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Wyatt did all the hard work by waking up at 3am, driving to hills an hour away from his home, setting up his station, and working me before sunrise. It appears that an even longer distance is attainable. It has been reported that AO-7 has a "theoretical maximum range" of 7907km, but in light of our 30 second QSO on July 4, I would guess that at least 7950km is doable, at least with some height, luck, and fast talking. Even 8000km seems possible.
My working conditions are an FT847, 2 x 10 element yagi on 2m with SP2000 preamp, and an 8 element yagi for 70cm. Wyatt also used an FT-847, along with a 7 element yagi on 2 meters and a 12 element yagi on 70cm (no preamp).
Wyatt: Alpha Charlie Zero Romeo Alpha, AC0 Romeo Alpha calling OM3BD, 55 Echo November 41. QSL?
Bill: AC0RA, QSL. 55, JN88. Over.
Wyatt: OK, QSL QSL. Looks like we broke 7900 kilometers. 73 73.
Bill: 73, Wyatt, congratulations on the new record.
Wyatt: Thanks for the contact, Bill. 73.
Bill's recording of the July 4 world record QSO
Wyatt's recording of the July 4 world record QSO
Wyatt's recording of the July 2 world record QSO
Bill's recording of the July 2 world record QSO
My antennas and shack:
Wyatt's July 2 GPS and pre-dawn photo:
Wyatt's July 4 GPS (wrong date on display):
Wyatt's portable setup, in daylight:
Wyatt at a hamfest.
See also Wyatt's web page.
For more info about AO-7 and other amateur satellites, see the AMSAT website.
More photos of the OM3BD antenna farm.
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