This site is temporarily not being updated due to lack of time. We will be back over the winter.
2019 or later. Contest, Open / WW. Senegal, 6W. Ronald, VE3REV, recently moved to Dakar
in August, and plans to be active as 6W1SU for the next 2 to 3 years.
Activity will be on 80-6 meters, and he is currently operating SSB
only, but hoping to tackle CW later. His station is a Kenwood TS850S
with a Yaesu FL1200Z Amp into a MA5B three element yagi, a 6M 6JXXJ
6 element yagi and dipoles for 40/80m. QSL via M0URX direct or the
OQRS (direct or by the Bureau). Congo, 9Q. Fernando, EA4BB has been in Goma, Democratic
Republic of the Congo for a few months and has now received his
9Q6BB licence. He expect to remain there for two or three years,
and to operate CW and other modes on all bands. QSL via W3HNK, LoTW
and eQSL; logsearch on Club Log. Gabon, TR. Alain, F6BCL, informs OPDX that he will
once again be active as TR8CA from Gabon starting on September 15th,
and normally for a period of 4 years, until retirement. He states,
"After I'll see if I will stay in Gabon or in France. This
trip Alain will bring a tuning box MFJ 1.5 kW and a HAM4 rotator
for his 3 element beam. He also intends to improve his antennas
80-160 meters. He adds that his projects for this trip: Djibouti, J2. Dane, S53T is licensed as J28ND while
on work assignment. His license is valid until 2019. Activity is
in his spare time on the HF bands and 6 meters using SSB and RTTY.
QSL via S57DX. Djibouti, J2. Reident. Jean-Philippe, F1TMY, will be
active as J28PJ from Djibouti starting September 1st, for the next
3-5 years. Activity will be on the HF bands and 6 meters. QSL via
F1TMY. Chatham Isl., ZL7. Operators Chris/ZL2DX and XYL Catherine/ZL2QT
will be active as ZL7DX and ZL7QT, respectively, from Chatham Islands
sometime in May for the next 3 years or longer. Activity will be
on various HF bands plus 6m EME. QSL direct to: Chris Hannagan,
Waitangi, Chatham Islands 8013, New Zealand.