ARDUINO control of 1.2 / 1.8 kW Solid State LDMOS PA

Solid State VHF PA's are  currently commercially offered on the market by many manufacturers (BEKO, ...) but are quite expensive (2.500 - 4.000 EUR), so it is certainly worth to consider a 'homebrew' alternative.

This project describes an ARDUINO based control of a Solid State PA ( concept F1JRD ). Like most of recent SSPA's, this  PA is using one LDMOS transistor (Freescale MRFE6VP61K25H  able to produce 1.250W RF  for only 2.5W input. - see excellent application note of Freescale here) which is quite rugged (advertised to withstand a SWR of 1:65)  but nevertheless needs to be carefully monitored as it is running under 50v,  drawing up to 35A and this device costs about 250 EUR !  And yes, I have already sent one TWO  to "semiconductor's heaven" so had to design something to protect it in the most efficient manner...

Recently, NXP introduced two new 'enhanced' versions of this LDMOS : a 1.5 kW (see datasheet) and even a 1.8kW (see datasheet) type are available ! 

With these higher power, it is imperative:

Pallet fitted with 1k8 LDMOS

In my most recent PA, I used the 1.8 kW device (which is somewhat 'lazier' than the 1.2kW version ...) @ 55V for SSB (limiting output to 1.2 kW) and 48V for Digital modes (limiting output to 800w), this provides enough safety margin for any 'mishap'. For digital modes, in order to limit the heat dissipation, it is essential to LOWER the power supply voltage and drive the device into compression - this will ensure optimal efficiency ! (Thx Lionel F1JRD for the tip). Commercial equipment (like produced by SPE, using same NXP LDMOS) as well adapt their power supply voltage according to LOW / MID / HIGH power setting. As the LMDOS is driven well into compression,  it is advisable as precaution to use a circuit limiting the input power fed to the LDMOS to 7W - see my simple but effective solution here, with a PIN diode UM9401 salvaged from a defective TRX.

In this project, ARDUINO will take care of following vital functions :

The SSPA has a 'test' mode for playing around with no +50v supplied - so nothing can go wrong ...  To enter this TEST mode,  power up while the RESET button is depressed - it will then run in 'test' mode and ignore any 50v related errors.

ARDUINO will as well take care of controlling the cooling fans. The SSP pallet is mounted on a huge  cooling 'brick',  ventilated by 2 compact & powerful - thus  very noisy - fans.

The RF pallet on the cooling brick, complete with output filter.

Running at full speed, it is like a helicopter taking off  in the shack !  So not very comfortable to implement an 'all or nothing'  control of fans... Instead, ARDUINO will monitor the temperature and progressively (PID - Proportional - Integral - Differential) regulate their RPM by PWM control.  The result is that the pallet temperature will never exceed 50°C and fan speed is adapted smoothly as required.. There is as well a detection of 'EME' modes built-in : if the power is constant (like for JT65A) above a certain level, ARDUINO will have the fans running at 100% in a pro-active manner.

I used the 'Ultimate PA control board' of Jim W6PQL ( see ) for it's excellent sequencer (and ALC control), it as well monitors the SWR and temperature as redundant protection. In turn, if any fault condition is detected, ARDUINO will signal this to the PA control board (which as a 'force RX' input) which will immediately revert the SSPA into RX mode in a graceful manner.

Compact PA in 19" chassis 3U high - including the low-pass filter & DB6NT HEMT preamp - the power supply is external - Click to zoom.

See the PA sketch in action here (YouTube) :

Stress-testing the new PA in the UBA Spring contest - 2m - March 2015 : 1st place !

Amplifier used  for operating MS from Andorra (C3) - Perseids 2016

Running 700 - 800 W in Meteor scatter mode during more than 100 hours !




 It was compiled with IDE version 0022.- IMPORTANT : please use the same or you will get errors when compiling !   You still can download previous versions from ARDUINO website IDE version 0022 runs fine on my Win7PRO 64 and 32bit machine and compiles with no errors.

As from IDE V1.00 many functions & libraries were redefined... have attempted to transcode old to new, but  encountered so many errors that I finally gave up. Even after including 'WProgram.h' and 'wiring.h', a dozen of new errors appeared, and even if these were solved, no guarantee that it will work on the board. I anybody succeeded to recompile in IDE version 1 or more recent please advise so this can be shared !

Update June 2021 : Alex HB9DRI has been so kind to inform that he succeeded to compile under IDE V1.8.3 (= the last one before V2 ... where again several instructions changed ... ) . He uses the sketch since 2 years for his 1kW 70cm SSPA without any problems. Apparently, the problem is in the library for the LCD which I originally used - instead, use this one : or download it from my site. Then :

Many thanks for info Alex !

(see other ARDUINO stuff under 'PROJECTS' page)

Branko S52V realized a nice HF PA 1.5 kW with 2 pallets bridged running each a BFL-188 XR, using my sketch as base - click on pictures to zoom in !

Parts of the sketch are used as well in the ANAN-8000LE 200w SDR HF transceiver - see excerpt of the instruction manual here

The sketch of ANAN can be downloaded here.
(Have tried to compile it with IDE 1.8.12 but gives errors)

Marc F6ITU has with a group of OM's used the sketch in a SDR transceiver project, and developed a series of PCB's ("Mentor" and "Télémaque") to nicely integrate everything (instead of working with VERO perf boards like I did).

Mentor prototype PCB

Information can  be found on :

This is the sketch version for 1.2 k LDMOS (see below for 1.8 k LDMOS version)


///                                                                  ///
///                                                                  ///

By ON7EQ 02/2015

Compiled with IDE 0.22 for ARDUINO NANO board

Connected with W6PQL SSPA controller


PIN		DESCRIPTION	                         TO PIN
A0		Forward voltage directional coupler	Dir coupler FWD
A1		Reflected voltage directional coupler	Dir coupler REFL
A2		NTC 10k	                                NTC (10k to +5v)
A3		50v supply - voltage	                ATTOPILOT Voltage
A4		50v supply - current	                ATTOPILOT Current
A5		26v supply - Voltage	
A6		13.8v supply - voltage	
A7		PTT - read status	
0	I	Serial RX  &   input recover switch  (0 = recover)	
1	I	Serial TX  &   Input PREAMP status (0 = preamp ON)	
2	I	"Operate" status read	Logic HI = operate 
3	O	+50v Supply control	Output, logic HI = ON
4	O	Buzzer	Output, Logic HI = sounding
5	O	FAN Control (PWM port)	Output, Logic HI = 'ON' pulse to Mosfet Gate
6	O	LCD : DB7	LCD 01
7	O	LCD : DB6	LCD 02
8	O	LCD : DB5	LCD 03
9	O	LCD : DB4	LCD 04
10	O	LCD : En2	LCD 15
11	O	LCD : En1	LCD 09
12	O	LCD : RS	LCD 11
13	O	FAULT 	        (PTT BLOCK W6PQL) Logic HI = Kill PTT via open collector output

                         NTC Thermistor Schematic

 (+5v ) ---- (10k-Resistor) -------|------- (Thermistor) ---- (GND)
                                Analog Pin 'IN_NTC'


// include 4x40 LED driver
#include <LiquidCrystal440.h>

// include math functions
#include "math.h"  

uint8_t nRows = 4;      //number of rows on LCD
uint8_t nColumns =40;   //number of columns

// Modify the pin number below to meet your board

//Analog pins
#define IN_FWD    A0  // analog input for left channel
#define IN_REFL   A1  // analog input for right channel
#define IN_NTC    A2  // analog input for right channel
#define IN_50vv   A3  // analog input for 50v voltage
#define IN_50vI   A4  // analog input for 50v current
#define IN_26v    A5  // analog input for 26v voltage
#define IN_12v    A6  // analog input for 12v voltage
#define IN_PTT    A7  // analog input for PTT detect  (0 = keyed)

//  Digital pins
#define IN_reset   0 //  input for recover/SELFTEST switch detect - momentary pulling to GND (0 = recover/SELFTEST)
#define IN_PREAMP  1 //  input for Preamp detect  (1 = ON)
#define IN_OPERATE 2 //  input for operate detect  (1 = OPERATE)

#define supply_50v 3 //  output for 50v supply control  (1 = 50v ON)
#define Buzzer     4 //  output for Buzzer control  (1 = ON)
#define FANcontrol 5 //  output for FAN control  (PWM !)
#define PTT_block  13//  output for PTT block control  (no alarm = 0, FAULT = 1...n)

// Other minor configurable value

#define T_REFRESH1    50          // msec bargraph refresh rate
#define T_REFRESH2    500         // msec refresh rate other variables
#define T_PEAKHOLD   600          // msec peak hold time before return
#define T_pepHOLD    600          // msec pep hold time before return

#define R1               (10)     // from GND to IN_26v, express in 100R  (12 = 1200 Ohm)
#define R2               (82)     // from + power supply to IN_26v, express in 100R  (47 = 4700 Ohm)
#define R3               (12)     // from GND to IN_12v, express in 100R  (12 = 1200 Ohm)
#define R4               (47)     // from + power supply to IN_12v, express in 100R  (47 = 4700 Ohm)

// FAN speeds (0 ... 255) PWM driven

#define fan_vy_slow      (20)     // Very slow, idle speed
#define fan_slow         (30)     // Slow
#define fan_med_lo       (40)     // Medium speeds, low
#define fan_med_hi       (50)     // Medium Hi, start of PID regulation till 255 = max !

// Calibration factors

int calibrP = 540;                // Assume 3.3v = 1.000w in 50R. CalibrP = (3.3 / 5.0 x 1024 + Vdiode)x(3.3 / 5.0 x 1024 + Vdiode) / 1000w
int Vdiode = 60;                  // if we assume FWD voltage diode = 0,3v : Vdiode = 0,3 v / 5.0 v  x 1024

// local variable

byte  fill[6]={ 0x20,0x00,0x01,0x02,0x03,0xFF };      // character used to fill (0=empty  5=full)
byte  peak[7]={ 0x20,0x00,0x04,0x05,0x06,0x07,0x20 }; // character used to peak indicator
int   lmax[5];                                        // level max memory
int   dly[5];                                         // delay & speed for peak return
long  lastT1=0;                                        // update display timer1
long  lastT2=0;                                        // update display timer2
long  lastTpep = 0;                                   // update PEP display
long  lastTempTime = 0;                               // update last temp readout for fan control
long  LastTXtime = 0;                                  // timestamp when last transmission ended (for FAN control)
long  HiPowerTime = 0;                                 // timestamp Hig Power - for EME conditions
long  HiAmp50Time = 0;                                 // timestamp high current value on 50v power supply
long  LoVolt50Time = 0;                                // timestamp low voltage value on 50v power supply

int   anF = 0;                            // analog read forward power
int   anR = 0;                            // analog read reflected power

int  volt_50 = 0;                         // 50v volt supply - voltage (in 0,1 volt)
int  amp_50  = 0;                         // 50v volt supply - current (in 0,1 Amp)
int  amp_50_max = 0;                      // 50v volt supply - max current (in 0,1 Amp)
int  volt_26 = 0;                         // 26v volt supply - voltage (in 0,1 volt)
int  volt_12 = 0;                         // 13,8 v volt supply - voltage (in 0,1 volt)

int  temp = 0;                            // temperature (in 1 °C)
int  lasttemp = 0;                        // last temperature for fan control    

byte  PTT = 0;                             // 0 = RX, 1 = TX
byte  wasPTT = 0;                          // former RX/TX status byte : if 1 = was in TX mode

byte  TestMode = 0;                        // 0 = normal mode, 1 = TestMode (PA will 'operate' with no +50v). Testmode is
                                           // initiated by depressing 'RESET4 button upon startup of SSPA

int  Operate = 0;                         // When operate = 0 , PA in stby mode

int  FAN = (0);                           // Fan control (PWM) - 255 = full speed
byte HiTemp = (0);                       // Temperature passing above PID start temp

byte FAULT = 0;                           // when FAULT = 0 : NO FAULT 
                                          // when FAULT = 1 : Overcurrent
                                          // when FAULT = 2 : voltage error 50v
                                          // when FAULT = 3 : voltage error 26v
                                          // when FAULT = 4 : voltage error 12v
                                          // when FAULT = 5 : power out error 
                                          // when FAULT = 6 : SWR error 
                                          // when FAULT = 7 : NTC sensor read error 
                                          // when FAULT = 8 : Temperature error
                                          // when FAULT = 9 : 50v idle current error 
                                          // when FAULT = 10: W6PQL control PCB SWR exceed fault                                           
byte FirstLoop = (1);                     // First loop detect 
byte SelfTest  = (1);                     // 1 to force selftest

byte HiAmp50 = (0);                       // Flag to detect long lasting current peaks on 50v supply

byte LoVolt50 = (0);                      // Flag to detect long lasting voltage dip on 50v supply

byte EMEmode = (0);                       // 0 = normal, 1 = EME conditions (no SSB but CW/JT65)

unsigned long   pow_fwd = 0;              // power forward (watts)
unsigned long   pow_ref = 0;              // power reflected (watts)

unsigned int   pow_fwd_max = 0;           // power forward max (for peak hold)
unsigned int   pow_ref_max = 0;           // power reflected max (for peak hold)

float SWR = 0;                            // SWR 
float Pratio = 0;                         // Power ratio P forward / P refl
int SWRDis = 0;                           // power calculation for showing in display

LiquidCrystal lcd(12,255,11,10,9,8,7,6);  // (RS,RW,En1,En2,D4,D5,D6,D7) 255 if RW  is connected to GND and not controlled by the interface.

//=====for a 4x40 LCD with 2 HD44780 type chips and 18 pin interface in 2 rows of 9; 

//   LCD     Nano     Signal
//    18              Gnd        Backlight white on blue 4x LED draws 40 mAmps
//    17              +5V        Backligt + through external resistor 15 Ohm.   
//    16      NC      not used
//    15      10      En2 -- enable the 2nd HD44780 chip which controls the bottom 2 rows of the display
//    14              +5V supply logic
//    13              Gnd logic
//    12              Wiper of contrast resistor (22k between +5v and Gnd)
//    11      12      RS
//    10              Connect to Gnd 
//     9      11      En1 -- enable the 1st HD44780 which controls the top 2 rows
//    5-8             Data 0-3: not used in 4 bit modes
//    1-4    09-06    Data 4-7: LCD DB7 to ARDUINO 06, DB6 to 07, DB5 to 08, DB4 to 09

/////////////////// DRAW BAR //////////////////////////

void  bar  ( int row,int lev )
  lcd.setCursor( 3,row );
  lcd.write( row ? ' ' : ' ' );
  for( int i=1 ; i<30 ; i++ )
    int f=constrain( lev      -i*5,0,5 );  // Level instant
    int p=constrain( lmax[row]-i*5,0,6 );  // Level maximum (=peak)
    if( f )
      lcd.write( fill[ f ] );
      lcd.write( peak[ p ] );
  if( lev>lmax[row] )
    lmax[row] = lev;
    dly[row]  = -(T_PEAKHOLD)/T_REFRESH1;                // Starting delay value. Negative=peak don't move
    if( dly[row]>0 )
      lmax[row] -= dly[row]; 

    if( lmax[row]<0 )

byte block[8][8]=
  { 0x10,0x10,0x10,0x10,0x10,0x10,0x10,0x10 },  // define character for fill the bar
  { 0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18 },
  { 0x1C,0x1C,0x1C,0x1C,0x1C,0x1C,0x1C,0x1C },
  { 0x1E,0x1E,0x1E,0x1E,0x1E,0x1E,0x1E,0x1E },

  { 0x08,0x08,0x08,0x08,0x08,0x08,0x08,0x08 },  // define character for peak level
  { 0x04,0x04,0x04,0x04,0x04,0x04,0x04,0x04 },
  { 0x02,0x02,0x02,0x02,0x02,0x02,0x02,0x02 },
  { 0x01,0x01,0x01,0x01,0x01,0x01,0x01,0x01 },

///////////////// PRINT TEMPLATE  ///////////////////

void printtemplate () {

  lcd.setCursor( 0,0 );
  lcd.print( "FWD                                   0w");
  lcd.setCursor( 0,1 );
  lcd.print( "REF                                   0w");

  lcd.setCursor( 6,2 );
  lcd.print( "Vd=--.-"); 
  lcd.setCursor( 6,3 );
  lcd.print( "Id=--.-"); 

  lcd.setCursor( 16,2 );
  lcd.print( "Vr=--.-"); 
  lcd.setCursor( 16,3 );
  lcd.print( "Vs=--.-"); 

  lcd.setCursor( 26,2 );
  lcd.print( "t--"); 
  lcd.print((char)223);  //degree symbol

  lcd.setCursor( 0,2 );
  lcd.print( "swr"); 
  lcd.setCursor( 0,3 );
  lcd.print( "-.-"); 
  lcd.setCursor( 31,2 );
  lcd.print( "PRE"); 
  lcd.setCursor( 31,3 );
  lcd.print( "AMP"); 
  lcd.setCursor( 36,2 );
  lcd.print( "stby"); 
  lcd.setCursor( 4,2 ); 
  lcd.write( peak[3] );
  lcd.setCursor( 4,3 ); 
  lcd.write( peak[3] );
  lcd.setCursor( 14,2 ); 
  lcd.write( peak[3] );
  lcd.setCursor( 14,3 ); 
  lcd.write( peak[3] );
  lcd.setCursor( 24,2 ); 
  lcd.write( peak[3] );
  lcd.setCursor( 24,3 ); 
  lcd.write( peak[3] );
  lcd.setCursor( 30,2 ); 
  lcd.write( peak[3] );
  lcd.setCursor( 30,3 ); 
  lcd.write( peak[3] );  
  lcd.setCursor( 34,2 ); 
  lcd.write( peak[3] );
  lcd.setCursor( 34,3 ); 
  lcd.write( peak[3] );

/////////// This function will calculate temperature from 10k NTC readout /////////////

double Thermister(int RawADC) {
 double Temp;
 Temp = log(((10240000/RawADC) - 10000));
 Temp = 1 / (0.001129148 + (0.000234125 + (0.0000000876741 * Temp * Temp ))* Temp );
 Temp = Temp - 273.15;            // Convert Kelvin to Celcius
// Temp = (Temp * 9.0)/ 5.0 + 32.0; // Convert Celcius to Fahrenheit
 return Temp;

///////////////////////////    SETUP      //////////////////////

void setup() {
      /// Prepare I/O pins
      pinMode(IN_PREAMP, INPUT);
      pinMode(IN_OPERATE, INPUT);
      pinMode(IN_reset, INPUT);
      digitalWrite(supply_50v, LOW);     // We do not allow +50v yet
      pinMode(supply_50v, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(Buzzer, OUTPUT);
      digitalWrite(PTT_block,HIGH);      // we force RX mode till all is OK !
      pinMode(PTT_block, OUTPUT);

      for( int i=0 ; i<8 ; i++ )
      lcd.createChar( i,block[i] );
      lcd.setCursor(5,0 );   
      lcd.print ("1 . 2 5  k W   V H F  S S P A ");   
      lcd.setCursor(5,2 );   
      lcd.print ("       by  O N 7 E Q          ");   
      lcd.setCursor(5,3 );   
      lcd.print ("     05/2015  -  V1.08       ");      
      delay (2000);      
      delay (500); 
      lastT2 = millis();                // set T2 display refresh


/////////////////////////// LOOP //////////////////////////

void loop() {  

  // Check if TESTMODE required. Testmode is initiated by depressing the RESET button upon powering up.
  // In testmode, no 50v supply is applied to PA pallet, and no 50v is required to go into 'OPERATE' and 'TX' mode
  // exiting TESTMODE is only possible by powering up again SSPA
     if (((digitalRead(IN_reset) == LOW) or (TestMode == 1))and (FirstLoop == 1) ) { 
     TestMode = 1;
     lcd.setCursor(10,0 );   
     lcd.print                    ("T E S T    M O D E  !");
     lcd.setCursor( 7,1 );   
     lcd.print                 ("(N O   + 5 0 v   T O   P A)");
     delay (200);    
     lcd.setCursor(10,0 );   
     lcd.print                    ("                     ");
     lcd.setCursor( 7,1 );   
     lcd.print                 ("                           ");    
     delay (200); 
     lcd.setCursor(10,0 );   
     lcd.print                    ("T E S T    M O D E  !");
     lcd.setCursor( 7,1 );   
     lcd.print                 ("(N O   + 5 0 v   T O   P A)");    
     delay (200);    
     lcd.setCursor(10,0 );   
     lcd.print                    ("                     ");
     lcd.setCursor( 7,1 );   
     lcd.print                 ("                           ");    
     delay (200); 
     lcd.setCursor(10,0 );   
     lcd.print                    ("T E S T    M O D E  !");
     lcd.setCursor( 7,1 );   
     lcd.print                 ("(N O   + 5 0 v   T O   P A)");    
     delay (200);    
     delay (500);
  // update OPERATE / STBY mode
      if (digitalRead(IN_OPERATE) == HIGH) Operate = 1;
      else Operate = 0;
 // update PTT status
      if (analogRead(IN_PTT) < 512)  PTT = 1;
      else PTT = 0;
  // Check if no PTT & operate mode at startup of our PA
      if ((Operate == 1) and (FirstLoop == 1) and (PTT == 1)) {
       lcd.setCursor(5,0 );   
       lcd.print                    ("SET TRANSCEIVER IN RX PLEASE !");
       delay (500);
       delay (500);
  // perform every loop some measurement we need for critical faults detection
  //         __________

      // Current 50v
      amp_50  = map (analogRead(IN_50vI),0,1023,0,1680);      //90 Amp ATTOPILOT board - convert to 0,1 A
           if (amp_50 < 31) amp_50 = amp_50 + (amp_50/4) ; // Arduino not linear at very low voltages ?
           if (amp_50 < 51) amp_50 = amp_50 + (amp_50/7) ;
           if (amp_50 < 101) amp_50 = amp_50 + (amp_50/10) ;
           if (amp_50 < 150) amp_50 = amp_50 + (amp_50/20) ;
           if (amp_50 > amp_50_max) amp_50_max = amp_50;             // measure peak current every T1 to display max every T2
  //Detect current peak (instantaneous, 'never exceed' value) :
           if (amp_50 >= 400) {     // Critical overcurrent ! peak with more than 40A !
                  FAULT = 1;
                  fault();           // Jump to FAULT handling
   //Detect current 'long lasting' peak (overdrive of PA - protect LDMOS) :
           if (amp_50 >= 350) {      // more than 35A
                  if (HiAmp50 == 0) HiAmp50Time =  millis();  // timestamp reading
                  HiAmp50 = 1;
               else (HiAmp50 = 0);
            if ((HiAmp50 == 1) and ((millis() - HiAmp50Time) > 30)) {  // we have a peak lasting more than 30 ms
                 HiAmp50 = 0;
                 FAULT = 1;
                 fault();           // Jump to FAULT handling
      // Voltage 50v 
      volt_50 = map (analogRead(IN_50vv),0,1023,0,788);       //90 Amp ATTOPILOT board - convert to 0,1 V

           if ((volt_50 >= 550)           ){             // Overvoltage, always alarm !     
                  FAULT = 2;
                  fault();           // Jump to FAULT handling
           if ((volt_50 <= 430) and (Operate == 1) and  (TestMode == 0)  and (PTT == 0) ){  // Undervoltage while in operate mode, in RX ! Fault in pallet ?    
                  FAULT = 2;
                  fault();           // Jump to FAULT handling
           // detect long lasting voltage dip
           if ((volt_50 <= 450) and (Operate == 1) and (TestMode == 0)  and (PTT == 1) ){  // Undervoltage while in TX mode    
                  if (LoVolt50 == 0) LoVolt50Time = millis ();
                  LoVolt50 = (1);          
                    else (LoVolt50 = 0);
           if ((LoVolt50 == 1) and ((millis() - LoVolt50Time) > 100)) {  // we have a dip >100 ms !
                 LoVolt50 = 0;
                 FAULT = 2;
                 fault();           // Jump to FAULT handling
      // Voltage 26v.  Make sure RF relays can be energized !                
      volt_26 = map(analogRead(IN_26v), 0,1023,0,(50*(R2+R1)/R1)) + 1; 
      if(volt_26 == 1) volt_26 = 0;  // 'zero volt' rounding orreection
           if ((volt_26 >= 300) or (volt_26 <= 230)          ){     // Under or overvoltage, always alarm !
                  FAULT = 3;
                  fault();           // Jump to FAULT handling                 

       // Voltage 12v.       
       volt_12 = map(analogRead(IN_12v), 0,1023,0,(50*(R4+R3)/R3));
           if ((volt_12 >= 150) or (volt_12 <= 110)          ){     // Under or overvoltage, always alarm !
                  FAULT = 4;
                  fault();           // Jump to FAULT handling                 
    // All critical parameters checked, if selftest on startup we can now release PTT block and allow +50v supply PA   
     if ((SelfTest == 1) ) {
       if (TestMode == 0) digitalWrite(supply_50v,HIGH);   // +50v only when not in testmode
       // test current 50v, should be 0 !
       amp_50  = map (analogRead(IN_50vI),0,1023,0,1680);      //90 Amp ATTOPILOT board - convert to 0,1 A
       if ((amp_50 > 1) and (TestMode == 0) ) {            // more than 0.1 A idle current !
                  digitalWrite(supply_50v,LOW);  // immediately switch off 50v !
                  FAULT = 9;
                  fault();           // Jump to FAULT handling
        lcd.setCursor( 13,0 );   
        lcd.print  ("SELFTEST = OK !");
        if (FirstLoop == 1) analogWrite (FANcontrol,255); // Fan test
         // Morse code
         // Oscar
        delay (240);
        delay (80);
        delay (240);
        delay (80);        
        delay (240);
        // space 
        analogWrite (FANcontrol,0);
        delay (240);        
        // Kilo
        delay (240);
        delay (80);         
        delay (80);            
        delay (80); 
        delay (240);
        delay (500);
        // end CW tune
        // NOW PA ready to go !
        SelfTest = (0);
        LastTXtime = millis() - 35000;    // avoid FAN running at startup
         } // end of selftest        

///// we must now update screen for timer T1 = short timer //////
 if (( millis()<lastT1 ) and (FirstLoop == 0))  return;
 lastT1 = millis() + T_REFRESH1;
 pow_fwd = analogRead(IN_FWD);
       if (pow_fwd > 5) {         // only correct for diode voltage when more than zero
         pow_fwd = (pow_fwd + Vdiode)*(pow_fwd + Vdiode) / calibrP; 

        // detect PA overdrive

        if (pow_fwd > 1300) {        // PA overdriven !
                      FAULT = 5;
                      fault();           // Jump to FAULT handling                       
 // detect if SSB or EME CW/JT65 condition (more than 7 seconds continuous CW/JT65)
        if ((pow_fwd < 600)) {        // less than 600w continuous
                      EMEmode = 0;
                      HiPowerTime = millis();                              
        if ((pow_fwd > 600) and (millis() - HiPowerTime > 7000)) {        // 
                      EMEmode = (1);
  pow_ref = analogRead(IN_REFL);

 if (pow_ref > 5) {             // only correct for diode voltage when more than zero
      pow_ref = (pow_ref + Vdiode)*(pow_ref + Vdiode) / calibrP;

   // detect SWR error / load mismatch 
    Pratio = pow_fwd / pow_ref;           // calculate ratio with raw data
    SWR = abs ((1+sqrt(Pratio)) / (1-sqrt(Pratio))) ; 
    if ((SWR > 2) and (pow_fwd > 100)) {  //  only when forward power > 100w
             FAULT = 6;                
             fault();           // Jump to FAULT handling    
   // Detect if W6PQL is in SWR error 
     if ((pow_ref > 5) and (pow_fwd < 2)) {  //  When W6PQL trips on SWR fault, REFL power steady approx 20w
             FAULT = 10;                
             fault();           // Jump to FAULT handling    
  // bargraph display
    anF = map( pow_fwd,0,1250,0,150 );    // 150 = 30 x 5 colums, full scale 1250w
    anR = map( pow_ref,0,125 ,0,150 );    // 150 = 30 x 5 colums, full scale 125 w
    bar( 0,anF );
    bar( 1,anR );
  // digital readout
  pow_fwd = ((pow_fwd+5)/10)*10;             // only up to 10w precision

  pow_ref =  ((pow_ref+3)/5)*5;              // only up to 5 w precision
  // update PEP¨meter ?
  if (pow_fwd >= pow_fwd_max) {             // we have a peak !
        lastTpep = millis();
        pow_fwd_max = pow_fwd;
        pow_ref_max = pow_ref;
  if (millis() > (lastTpep + T_pepHOLD))  { // clear the peak after hold time
          pow_fwd_max = pow_fwd; 
          pow_ref_max = pow_ref; 
    lcd.setCursor( 34,0 );                  // print forward power max
     if (pow_fwd_max > 999) {
       lcd.print( "1.");
       if ((pow_fwd_max - 1000) < 100)  lcd.print( "0");
       if ((pow_fwd_max - 1000) < 10)   lcd.print( "0");
       lcd.print( (pow_fwd_max - 1000),DEC);
     else {
     if (pow_fwd_max < 1000) lcd.print( "  ");
     if (pow_fwd_max < 100)  lcd.print( " ");
     if (pow_fwd_max < 10)   lcd.print( " ");  
    lcd.setCursor( 34,1 );   // print reflected power
      if (pow_ref_max > 999) {
       lcd.print( "1.");
       if ((pow_ref_max - 1000) < 100)  lcd.print( "0");
       if ((pow_ref_max - 1000) < 10)   lcd.print( "0");
       lcd.print( (pow_ref_max - 1000),DEC);
     else {
     if (pow_ref_max < 1000) lcd.print( "  ");
     if (pow_ref_max < 100)  lcd.print( " ");
     if (pow_ref_max < 10)   lcd.print( " ");  

  // update PREAMP STATUS
  if (digitalRead(IN_PREAMP) == LOW){
        lcd.setCursor( 31,2 );
        lcd.print( "PRE"); 
        lcd.setCursor( 31,3 );
        lcd.print( "AMP"); 
  else  {
        lcd.setCursor( 31,2 );
        lcd.print( "   "); 
        lcd.setCursor( 31,3 );
        lcd.print( "   "); 
// update OPER / STBY STATUS
   if (Operate == HIGH){      // OPERATE
       lcd.setCursor( 36,2 );
       lcd.print( "OPER"); 
  else  {                     // STANDBY
       lcd.setCursor( 36,2 );
       lcd.print( "stby"); 
       lcd.setCursor( 36,3 );
       lcd.print( "    ");    // Clear TX / RX indicator
       LastTXtime = millis() - 31000;    // reset FAN timer
// update TX / RX STATUS
   if (Operate == 1){
       lcd.setCursor( 36,3 );
        if (PTT == 1){
          lcd.print( "-TX-");
          wasPTT = 1;
        if (PTT == 0){
          lcd.print( "-RX-");
            if (wasPTT == 1) {  // previous state was TX !
            wasPTT = 0;
            LastTXtime = millis();

//////////// we must update screen for timer T2 = long timer //////////////

  if ((millis()-lastT2)>T_REFRESH2) {   
      lastT2 = millis();

// SWR calculation & display

// SWR = abs ((1+sqrt(Pratio)) / (1-sqrt(Pratio))) ; // already calculated !

 SWRDis = (SWR * 10) + 0.5;   // display SWR one figure after DP
  if (SWRDis < 10){    // SWR cannot be lower than 1.0
    SWRDis = 10 ;
  lcd.setCursor( 0,3 );

  if (SWRDis >= 50) {
  if (pow_fwd < 5) {
  else if (SWRDis < 50){
         lcd.print((SWRDis/10), DEC);lcd.print(".");
         lcd.print((SWRDis)%10, DEC); 
 // Temperature 
        temp = ((Thermister(1023 - analogRead(IN_NTC))) + 0.5);
        // if (temp >= 0) lcd.print(" ");       // If temp positive, print space, else a '-' will show up
        lcd.setCursor( 27,2 );
        if ((temp < 0) or (temp > 99)){
              FAULT = 7;      // NTC error !
        else {
              constrain (temp,0,99);
              if ((temp)<10) lcd.print("0"); 
              lcd.print(temp, DEC); 
         if (((temp >= 0) and (temp <=  5)) or (temp >= 65))   {  // FAULT check     
              FAULT = 8;      // temperature error, too cold or hot  !
 // + 50v SUPPLY  Volt & Amp measurements display
       lcd.setCursor( 9,2 );                    // Volts
       if (volt_50 > 999) volt_50 = 999;        // smoke in the shack !
       if (volt_50<100) lcd.print(" ");
       lcd.print((volt_50/10), DEC);lcd.print(".");
       lcd.print((volt_50)%10, DEC); 
       lcd.setCursor( 9,3 );                    // Amps
       if (amp_50_max > 999) amp_50_max = 999;
       if (amp_50_max<100) lcd.print(" ");
       lcd.print((amp_50_max/10), DEC);
       lcd.print((amp_50_max)%10, DEC); 
       amp_50_max = 0;        // reset after display
 // + 28v Relay SUPPLY measurements print      
    //volt_26 = map(analogRead(IN_26v), 0,1023,0,(50*(R2+R1)/R1));

    lcd.setCursor( 19,2 );   
    if (volt_26 < 100) lcd.print(" ");  // less than 10v
    lcd.print((volt_26/10), DEC);
    lcd.print((volt_26)%10, DEC); 

  // + 12v  SUPPLY  measurements  print    
    //volt_12 = map(analogRead(IN_12v), 0,1023,0,(50*(R4+R3)/R3));

    lcd.setCursor( 19,3 );   
    if (volt_12 < 100) lcd.print(" ");  // less than 10v
    lcd.print((volt_12/10), DEC);
    lcd.print((volt_12)%10, DEC); 

 ////// Perform some less critical controls
  // Temp check & FAN CONTROL
         if (temp < 35) FAN = 0;      // start condition
         // If SSPA in OPERATE mode, FAN to run very slow if temp between 35 - 40°and in RX mode
         if ((Operate == 1) and (temp>=35) and (temp < 40) and (PTT == 0)) FAN = fan_vy_slow;
         // If SSPA in OPERATE mode, FAN to run slow if temp < 40°and in TX mode 
         if ((temp < 40) and (Operate == 1) and (PTT == 1)) FAN = fan_slow;
         // keep fan running for 30 sec after last TX and operate mode
         if ((temp < 40) and (Operate == 1) and (abs (millis()- LastTXtime) < 31000)) FAN = fan_slow; 
         if ((temp >= 40) and (temp < 45)) FAN = fan_med_lo;
         if ((temp >= 45) and (FirstLoop == 1)) FAN = 255;   //Temp high at power up, immediately cool down !       
         if (temp < 45)  HiTemp = 0;
         // Temp at least 45°, now activate PID control !
          if (temp >= 45) {
                if (HiTemp == 0) {        // detect temp passing PID temp level to start PID correction with no delay...
                  HiTemp = 1;
                  FAN = fan_med_hi;
                  lastTempTime = millis() - 5100;
                if (((millis() - lastTempTime) > 5000)) {                       // every 5 seconds, update PID
                      lastTempTime = millis();                                  // recover timer for fan control
                            if (temp > lasttemp + 1) {                          // rising temp, at least 1° !
                                FAN = FAN + ((temp - 45)*(temp-45)*3);
                                if (FAN > 255) FAN = 255;                       // constrain FAN value
                                lasttemp = temp;  
                             if (temp < lasttemp) {                             // temp going down !
                                FAN = FAN - ((temp - 45)*10);
                                if (FAN < fan_med_hi) FAN = fan_med_hi;         // constrain FAN value
                                lasttemp = temp;                               
                      } // End PID update
                } // end temp > 45°
         if (FAULT == 7)  FAN = 0;         // we have a NTC error, stop FAN !
         lcd.setCursor (26,3);
         /*    // 000 - 255 indication
         if ((FAN) < 100) lcd.print("0");
         if ((FAN) < 10)  lcd.print("0");
         lcd.print(FAN, DEC); 
         // end debug
                if (EMEmode ==1) FAN = 255;    

                if (FAN == 0) lcd.print("fan");  
                if (FAN == fan_vy_slow) lcd.print("20%"); 
                if (FAN == fan_slow) lcd.print("30%"); 
                if (FAN == fan_med_lo) lcd.print("40%");  
                if (FAN >= fan_med_hi) {
                 lcd.print (map(FAN,fan_med_hi,255,50,99),DEC);
                analogWrite (FANcontrol,FAN);   // PWM output for FAN control by HEXFET
  // end FAN control routine
   FirstLoop = 0;      // first loop completely run
/////////////////// END T2 Refresh ///////////////////////// 
}  ////// this is end of loop 

/////////////////////   FAULT CONDITIONS /////////////////////

// when FAULT = 0 : NO FAULT 
// when FAULT = 1 : Overcurrent
// when FAULT = 2 : voltage error 50v
// when FAULT = 3 : voltage error 26v
// when FAULT = 4 : voltage error 12v
// when FAULT = 5 : power out error 
// when FAULT = 6 : SWR error 
// when FAULT = 7 : NTC read error 
// when FAULT = 8 : Temperature error
// when FAULT = 9 : 50v idle current error
// when FAULT = 10: W6PQL control PCB SWR exceed fault  

void fault() {

  if (FAULT == 0) return;          // No fault !
  // take vital actions !
  digitalWrite(PTT_block,HIGH);     // signal to sequencer that we force RX mode !
  digitalWrite(supply_50v, LOW);    // remove + 50v supply from pallet
  // update TX / RX STATUS while in FAULT void
   if (Operate == 1){
       lcd.setCursor( 36,3 );
        lcd.print( "-RX-");
  else  {
       lcd.setCursor( 36,3 );
       lcd.print( "    "); 

  digitalWrite(Buzzer,HIGH);        // Sound buzzer

  // Signal on display
  lcd.setCursor( 0,0 );   
  lcd.print                    ("         F   A   U   L   T    !         ");
  lcd.setCursor( 0,1 ); 
  if (FAULT == 1){
       lcd.print("         OVERCURRENT 50v SUPPLY         "); 
  // Show Error value
       lcd.setCursor( 9,3 );                    // Amps
       if (amp_50 > 999) amp_50 = 999;
       if (amp_50<100) lcd.print(" ");
       lcd.print((amp_50/10), DEC);
       lcd.print((amp_50)%10, DEC); 
  if (FAULT == 2)   {
   lcd.print("      UNDER/OVERVOLTAGE 50v SUPPLY      ");    
    // Show Volt_50 error value
   lcd.setCursor( 9,2 );
   if (volt_50 > 999) volt_50 = 999;
   if (volt_50<100) lcd.print(" ");
   lcd.print((volt_50/10), DEC);lcd.print(".");
   lcd.print((volt_50)%10, DEC); 
  if (FAULT == 3)   {
    lcd.print("      UNDER/OVERVOLTAGE 26v SUPPLY      "); 
    // Show Volt_26 error value
    lcd.setCursor( 19,2 );   
    if (volt_26 < 100) lcd.print(" ");  // less than 10v
    lcd.print((volt_26/10), DEC);
    lcd.print((volt_26)%10, DEC); 
  if (FAULT == 4)   {
    lcd.print("     UNDER/OVERVOLTAGE 13.8v SUPPLY     ");    
    // Show Volt_12 error value 
    lcd.setCursor( 19,3 );   
    if (volt_12 < 100) lcd.print(" ");  // less than 10v
    lcd.print((volt_12/10), DEC);
    lcd.print((volt_12)%10, DEC); 
  if (FAULT == 5)     lcd.print("       POWER AMPLIFIER OVERDRIVE        ");  
  if (FAULT == 6)     lcd.print("        LOAD MISMATCH (SWR EXCEED)      ");    
  if (FAULT == 7)     lcd.print("     NTC  TEMP. PROBE CIRCUIT ERROR     ");   
  if (FAULT == 8)     lcd.print("         UNDER/OVER TEMPERATURE         ");
  if((FAULT == 8) and (temp > 40 )) analogWrite (FANcontrol,255);      // cooling down ...                    
  if (FAULT == 9)     lcd.print("     50v SUPPLY IDLE CURRENT EXCEED     ");
  if (FAULT ==10)     lcd.print("    SWR ERROR - POWER OFF & ON SSPA     ");
  delay (500);
  lcd.setCursor( 0,0 );
  lcd.print  ("                                        ");
  delay (500);
  if (digitalRead(IN_reset) == LOW) ResetFault(); 
/////////////////// END FAULT CONDITION ////////////////////

//////////////////   RECOVER PROCEDURE   /////////////////////

void ResetFault() {
  lcd.setCursor( 0,1 );   
  lcd.print                    ("                                        ");  
  lcd.setCursor( 0,0 );   
  if (PTT ==0) lcd.print                    ("         R E S E T T I N G              ");
  if (PTT ==1) lcd.print                    ("       R E S E T T I N G    B U T       ");
  if (PTT ==0)delay (800);
  lcd.setCursor( 0,0 );   
  if (PTT ==0)lcd.print                    ("         R E S E T T I N G .            ");
  delay (800);  
  lcd.setCursor( 0,0 );   
  if (PTT ==0)lcd.print                    ("         R E S E T T I N G . .          ");
  if (PTT ==0)delay (800);  
  lcd.setCursor( 0,0 );   
  if (PTT ==0)lcd.print                    ("         R E S E T T I N G . . .        ");
  if (PTT ==0)delay (1500);      
 // update PTT status : restart / recover only in RX mode
 if (analogRead(IN_PTT) < 512) {      // We are still in TX mode !
   PTT = 1;
   lcd.setCursor( 0,0 );   
   lcd.print                   ("      SET TRANSCEIVER IN RX PLEASE !    ");
   delay (800);
   ResetFault();                            // stay in loop till RX mode
 // Recovery
     digitalWrite(PTT_block,LOW);         // signal to sequencer that we allow again PTT mode !
     FAULT = 0;                   //recover fault condition
     printtemplate ();
     SelfTest = 1;                // Force Selftest


This is the sketch version for 1.8 k LDMOS


///                                                                  ///
///                                                                  ///

By ON7EQ 02/2015

Revised V11 on 10-12-2018 for 1.8kW LDMOS & power supply 55/48v

Compiled with IDE 0.22 for ARDUINO NANO board

Connected with W6PQL SSPA controller


PIN		DESCRIPTION	                         TO PIN
A0		Forward voltage directional coupler	Dir coupler FWD
A1		Reflected voltage directional coupler	Dir coupler REFL
A2		NTC 10k	                                NTC (10k to +5v)
A3		50v supply - voltage	                ATTOPILOT Voltage
A4		50v supply - current	                ATTOPILOT Current
A5		26v supply - Voltage	
A6		13.8v supply - voltage	
A7		PTT - read status	
0	I	Serial RX  &   input recover/reset switch  (0 = recover/reset)	
1	I	Serial TX  &   Input PREAMP status (0 = preamp ON)	
2	I	"Operate" status read	Logic HI = operate 
3	O	+50v Supply control	Output, logic HI = ON
4	O	Buzzer	Output, Logic HI = sounding
5	O	FAN Control (PWM port)	Output, Logic HI = 'ON' pulse to Mosfet Gate
6	O	LCD : DB7	LCD 01
7	O	LCD : DB6	LCD 02
8	O	LCD : DB5	LCD 03
9	O	LCD : DB4	LCD 04
10	O	LCD : En2	LCD 15
11	O	LCD : En1	LCD 09
12	O	LCD : RS	LCD 11
13	O	FAULT 	        (PTT BLOCK W6PQL) Logic HI = Kill PTT via open collector output

                         NTC Thermistor Schematic

 (+5v ) ---- (10k-Resistor) -------|------- (Thermistor) ---- (GND)
                                Analog Pin 'IN_NTC'


// include 4x40 LED driver
#include <LiquidCrystal440.h>

// include math functions
#include "math.h"  

uint8_t nRows = 4;      //number of rows on LCD
uint8_t nColumns =40;   //number of columns

// Modify the pin number below to meet your board

//Analog pins
#define IN_FWD    A0  // analog input for left channel
#define IN_REFL   A1  // analog input for right channel
#define IN_NTC    A2  // analog input for right channel
#define IN_50vv   A3  // analog input for 50v voltage
#define IN_50vI   A4  // analog input for 50v current
#define IN_26v    A5  // analog input for 26v voltage
#define IN_12v    A6  // analog input for 12v voltage
#define IN_PTT    A7  // analog input for PTT detect  (0 = keyed)

//  Digital pins
#define IN_reset   0 //  input for recover/SELFTEST switch detect - momentary pulling to GND (0 = recover/SELFTEST)
#define IN_PREAMP  1 //  input for Preamp detect  (1 = ON)
#define IN_OPERATE 2 //  input for operate detect  (1 = OPERATE)

#define supply_50v 3 //  output for 50v supply control  (1 = 50v ON)
#define Buzzer     4 //  output for Buzzer control  (1 = ON)
#define FANcontrol 5 //  output for FAN control  (PWM !)
#define PTT_block  13//  output for PTT block control  (no alarm = 0, FAULT = 1...n)

// Other minor configurable value

#define T_REFRESH1    50          // msec bargraph refresh rate
#define T_REFRESH2    500         // msec refresh rate other variables
#define T_PEAKHOLD   600          // msec peak hold time before return
#define T_pepHOLD    600          // msec pep hold time before return

#define R1               (10)     // from GND to IN_26v, express in 100R  (12 = 1200 Ohm)
#define R2               (82)     // from + power supply to IN_26v, express in 100R  (47 = 4700 Ohm)
#define R3               (12)     // from GND to IN_12v, express in 100R  (12 = 1200 Ohm)
#define R4               (47)     // from + power supply to IN_12v, express in 100R  (47 = 4700 Ohm)

// FAN speeds (0 ... 255) PWM driven. Adjust according to your fan type !

#define fan_vy_slow      (20)     // Very slow, idle speed
#define fan_slow         (30)     // Slow
#define fan_med_lo       (40)     // Medium speeds, low
#define fan_med_hi       (50)     // Medium Hi, start of PID regulation till 255 = max !

// Calibration factors

int calibrP = 540;                // Assume 3.3v = 1.000w in 50R. CalibrP = (3.3 / 5.0 x 1024 + Vdiode)x(3.3 / 5.0 x 1024 + Vdiode) / 1000w
int Vdiode = 60;                  // if we assume FWD voltage diode = 0,3v : Vdiode = 0,3 v / 5.0 v  x 1024

// local variable

byte  fill[6]={ 0x20,0x00,0x01,0x02,0x03,0xFF };      // character used to fill (0=empty  5=full)
byte  peak[7]={ 0x20,0x00,0x04,0x05,0x06,0x07,0x20 }; // character used to peak indicator
int   lmax[5];                                        // level max memory
int   dly[5];                                         // delay & speed for peak return
long  lastT1=0;                                        // update display timer1
long  lastT2=0;                                        // update display timer2
long  lastTpep = 0;                                   // update PEP display
long  lastTempTime = 0;                               // update last temp readout for fan control
long  LastTXtime = 0;                                  // timestamp when last transmission ended (for FAN control)
long  HiPowerTime = 0;                                 // timestamp Hig Power - for EME/Digital mode conditions
long  HiAmp50Time = 0;                                 // timestamp high current value on 50v power supply

int   anF = 0;                            // analog read forward power
int   anR = 0;                            // analog read reflected power

int  volt_50 = 0;                         // 50v volt supply - voltage (in 0,1 volt)
int  amp_50  = 0;                         // 50v volt supply - current (in 0,1 Amp)
int  amp_50_max = 0;                      // 50v volt supply - max current (in 0,1 Amp)
int  volt_26 = 0;                         // 26v volt supply - voltage (in 0,1 volt)
int  volt_12 = 0;                         // 13,8 v volt supply - voltage (in 0,1 volt)

int  temp = 0;                            // temperature (in 1 °C)
int  lasttemp = 0;                        // last temperature for fan control    

byte  PTT = 0;                             // 0 = RX, 1 = TX
byte  wasPTT = 0;                          // former RX/TX status byte : if 1 = was in TX mode

byte  TestMode = 0;                        // 0 = normal mode, 1 = TestMode (PA will 'operate' with no +50v). Testmode is
                                           // initiated by depressing 'RESET4 button upon startup of SSPA

int  Operate = 0;                         // When operate = 0 , PA in stby mode

int  FAN = (0);                           // Fan control (PWM) - 255 = full speed
byte HiTemp = (0);                       // Temperature passing above PID start temp

byte FAULT = 0;                           // when FAULT = 0 : NO FAULT 
                                          // when FAULT = 1 : Overcurrent
                                          // when FAULT = 2 : voltage error 50v
                                          // when FAULT = 3 : voltage error 26v
                                          // when FAULT = 4 : voltage error 12v
                                          // when FAULT = 5 : power out error 
                                          // when FAULT = 6 : SWR error 
                                          // when FAULT = 7 : NTC sensor read error 
                                          // when FAULT = 8 : Temperature error
                                          // when FAULT = 9 : 50v idle current error 
                                          // when FAULT = 10: W6PQL control PCB SWR exceed fault
                                          // when FAULT = 11: Power supply voltage too high in DIGI mode(= poor efficiency)
                                          // when FAULT = 12: PA power output too high in DIGI mode 
byte FirstLoop = (1);                     // First loop detect 
byte SelfTest  = (1);                     // 1 to force selftest

byte HiAmp50 = (0);                       // Flag to detect long lasting current peaks on 50v supply

byte DIGImode = (0);                       // 0 = normal, 1 = EME/digtal mode conditions (no SSB but CW/JT65/FT-8/FSK ....)

unsigned long   pow_fwd = 0;              // power forward (watts)
unsigned long   pow_ref = 0;              // power reflected (watts)

unsigned int   pow_fwd_max = 0;           // power forward max (for peak hold)
unsigned int   pow_ref_max = 0;           // power reflected max (for peak hold)

float SWR = 0;                            // SWR 
float Pratio = 0;                         // Power ratio P forward / P refl
int SWRDis = 0;                           // power calculation for showing in display

LiquidCrystal lcd(12,255,11,10,9,8,7,6);  // (RS,RW,En1,En2,D4,D5,D6,D7) 255 if RW  is connected to GND and not controlled by the interface.

//=====for a 4x40 LCD with 2 HD44780 type chips and 18 pin interface in 2 rows of 9; 

//   LCD     Nano     Signal
//    18              Gnd        Backlight white on blue 4x LED draws 40 mAmps
//    17              +5V        Backligt + through external resistor 15 Ohm.   
//    16      NC      not used
//    15      10      En2 -- enable the 2nd HD44780 chip which controls the bottom 2 rows of the display
//    14              +5V supply logic
//    13              Gnd logic
//    12              Wiper of contrast resistor (22k between +5v and Gnd)
//    11      12      RS
//    10              Connect to Gnd 
//     9      11      En1 -- enable the 1st HD44780 which controls the top 2 rows
//    5-8             Data 0-3: not used in 4 bit modes
//    1-4    09-06    Data 4-7: LCD DB7 to ARDUINO 06, DB6 to 07, DB5 to 08, DB4 to 09

/////////////////// DRAW BAR //////////////////////////

void  bar  ( int row,int lev )
  lcd.setCursor( 3,row );
  lcd.write( row ? ' ' : ' ' );
  for( int i=1 ; i<30 ; i++ )
    int f=constrain( lev      -i*5,0,5 );  // Level instant
    int p=constrain( lmax[row]-i*5,0,6 );  // Level maximum (=peak)
    if( f )
      lcd.write( fill[ f ] );
      lcd.write( peak[ p ] );
  if( lev>lmax[row] )
    lmax[row] = lev;
    dly[row]  = -(T_PEAKHOLD)/T_REFRESH1;                // Starting delay value. Negative=peak don't move
    if( dly[row]>0 )
      lmax[row] -= dly[row]; 

    if( lmax[row]<0 )

byte block[8][8]=
  { 0x10,0x10,0x10,0x10,0x10,0x10,0x10,0x10 },  // define character for fill the bar
  { 0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18 },
  { 0x1C,0x1C,0x1C,0x1C,0x1C,0x1C,0x1C,0x1C },
  { 0x1E,0x1E,0x1E,0x1E,0x1E,0x1E,0x1E,0x1E },

  { 0x08,0x08,0x08,0x08,0x08,0x08,0x08,0x08 },  // define character for peak level
  { 0x04,0x04,0x04,0x04,0x04,0x04,0x04,0x04 },
  { 0x02,0x02,0x02,0x02,0x02,0x02,0x02,0x02 },
  { 0x01,0x01,0x01,0x01,0x01,0x01,0x01,0x01 },

///////////////// PRINT TEMPLATE  ///////////////////

void printtemplate () {

  lcd.setCursor( 0,0 );
  lcd.print( "FWD                                   0w");
  lcd.setCursor( 0,1 );
  lcd.print( "REF                                   0w");

  lcd.setCursor( 6,2 );
  lcd.print( "Vd=--.-"); 
  lcd.setCursor( 6,3 );
  lcd.print( "Id=--.-"); 

  lcd.setCursor( 16,2 );
  lcd.print( "Vr=--.-"); 
  lcd.setCursor( 16,3 );
  lcd.print( "Vs=--.-"); 

  lcd.setCursor( 26,2 );
  lcd.print( "t--"); 
  lcd.print((char)223);  //degree symbol

  lcd.setCursor( 0,2 );
  lcd.print( "swr"); 
  lcd.setCursor( 0,3 );
  lcd.print( "-.-"); 
  lcd.setCursor( 31,2 );
  lcd.print( "PRE"); 
  lcd.setCursor( 31,3 );
  lcd.print( "AMP"); 
  lcd.setCursor( 36,2 );
  lcd.print( "stby"); 
  lcd.setCursor( 4,2 ); 
  lcd.write( peak[3] );
  lcd.setCursor( 4,3 ); 
  lcd.write( peak[3] );
  lcd.setCursor( 14,2 ); 
  lcd.write( peak[3] );
  lcd.setCursor( 14,3 ); 
  lcd.write( peak[3] );
  lcd.setCursor( 24,2 ); 
  lcd.write( peak[3] );
  lcd.setCursor( 24,3 ); 
  lcd.write( peak[3] );
  lcd.setCursor( 30,2 ); 
  lcd.write( peak[3] );
  lcd.setCursor( 30,3 ); 
  lcd.write( peak[3] );  
  lcd.setCursor( 34,2 ); 
  lcd.write( peak[3] );
  lcd.setCursor( 34,3 ); 
  lcd.write( peak[3] );

/////////// This function will calculate temperature from 10k NTC readout /////////////

double Thermister(int RawADC) {
 double Temp;
 Temp = log(((10240000/RawADC) - 10000));
 Temp = 1 / (0.001129148 + (0.000234125 + (0.0000000876741 * Temp * Temp ))* Temp );
 Temp = Temp - 273.15;            // Convert Kelvin to Celcius
// Temp = (Temp * 9.0)/ 5.0 + 32.0; // Convert Celcius to Fahrenheit
 return Temp;

///////////////////////////    SETUP      //////////////////////

void setup() {
      /// Prepare I/O pins
      pinMode(IN_PREAMP, INPUT);
      pinMode(IN_OPERATE, INPUT);
      pinMode(IN_reset, INPUT);
      digitalWrite(supply_50v, LOW);     // We do not allow +50v yet
      pinMode(supply_50v, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(Buzzer, OUTPUT);
      digitalWrite(PTT_block,HIGH);      // we force RX mode via W6PQL board till all is OK !
      pinMode(PTT_block, OUTPUT);

      for( int i=0 ; i<8 ; i++ )
      lcd.createChar( i,block[i] );
      lcd.setCursor(5,0 );   
      lcd.print ("1 . 2 5  k W   V H F  S S P A ");   
      lcd.setCursor(5,2 );   
      lcd.print ("       by  O N 7 E Q          ");   
      lcd.setCursor(5,3 );   
      lcd.print ("     12/2018  -  V1.11       ");      
      delay (2000);      
      delay (500); 
      lastT2 = millis();                // set T2 display refresh


/////////////////////////// LOOP //////////////////////////

void loop() {  

  // Check if TESTMODE required. Testmode is initiated by depressing the RESET button upon powering up.
  // In testmode, no 50v supply is applied to PA pallet, and no 50v is required to go into 'OPERATE' and 'TX' mode
  // exiting TESTMODE is only possible by powering up again the power amplifier.
     if (((digitalRead(IN_reset) == LOW) or (TestMode == 1))and (FirstLoop == 1) ) { 
     TestMode = 1;
     lcd.setCursor(10,0 );   
     lcd.print                    ("T E S T    M O D E  !");
     lcd.setCursor( 7,1 );   
     lcd.print                 ("(N O   + 5 0 v   T O   P A)");
     delay (200);    
     lcd.setCursor(10,0 );   
     lcd.print                    ("                     ");
     lcd.setCursor( 7,1 );   
     lcd.print                 ("                           ");    
     delay (200); 
     lcd.setCursor(10,0 );   
     lcd.print                    ("T E S T    M O D E  !");
     lcd.setCursor( 7,1 );   
     lcd.print                 ("(N O   + 5 0 v   T O   P A)");    
     delay (200);    
     lcd.setCursor(10,0 );   
     lcd.print                    ("                     ");
     lcd.setCursor( 7,1 );   
     lcd.print                 ("                           ");    
     delay (200); 
     lcd.setCursor(10,0 );   
     lcd.print                    ("T E S T    M O D E  !");
     lcd.setCursor( 7,1 );   
     lcd.print                 ("(N O   + 5 0 v   T O   P A)");    
     delay (200);    
     delay (500);
  // update OPERATE / STBY mode
      if (digitalRead(IN_OPERATE) == HIGH) Operate = 1;
      else Operate = 0;
 // update PTT status
      if (analogRead(IN_PTT) < 512)  PTT = 1;
      else PTT = 0;
  // Check if no PTT & operate mode at startup of our PA
      if ((Operate == 1) and (FirstLoop == 1) and (PTT == 1)) {
       lcd.setCursor(5,0 );   
       lcd.print                    ("SET TRANSCEIVER IN RX PLEASE !");
       delay (500);
       delay (500);
  /////// perform EVERY LOOP some measurement we need for critical faults detection ///////

      // Check Current 50v
      amp_50  = map (analogRead(IN_50vI),0,1023,0,1680);      //90 Amp ATTOPILOT board - convert to 0,1 A
           if (amp_50 < 31) amp_50 = amp_50 + (amp_50/4) ; // Arduino not linear at very low voltages ?
           if (amp_50 < 51) amp_50 = amp_50 + (amp_50/7) ;
           if (amp_50 < 101) amp_50 = amp_50 + (amp_50/10) ;
           if (amp_50 < 150) amp_50 = amp_50 + (amp_50/20) ;
           if (amp_50 > amp_50_max) amp_50_max = amp_50;             // measure peak current every T1 to display max every T2
  //Detect current peak (instantaneous, 'never exceed' value) :
           if (amp_50 >= 400) {     // Overcurrent ! peak with more than 40A !
                  FAULT = 1;
                  fault();           // Jump to FAULT handling
   //Detect current of 'long lasting' peak of at least 100mS  (overdrive of PA - protect LDMOS) :
           if (amp_50 >= 350) {      // more than 35A
                  if (HiAmp50 == 0) HiAmp50Time =  millis();  // timestamp reading
                  HiAmp50 = 1;
               else (HiAmp50 = 0);
            if ((HiAmp50 == 1) and ((millis() - HiAmp50Time) > 100)) {  // we have a peak !
                 HiAmp50 = 0;
                 FAULT = 1;
                 fault();           // Jump to FAULT handling
      // Check Voltage 50v (48 - 55V)
      volt_50 = map (analogRead(IN_50vv),0,1023,0,788);       //90 Amp ATTOPILOT board - convert to 0,1 V

           if ((volt_50 >= 570)           ){                                   // Overvoltage, always alarm !     
                  FAULT = 2;
                  fault();           // Jump to FAULT handling
           if ((volt_50 <= 40) and (Operate == 1) and  (TestMode == 0) ){     // Undervoltage while in operate mode!     
                  FAULT = 2;
                  fault();           // Jump to FAULT handling
      // Check Voltage 26v.  Make sure RF relays can be energized !                
      volt_26 = map(analogRead(IN_26v), 0,1023,0,(50*(R2+R1)/R1)) + 1; 
      if(volt_26 == 1) volt_26 = 0;
           if ((volt_26 >= 300) or (volt_26 <= 230)          ){     // Under or overvoltage, always alarm !
                  FAULT = 3;
                  fault();           // Jump to FAULT handling                 

       // Check Voltage 12v.       
       volt_12 = map(analogRead(IN_12v), 0,1023,0,(50*(R4+R3)/R3));
           if ((volt_12 >= 150) or (volt_12 <= 110)          ){     // Under or overvoltage, always alarm !
                  FAULT = 4;
                  fault();           // Jump to FAULT handling                 
    // All critical parameters checked, if we are in SELFTEST mode on startup we can now release PTT block and allow +50v supply PA   
     if ((SelfTest == 1) ) {
       DIGImode = (0);                                     // Reset DIGImode condition
       if (TestMode == 0) digitalWrite(supply_50v,HIGH);   // +50v only when not in testmode
       // Check current 50v, should be 0 !
       amp_50  = map (analogRead(IN_50vI),0,1023,0,1680);      //90 Amp ATTOPILOT board - convert to 0,1 A
       if ((amp_50 > 1) and (TestMode == 0) ) {            // more than 0.1 A idle current with no bias! Fault in pallet !
                  digitalWrite(supply_50v,LOW);            // immediately switch off 50v !
                  FAULT = 9;
                  fault();                                 // Jump to FAULT handling
        lcd.setCursor( 13,0 );   
        lcd.print  ("SELFTEST = OK !");
        if (FirstLoop == 1) analogWrite (FANcontrol,255); // Fan test
         // Morse code
         // Oscar
        delay (240);
        delay (80);
        delay (240);
        delay (80);        
        delay (240);
        // space 
        analogWrite (FANcontrol,0);
        delay (240);        
        // Kilo
        delay (240);
        delay (80);         
        delay (80);            
        delay (80); 
        delay (240);
        delay (500);
        // end CW tune
        // NOW PA READY TO GO !
        SelfTest = (0);
        LastTXtime = millis() - 35000;    // avoid FAN running at startup

///// we must now update screen for timer T1 = short cycle //////

 if (( millis()<lastT1 ) and (FirstLoop == 0))  return;
 lastT1 = millis() + T_REFRESH1;
 pow_fwd = analogRead(IN_FWD);
       if (pow_fwd > 5) {         // only correct for diode voltage when more than zero
         pow_fwd = (pow_fwd + Vdiode)*(pow_fwd + Vdiode) / calibrP; 

  // detect PA overdrive

        if (pow_fwd > 1400) {            // PA overdriven ! (limit for 1k8 version)
                      FAULT = 5;
                      fault();           // Jump to FAULT handling                       
 // detect if SSB or DIGI condition (more than 14 seconds continuous CW/JT65/FT-8 ....)
        if ((pow_fwd < 500)) {        // less than 500w continuous
                      HiPowerTime = millis();
                      if (millis() - HiPowerTime > 30000) DIGImode = 0; // wait 30s to recover from EME mode
        if ((pow_fwd > 500) and (millis() - HiPowerTime > 14000)) {        // more than 500W continuous during 14s
                      DIGImode = (1);
        if ((volt_50 > 490) and (DIGImode == 1)){     // Limit supply power to 48V for digital modes (= optimal efficiency)    
                  FAULT = 11;
                  fault();           // Jump to FAULT handling
        if ((pow_fwd > 1100) and (DIGImode == 1)){   // Limit output power for digital modes to 1kW
                  FAULT = 12;
                  fault();           // Jump to FAULT handling
  pow_ref = analogRead(IN_REFL);

 if (pow_ref > 5) {             // only correct for diode voltage when more than zero
      pow_ref = (pow_ref + Vdiode)*(pow_ref + Vdiode) / calibrP;

   // detect SWR error / load mismatch 
    Pratio = pow_fwd / pow_ref;           // calculate ratio with raw data
    SWR = abs ((1+sqrt(Pratio)) / (1-sqrt(Pratio))) ; 
    if ((SWR > 2) and (pow_fwd > 100)) {  //  only when forward power > 100w
             FAULT = 6;                
             fault();           // Jump to FAULT handling    
   // Detect if W6PQL is in SWR error 
     if ((pow_ref > 5) and (pow_fwd < 2)) {  //  When W6PQL trips on SWR fault, REFL power steady approx 20w
             FAULT = 10;                
             fault();           // Jump to FAULT handling    
  // bargraph display
    anF = map( pow_fwd,0,1250,0,150 );    // 150 = 30 x 5 colums, full scale 1250w
    anR = map( pow_ref,0,125 ,0,150 );    // 150 = 30 x 5 colums, full scale 125 w
    bar( 0,anF );
    bar( 1,anR );
  // digital readout of power FWD & REFL
  pow_fwd = ((pow_fwd+5)/10)*10;                   // FWD round up to 10w precision

 if (pow_ref > 10)  pow_ref =  ((pow_ref+2)/5)*5;  // REFL round up to 5 w precision if more than 10W
  // update PEP¨meter ?
  if (pow_fwd >= pow_fwd_max) {             // we have a peak !
        lastTpep = millis();
        pow_fwd_max = pow_fwd;
        pow_ref_max = pow_ref;
  if (millis() > (lastTpep + T_pepHOLD))  { // clear the peak after hold time
          pow_fwd_max = pow_fwd; 
          pow_ref_max = pow_ref; 
    lcd.setCursor( 34,0 );                  // print forward power max
     if (pow_fwd_max > 999) {
       lcd.print( "1.");
       if ((pow_fwd_max - 1000) < 100)  lcd.print( "0");
       if ((pow_fwd_max - 1000) < 10)   lcd.print( "0");
       lcd.print( (pow_fwd_max - 1000),DEC);
     else {
     if (pow_fwd_max < 1000) lcd.print( "  ");
     if (pow_fwd_max < 100)  lcd.print( " ");
     if (pow_fwd_max < 10)   lcd.print( " ");  
    lcd.setCursor( 34,1 );        // print reflected power
      if (pow_ref_max > 999) {    // hopefully not the case
       lcd.print( "1.");
       if ((pow_ref_max - 1000) < 100)  lcd.print( "0");
       if ((pow_ref_max - 1000) < 10)   lcd.print( "0");
       lcd.print( (pow_ref_max - 1000),DEC);
     else {
     if (pow_ref_max < 1000) lcd.print( "  ");
     if (pow_ref_max < 100)  lcd.print( " ");
     if (pow_ref_max < 10)   lcd.print( " ");  

  // update PREAMP STATUS
  if (digitalRead(IN_PREAMP) == LOW){
        lcd.setCursor( 31,2 );
        lcd.print( "PRE"); 
        lcd.setCursor( 31,3 );
        lcd.print( "AMP"); 
  else  {
        lcd.setCursor( 31,2 );
        lcd.print( "   "); 
        lcd.setCursor( 31,3 );
        lcd.print( "   "); 
// update OPER / STBY STATUS
   if (Operate == HIGH){      // OPERATE
       lcd.setCursor( 36,2 );
       lcd.print( "OPER"); 
  else  {                     // STANDBY
       lcd.setCursor( 36,2 );
       lcd.print( "stby"); 
       lcd.setCursor( 36,3 );
       lcd.print( "    ");    // Clear TX / RX indicator
       LastTXtime = millis() - 31000;    // reset FAN timer
// update TX / RX STATUS
   if (Operate == 1){
       lcd.setCursor( 36,3 );
        if (PTT == 1){
          lcd.print( "-TX-");
          wasPTT = 1;
        if (PTT == 0){
          lcd.print( "-RX-");
            if (wasPTT == 1) {  // previous state was TX !
            wasPTT = 0;
            LastTXtime = millis();

//////////// we must update screen for timer T2 = long cycle //////////////

  if ((millis()-lastT2)>T_REFRESH2) {   
      lastT2 = millis();

// SWR calculation & display

// SWR = abs ((1+sqrt(Pratio)) / (1-sqrt(Pratio))) ; // already calculated !

 SWRDis = (SWR * 10) + 0.5;   // display SWR one figure after DP, round upwards
  if (SWRDis < 10){    // SWR cannot be lower than 1.0
    SWRDis = 10 ;
  lcd.setCursor( 0,3 );

  if (SWRDis >= 50) {
  if (pow_fwd < 5) {
  else if (SWRDis < 50){
         lcd.print((SWRDis/10), DEC);
         lcd.print((SWRDis)%10, DEC); 
 // Temperature check & display
        temp = ((Thermister(1023 - analogRead(IN_NTC))) + 0.5);
        // if (temp >= 0) lcd.print(" ");       // If temp positive, print space, else a '-' will show up
        lcd.setCursor( 27,2 );
        if ((temp < 0) or (temp > 99)){
              FAULT = 7;      // NTC error !
        else {
              constrain (temp,0,99);
              if ((temp)<10) lcd.print("0"); 
              lcd.print(temp, DEC); 
         if (((temp >= 0) and (temp <=  15)) or (temp >= 65))   {  // FAULT check     
              FAULT = 8;                                          // temperature error, too cold or hot  !
 // + 50v SUPPLY  Volt & Amp measurements display
       lcd.setCursor( 9,2 );                    // Volts
       if (volt_50 > 999) volt_50 = 999;        // smoke in the shack !
       if (volt_50<100) lcd.print(" ");
       lcd.print((volt_50/10), DEC);lcd.print(".");
       lcd.print((volt_50)%10, DEC); 
       lcd.setCursor( 9,3 );                    // Amps
       if (amp_50_max > 999) amp_50_max = 999;
       if (amp_50_max<100) lcd.print(" ");
       lcd.print((amp_50_max/10), DEC);
       lcd.print((amp_50_max)%10, DEC); 
       amp_50_max = 0;        // reset after display
 // + 28v Relay SUPPLY measurements display      
    //volt_26 = map(analogRead(IN_26v), 0,1023,0,(50*(R2+R1)/R1));

    lcd.setCursor( 19,2 );   
    if (volt_26 < 100) lcd.print(" ");  // less than 10v
    lcd.print((volt_26/10), DEC);
    lcd.print((volt_26)%10, DEC); 

  // + 12v  SUPPLY  measurements  display    
    //volt_12 = map(analogRead(IN_12v), 0,1023,0,(50*(R4+R3)/R3));

    lcd.setCursor( 19,3 );   
    if (volt_12 < 100) lcd.print(" ");  // less than 10v
    lcd.print((volt_12/10), DEC);
    lcd.print((volt_12)%10, DEC); 

 ////// Perform some less time related critical controls /////

         // start of routine condition, FAN not runnning
         if (temp < 35) FAN = 0; 
         // If SSPA in OPERATE mode, FAN to run very slow if temp between 35 - 40°and in RX mode
         if ((Operate == 1) and (temp>=35) and (temp < 40) and (PTT == 0)) FAN = fan_vy_slow;
         // If SSPA in OPERATE mode, FAN to run slow if temp < 40°and in TX mode 
         if ((temp < 40) and (Operate == 1) and (PTT == 1)) FAN = fan_slow;
         // keep fan running for 30 sec after last TX and operate mode
         if ((temp < 40) and (Operate == 1) and (abs (millis()- LastTXtime) < 31000)) FAN = fan_slow; 
         if ((temp >= 40) and (temp < 45)) FAN = fan_med_lo;
         if ((temp >= 45) and (FirstLoop == 1)) FAN = 255;   //Temp high at power up, immediately cool down !       
         if (temp < 45)  HiTemp = 0;
         // Temp at least 45°, now go into PID control !
          if (temp >= 45) {
                if (HiTemp == 0) {        // detect temp passing PID temp level to start PID correction with no delay...
                  HiTemp = 1;
                  FAN = fan_med_hi;
                  lastTempTime = millis() - 5100;
                if (((millis() - lastTempTime) > 5000)) {                       // every 5 seconds, update PID
                      lastTempTime = millis();                                  // recover timer for fan control
                            if (temp > lasttemp + 1) {                          // rising temp, at least 1° !
                                FAN = FAN + ((temp - 45)*(temp-45)*3);
                                if (FAN > 255) FAN = 255;                       // constrain FAN value
                                lasttemp = temp;  
                             if (temp < lasttemp) {                             // temp going down !
                                FAN = FAN - ((temp - 45)*10);
                                if (FAN < fan_med_hi) FAN = fan_med_hi;         // constrain FAN value
                                lasttemp = temp;                               
                      } // End PID update
                } // end temp > 45°
         if (FAULT == 7)  FAN = 0;         // we have a NTC error, stop FAN !
         lcd.setCursor (26,3);
         /*    // 000 - 255 indication
         if ((FAN) < 100) lcd.print("0");
         if ((FAN) < 10)  lcd.print("0");
         lcd.print(FAN, DEC); 
         // end debug
          // if ((DIGImode == 1) or (temp >= 50)) FAN = 255;        // Test !
         // Now control FAN with proper value :
                if ((DIGImode == 1) and (temp >= 55)) FAN = 255;    // Bypass the PID routine, force maximum cooling immediately !
                if (temp >= 60) FAN = 255;                          // Bypass the PID routine, force maximum cooling because limit is 65°

                if (FAN == 0) lcd.print("fan");  
                if (FAN == fan_vy_slow) lcd.print("20%"); 
                if (FAN == fan_slow) lcd.print("30%"); 
                if (FAN == fan_med_lo) lcd.print("40%");  
                if (FAN >= fan_med_hi) {
                 lcd.print (map(FAN,fan_med_hi,255,50,99),DEC);
                analogWrite (FANcontrol,FAN);
  // end FAN control routine
   FirstLoop = 0;      // first loop completely run
/////////////////// END T2 Refresh ///////////////////////// 
 /* /////////// recover Timer 2 display refresh ///////////////
  if ((millis()-lastT2)>T_REFRESH2) {  
      lastT2 = millis();
}  ////// this is end of loop 

/////////////////////   FAULT CONDITION /////////////////////

// when FAULT = 0 : NO FAULT 
// when FAULT = 1 : Overcurrent
// when FAULT = 2 : voltage error 50v
// when FAULT = 3 : voltage error 26v
// when FAULT = 4 : voltage error 12v
// when FAULT = 5 : power out error 
// when FAULT = 6 : SWR error 
// when FAULT = 7 : NTC read error 
// when FAULT = 8 : Temperature error
// when FAULT = 9 : 50v idle current error
// when FAULT = 10: W6PQL control PCB SWR exceed fault  
// when FAULT = 11: Digital mode, but power supply voltage too high (= poor efficiency)
// when FAULT = 12: Digital mode, but PA power output too high 

void fault() {

  if (FAULT == 0) return;          // No fault !
  // take vital actions !
  digitalWrite(PTT_block,HIGH);     // signal to sequencer that we force RX mode !
  digitalWrite(supply_50v, LOW);    // remove + 50v supply from pallet
  // update TX / RX STATUS while in FAULT void
   if (Operate == 1){
       lcd.setCursor( 36,3 );
        lcd.print( "-RX-");
  else  {
       lcd.setCursor( 36,3 );
       lcd.print( "    "); 

  digitalWrite(Buzzer,HIGH);        // Sound buzzer

  // Signal on display
  lcd.setCursor( 0,0 );   
  lcd.print ("         F   A   U   L   T    !         ");
  lcd.setCursor( 0,1 );
  if (FAULT == 1){
   lcd.print("       OVERCURRENT 48-55v SUPPLY        "); 
  // Show Error value
       lcd.setCursor( 9,3 );                    // Amps
       if (amp_50 > 999) amp_50 = 999;
       if (amp_50<100) lcd.print(" ");
       lcd.print((amp_50/10), DEC);
       lcd.print((amp_50)%10, DEC); 
  if (FAULT == 2)   {
   lcd.print("     UNDER/OVERVOLTAGE 48-55v SUPPLY    ");    
    // Show Volt_50 error value
   lcd.setCursor( 9,2 );
   if (volt_50 > 999) volt_50 = 999;
   if (volt_50<100) lcd.print(" ");
   lcd.print((volt_50/10), DEC);lcd.print(".");
   lcd.print((volt_50)%10, DEC); 
  if (FAULT == 3)   {
   lcd.print("      UNDER/OVERVOLTAGE 26v SUPPLY      "); 
    // Show Volt_26 error value
    lcd.setCursor( 19,2 );   
    if (volt_26 < 100) lcd.print(" ");  // less than 10v
    lcd.print((volt_26/10), DEC);
    lcd.print((volt_26)%10, DEC); 
  if (FAULT == 4)   {
   lcd.print("     UNDER/OVERVOLTAGE 13.8v SUPPLY     ");    
    // Show Volt_12 error value 
    lcd.setCursor( 19,3 );   
    if (volt_12 < 100) lcd.print(" ");  // less than 10v
    lcd.print((volt_12/10), DEC);
    lcd.print((volt_12)%10, DEC); 
  if (FAULT == 5)     lcd.print("       POWER AMPLIFIER OVERDRIVE        ");
  if (FAULT == 6)     lcd.print("        LOAD MISMATCH (SWR EXCEED)      ");
  if (FAULT == 7)     lcd.print("     NTC  TEMP. PROBE CIRCUIT ERROR     ");
  if (FAULT == 8)     lcd.print("         UNDER/OVER TEMPERATURE         ");
  if((FAULT == 8) and (temp > 40 )) analogWrite (FANcontrol,255);                // cooling down ... 
  if (FAULT == 9)     lcd.print("     50v SUPPLY IDLE CURRENT EXCEED     ");
  if (FAULT ==10)     lcd.print("      SWR ERROR - POWER CYCLE SSPA      ");
  if (FAULT ==11)     lcd.print("LIMIT SUPPLY VOLTAGE TO 48V IN DIGI MODE");
  if (FAULT ==12)     lcd.print("  LIMIT PA OUTPUT TO 1kW IN DIGI MODE   ");
  delay (500);
  lcd.setCursor( 0,0 );
  lcd.print  ("                                        ");
  delay (500);
  if (digitalRead(IN_reset) == LOW) ResetFault(); 
/////////////////// END FAULT CONDITION ////////////////////

//////////////////   RECOVER PROCEDURE   /////////////////////

void ResetFault() {
  lcd.setCursor( 0,1 );   
  lcd.print                    ("                                        ");  
  lcd.setCursor( 0,0 );   
  if (PTT ==0) lcd.print                    ("         R E S E T T I N G              ");
  if (PTT ==1) lcd.print                    ("       R E S E T T I N G    B U T       ");
  if (PTT ==0)delay (800);
  lcd.setCursor( 0,0 );   
  if (PTT ==0)lcd.print                    ("         R E S E T T I N G .            ");
  delay (800);  
  lcd.setCursor( 0,0 );   
  if (PTT ==0)lcd.print                    ("         R E S E T T I N G . .          ");
  if (PTT ==0)delay (800);  
  lcd.setCursor( 0,0 );   
  if (PTT ==0)lcd.print                    ("         R E S E T T I N G . . .        ");
  if (PTT ==0)delay (1500);      
 // update PTT status : restart / recover only in RX mode
 if (analogRead(IN_PTT) < 512) {      // We are still in TX mode !
   PTT = 1;
   lcd.setCursor( 0,0 );   
   lcd.print                   ("      SET TRANSCEIVER IN RX PLEASE !    ");
   delay (800);
   ResetFault();                            // stay in loop till RX mode
 // Recovery
     digitalWrite(PTT_block,LOW);         // signal to sequencer that we allow again PTT mode !
     FAULT = 0;                   //recover fault condition
     printtemplate ();
     SelfTest = 1;                // Force Selftest