Schedule of Events:

Our application for the Yaesu DR2-x repeater has been approved, allow 14 weeks for delivery

NNext NORA club meeting May 4th,  2024, 10 am at Nazarene Church in Vinita, last meeting before summer break

2024 Dues can be mailed to the PO Box listed on front page of web site

 Looking for additional Net Controllers, only once a month, if you are interested in expanding your radio knowledge email NORA, (on front of web page).

  • Tuesday Evenings - NORA weekly Traffic and Phone Net, all check-ins welcome, 8:00PM (20:00hrs local) on the 147.360 tone 88.5 repeater open to all.

  • Club dues can be paid for 2024 ($20 individual/$30 family)  Remit to the treasurer at the next meeting or mail to the club address. Invite a fellow HAM to join too! Remember our only means of supporting our equipment and other club activities is through dues, donations, and fund raising.





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