Loki5aceLoki5ace properties
Downloading Loki5ace versions
<04.03.2012 >
Loki5ace English version first-time setup
New repaired version actually available.
Usual installation
For the usual installation download self-installing starts by loading the loc5portable.zip, but not selecting the Program Files directory or loading the which by default will place the program into C:\Programs\LokiAce or D:\Programs \LokiAce along with the settings files and putting the database to the to the Data subfolder. This is easier to use especially as a limited user as he will have writing rights in the folders. If for some reason the program should be re-installed (change of computer, Windows crash etc) the copying of the database and settings files is easy. The whole installation may be performed as a user, administrator rights are not needed.
- NO INSTALLATION under the 'C:\Program Files'
- may be used as LIMITED user or ADMINISTRATORPackage installation
loading the Loce5pack.zip [8.6.2011] is especially practical on an USB stick as well as on the Linux Wine platform. Just open or create a folder f.ex. Programs\LokiAce\ on any disk or partition, extract the package there, draw a start shortcut on the desktop and it is done! This is possible because the program Loki5ace is not dependable on the Windows registry.
- NO INSTALLATION under the 'C:\Program Files'
- may be used as LIMITED user or ADMINISTRATOR
Official installation
The default installation path for the Official installation is C:\Program Files\Hamlok\LokiAce\ The program SHOULD be used as a 'limited user'. If it will be used as the 'administrator' or if the program will be placed in another folder or partition or disk, Usual installation or Package installation should be selected.
- INSTALLATION under the 'C:\Program Files'
- should be used as LIMITED userWindows XP
For the official installation download self-installing package loc5acest.zip. The installation and updates must be made as an administrator. When the program is started for the first time it will move the settings files and the empty database to C:\Documents and Settings\.Owner.\Application Data\Hamlok\LokiAce\ folder. In this path the 'Owner' may be 'Administrator' or even something else depending of the manufacturer. This place is visible only to the administrator and it has not any practical significance and the program may left to the 'Demo' state.After this the user must be changed (Log-off) to the user-with-limited-rights with the name given to him. When he starts the program for the first time it will move the settings files and the empty database to C:\Documents and Settings\..user.\Application Data\Hamlok\LokiAce\ folder, where the user has writing rights. He will be able to see this folder provided he has changed the settings and may see the 'hidden folders'. When using the program this is not of any practical importance.
The first start may take some time and the user must wait for the clock beginning to function. At first the program should be registered by clicking the Make the Registration link and after having received the registration code through email the registration itsel should be made through About -> Registering....The code contains numbers and letters between A...F The own data should be added to Settings -> Settings Form -> Settings and at the same time it is practical to change the empty database name Loc4ac.mdb according to the own call-sign. In the settings it is worth checking that the 'Automatic Version Search' is not checked, because it is useful only to the administrator and may cause unnecessary delay at the first program start of the day. On the other hand from time to time the option About -> Update... should be checked even if the updates may only be performed by the administrator. A suitable folder for the backups should be selected on the Settings Form -> Path Settings sheet, if possible to another partition or disk than C:, in any case to a place where the user has writing rights. The possible prints will appear in the 'My Documents' subfolder 'Hamlok\Docs'.
As in the method of About -> Update... contains a slight security risk (the web page having been penetrated), it may be avoided by downloading the Loki5ac.zip as a user and extracting the program to the program folder as an administrator. This method may also be used if the About -> Update...system does not function properly.
Windows 7 and Vista
The downloading, first time installation and updates may be performed as a user. Only when something is written or saved into the program folder (under the 'Program Files') the system asks for a permission and for the administrator password. The log-off and change of user mode is not necessary as in the WinXP.In the first program start the settings files (loc4.ini and user5.ini) and the empty database are copied to C:\Users\.user.\AppData\Roaming\Hamlok\LokiAce\ , where in the place of .user. there is the name given to the user. At first the program should be registered by clicking the Make the Registration link and after having received the registration code through email the registration itsel should be made through About -> Registering....The code contains numbers and letters between A...F The own data should be added to Settings -> Settings Form -> Settings and at the same time it is practical to change the empty database name Loc4ac.mdb according to the own call-sign. A suitable folder for the backups should be selected on the Settings Form -> Path Settings sheet, if possible to another partition or disk than C:, in any case to a place where the user has writing rights. The possible prints will appear in the 'Documents' subfolder 'Hamlok\Docs'.
Date or Time in erroneous format in Windows 7
There have been cases where the date or time is not in the correct form. These have been repaired by checking the settings of the system:
Control Panel -> Clock, Language and Region -> Region and Language where on the Formats page the Short Date and Short Time may be corrected to dd.MM.yyyy and HH:mm. If this does not help pressing the button <Additional settings> opens a Numbers sheet where pressing <Reset> may repair the fault.
These paths and folders may be seen only if in the Explorer the Tools -> Folder Options sheet View the 'Show Hidden Files' is selected and unchecked the 'Hide extension for known file types'. Vista and Windows 7 provide, that the 'Tools' option is made visible by selecting Organize -> Layout -> Menu bar.
If the settings path folder LokiAce (C:\Users\.user.\AppData\Roaming\Hamlok\LokiAce\) does exist already (earlier installations), the first start copy of the settings files will not take place at all and the program does not funtion properly. Then this 'LokiAce' folder must be deleted and the program started anew.If the user needs the database and settings files f.ex. for a new installation, they may be easily found in the backup folder, which may be selected by the user. On the other hand the copying of them to the right place (see the settings path above) is not so simple and provides the changes described in the Note! section above.
Win98 and Linux Wine should contain MDAC version 2.5 or later, which generally comes with the IE 6.0 or MsOffice and is ready from the start in Win XP and Vista. May also been downloaded from the MS page http://www.microsoft.com/data/download.htm ('Download MDAC 2.5 SP1').
Make the Registration
This new version contains translated English Help. The context sensitive help <F1> functions now.
Loki5ace update
version [9/11/2011], Contains main program Loki5ace.exe, which may be copied as such to the LokiAc -folder. Report about the new features on the page Loki5 Properties and the corrections and new options in Loki5ac Versions.
Download 1.2 MB Loki5ace.zip.
This file does not need installing; it may be directly copied over the old version. It is a 'compacted' final main program.
Windows Vista
Loki5ace program functions except the Help and [F1] help, unless the WinHlp32.exe is loaded from the Microsoft pages. Here a link for extra information: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/917607
Load WinHlp32.exe
Installing to Vista it may be practical to use the portable installation and choose the partition D: f.ex. D:\Programs\Hamlok\LokiAc\ and put the database into its subfolder Data. Then the settings files will reside in the program folder and are easier to find, as the folder C:\Users\.....\AppData\Roaming\Hamlok\LokiAce is difficult to open because of the many security settings.
Windows 7F1 -help functions now. For this purpose WinHlp32.exe must be installed. Take the link http://support.microsoft.com/kb/917607 or directly http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=166421 In the download process you must know if the Windows has a 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) operation system.
When the help file is opened from the option �About -> Help� the new Loki5ace.chm is opened, but it is possible to use the old Loki5ace.hlp by selecting winhlp32... and from there Loki5ac.hlp. You probably have already Loki5ac.chm, as it comes through the update, but if not then load Loki5ace.chm
After having installed the portable program and copied the old settings files loc4.ini and user5.ini to the LokiAce folder and the database to its subfolder Data, I tried to update the program through About -> Update, but it did not succeed as some �file could not been opened�. But after having installed the WinHlp32 program the update functioned without any difficulties.
Download all charts as a package kartat.zip 670 Kt.
Progs.zip 450 Kt [18.9.2009] contains programs Update5ace.exe and LocCopy5e.exe and its help file LocCopy5.hlp.
Loki5ac uses ZipForge, Delphi ZIP component from ComponentAce
Zip compression by ZipForge
Meteor3 as a separate program for copying backups
Add the feed as http://koti.mbnet.fi/majokin/loki5ac.xml
Loki5ace Versions [1/3/2012]
* Special prints repaired.
* Telnet Watch shows also comments when the 'Show Comments' is checked.
* 'Own QTH' field is shown on the 'Searches' form.
* No more automatic manager to the mgr field from the manager lists
* To the 'Own QTH' field a new place may be written and saved to the 'Position.txt' file (Tools -Save Qwn QTH')