered. In fact, on the first day of 1998, the company brought the announcement of a company spokesman: "After careful consideration of offers not-requested Transcapacitor purchase ACC of ACC, decided, by a near future. No license or sell these devices to any buyer, at least until we can expose their designes and operations to the public, so that all the set of its origins are known by the public. Drawings, scientific articles and photos will be available when our lawyers advise us, and at any time before that".


The Roswell Case, or Incident in Roswell (The Roswell UFO Incident) is a real fact and reports a series of events that occurred in July 1947 in the town of Roswell (New Mexico, USA), where a UFO was found soon after his fall. In the day's Edition July 8, 1947 in Roswell (New Mexico, United States) the Roswell Daily Record newspaper published on its front page the news that the 509ºth group of Bombers of the Air force of the u.s. Army had captured the wreckage of a flying saucer: RAAF (Roswell Army Air Field, Military Airstrip from Roswell) captures flying saucer on Ranch in Roswell, was the title of the headline. The news caused enormous effect in town, but the next day the same newspaper belied the story: After that the news about flying saucers loses interest. The flying saucer in New Mexico passes be understood falsely only as a weather balloon.


The wreckage was found by a farmer named William "Mac" Brazel, who gave an interview to the Roswell Daily Record counting as was its finding, published on 9 July. He said that on July 2, while riding the horse in the company of his son Vernon of 8 years, stumbled upon a large amount of wreckage, about 12 miles from the ranch where he lived. Used to find remains of balloons meteorological aspects, not only gave them importance of initiation, only been collecting material on the July 4 holiday, together with his wife and daughter Bessie of 14 years.


That same day he told what happened to the neighbors Floyd and Loretta Proctor, and through them became aware that some newspapers offering up to 3,000 dollars for a proof of the so-called flying saucers which was causing a furore in the press due to the Declarations of pilot Kenneth Arnold made a month before.


Arnold said that when flying over the State of Oregon, had sighted the aircraft would be flying in formation, and described his movement as equal to the stones or discs sliding on the surface of a lake. The press immediately adopted the term flying saucer, exciting the imagination, and stimulating people to introduce themselves and tell what he had seen. So almost a thousand reports of sightings of ufos were narrated in the following weeks. In July 7, 1947 day Brazel was until the station of Sheriff George Wilcox, Chavez County and told him that he had found the remains of something that looked like a flying saucer. The Sheriff still in his presence called the base a is area of Roswell who immediately sent the Major Billyard Ray Cyrus, 509ºth bomber Group, along with Captain Sheridan Cavitt, to examine the wreckage.


Major Marcel collected the material and transported him to the Fort Worth base. From there the story spread, giving rise to the headline of the Roswell Daily Record from day 8. The next day the army tried to deny the version of the flying saucer, stating that the wreckage found were a logical meteorological balloon. This event was forgotten until the year of 1978, when the nuclear physical Stanton Terry Friedman heard of Jesse Marcel, who hovered rumored to have been in contact with a flying saucer. Friedman came to him. Initially the information from Marcel were sparse enough to be of any use to Friedman, but gradually he and other investigators were obtaining more information and discovering other witnesses. Meanwhile, Friedman managed to get an interview with Marcel was published in the tabloid National Enquirer, where Marcel stated that I've never seen anything like the material found in Roswell and believed to be of extraterrestrial origin. That's how the subject came back to Roswell headlines.


Based on reports from several witnesses discoveries from the back of the case Roswell headlines, researchers published the first books defending the thesis that the wreckage of an alien spacecraft were 1947. Are the examples The Roswell Incident (1980), by Charles Berlitz and William Moore; UFO crash at Roswell (1991) and The truth about The UFO crash at Roswell (1994), Kevin Randle and Donald Schmitt and Crash at Corona, Don Berliner and Stanton Terry Friedman (1997).


Although some details were dissenting, the theories presented in these books followed the same basic logic. The wreckage found in Roswell would be an alien ship that, for some unknown reason, you might have an accident. By identifying the wreckage, the u.s. military would have launched a campaign to inform not to cover up the true source of the material, showing the official version that would be a logical meteorological balloon. The material would have been actually forwarded to parsing in secret research facilities and hidden from the public. Variations found on the theories include the sites where wreckage had been found, the number of ships that would have an accident, the amount of wreckage found, the existence or not of bodies of alien ­ genas and their number, as well as the description of materials.


Stanton Friedman published later, in the book Top Secret/Majic, what would be documentary evidence of the existence of a clandestine Government group dedicated solely to covering up the Roswell incident. This group, constituted of twelve people and called Majestic 12, would coordinate all secret studies about the wreckage and the bodies of aliens recovered. Unfortunately for Friedman, investigation of the FBI and an independent analysis to Joe Nickell, prominent researcher cà © tico Paranormal phenomena, proved that the documents are completely false. One of the greatest evidence of that is that was found a original letter of President Harry Truman, October 1, 1947, whose signature was photocopied and reproduced by liars who changed the truth of MJ-12 documents.


In 1994, Steven Schifft, Congressman from New Mexico, requested the GAO-General Accounting Office â Office Audit-General who sought the documentation pertaining to the case Roswell. When the USAF received the petition from the GAO, published two reports inconclusive about the case: the first 25 pages, entitled the Roswell report: the truth in the face of fiction in the New Mexico desert, was published later in 1994 and focuses on origin of wreckage found. Already the second, published three years later and named the Roswell incident: case closed, discusses reports of alien bodies. In the first report the USAF claimed that the remains found were from balloons of Project Mogul, top secret, designed to detect possible Soviet nuclear tests (the first Soviet nuclear test only happen in 1949). For this, detectors of low frequency of acusticos were placed in balloons launched at high altitude. Other researchers also arrived, independently, the relationship between Roswell and the project Mogul: Robert Todd and Karl Pflock, authors of Roswell: Inconvenient Facts and the Will to Believe ...


The researchers of the project Mogul still alive by occasion of the investigation were interviewed, in particular professor Charles b. Moore, who was the Chief Engineer of the project. Initially based at New York University, the researchers moved to Alamogordo, New Mexico, where the balloons were launched. The equipment used for research was carried by a series of balloons (initially of neoprene and later of polyethylene) connected to each other. Hanging is series of balloons was a radar target-a multifaceted structure of plywood covered with aluminum paper-used to track the balloons after the posting.


From the records still available on the project, it was concluded that the debris found in Roswell would probably be the fourth flight, which occurred in June 4, 1947. This flight consisted of about twenty one neoprene meteorological balloons linked together, a probe microphone, explosives to adjust the altitude of the unit, pressure switches, batteries, rings of posting and aluminum, three parachute parchment reinforces ado red or orange color and three radar reflectors targets of a type not normally used on the Mainland of the United States.


According to the diary of Dr. Crary, one of the guardians of the project, the NYU flight 4 was accompanied by radar until it disappeared around 27 km away from the Foster Ranch. Weather charts of that time demonstrate, however, that according to the prevailing winds of then, the balloons can be moved exactly to where Mac Brazel found them ten days later.


Already in the 1997 report, the Air force of the United States stated that the strange bodies described by some of the witnesses were actually test dummies of the project High Dive. It was concluded that: several Air Force activities that occurred over several years were mixed by the witnesses, that the remembered wrongly as having occurred in July 1947; the alleged alien bodies observed in New Mexico were actually puppets of tests carried by high-altitude balloons; suspected military activities observed in the area were the operations of posting and retrieval of balloons and the dolls of tests; and the reports involving aliens killed at the base hospital at Roswell probably originated from the combination of two accidents, whose injured were to transported therein (the crash of a KC-97 aircraft in 1956, in which 11 soldiers were killed, and an incident with a manned balloon in 1959 in which two pilots were injured).


Currently, test dummies are widely known by the public in General (mainly because of its use in testing of automatic security furniture), but in the Decade of 1950 they were unknown outside the circles of scientific research. However, in the Decade of 1920, the American Air Force already throws ava these dolls of airplanes as a way to test models of parachutes. In the Decade of 1940 they were used for testing ejection seats to hunting (which had been invented by the German es). And in the Decade of 1950, they were being posted from high-altitude balloons as part of developing escape capsules for future space vehicles.

Between June 1954 and February 1959, sixty-seven dolls were launched from balloons in the region of New Mexico, most of which fell outside the bounds of military bases. The dolls were transported in large wooden boxes, coffin-like, to prevent damages to sensors mounted inside. For the same reason, when removed from boxes or after recovered in the field, the dolls were usually transported in plastics bags on stretchers. In some releases, the dolls wore a suit which protected aluminum low temperature sensors of high altitudes. All these facts, beyond its appearance, probably contributed to ram for your ID as bodies of aliens.


In March 2011 a document of March 22 1950, written by agent Guy Attitude, was released by the FBI in its research system (The Vault). The document only records a rumor that three flying saucers have been recovered in New Mexico (USA), and that each of them would be occupied by three bodies of human form, but with only 3 feet of height (about 1 meter), dressed in clothes of very fine texture metalica.


All the discussion about what happened in Roswell revolves around information obtained from witnesses. These witnesses have kept their stories for decades, only appearing after the subject receive featured in the press and, in some cases, only publicizing reports third ear. The long space of time between the incident and the accounts inevitably decreased their accuracy and some witnesses, like the sons of Mac Brazel and Maj. Jesse Marcel, were children at the time. As all the testimony and inconsistent were explained, the case can be considered as finally closed.


The reproduction of this text is authorised provided that the authorship is preserved and mentioned - Copyright: Marcus Martins-PY4SM/PY2DD)