New York State Phone Traffic and Emergency Net
Since 1952
The NYSPTEN meets daily at 6 PM local time (Eastern) on or near 3.925 Mhz for the purpose of passing traffic inside and outside of New York State and being a point of contact for other amateurs.
***** Proposed constitutional approved -- Will be updated on the website soon *****
==>2024 Officers<==
==>2024 Appointed Positions<==
Historian (Arnie, WB2AXF)
From the net manager, Bruce, WA3AFS:
Traffic: I would like to see the NYSPTEN traffic net grow, but as a lot of us know the internet and cell phones seem to have taken over. I personally would like to see an increase in the amount of traffic we carry. What about picking up traffic from the digital modes as an example. Another thing we can do as a net is send a Radiogram to our Amateur Radio friends on our roster or others you know. What about the holidays? Again, we can send a radiogram in place of that text or email. To our new fellow radio amateurs lets send them a greeting inviting them to the NYSPTEN net and our congratulations on passing their test.
Membership: Recruitment is key and how can we increase our membership? Passing out flyers is one idea. If you are selling at a hamfest pass out a flyer to everyone and if time available, talk up the NYSPTEN. Let's get the word out. Send radiograms to the new General and Extras in your area. While visiting other nets or clubs, ask to give a QNC advertising the NYSPTEN and asking them to spread the word. Word of mouth works very well.
Questions or queries? -- check in with the net any evening 3.925 KHZ at 6 PM Eastern time.
Traffic Handling School Link is on the 'Further Information' page
Suggestions and comments about this website should be directed to the webmaster or any of the net officers.