![]() Team applications for the 2023 trip are NOW being accepted, click to download the PDF form Click to download the Word form A HUGE thanks to
ICOM America for donating a IC-705 for our Hamvention
raffle this year! Thanks Ray Novak, Will
Jourdain and ICOM America for committing to supporting
youth involvement in Amateur Radio.
The winner of the IC-705 was drawn at Hamvention and is: ![]() Doug Neilson N7LEM Pages 2014 Photos 2022 and previous Teams 2022 and previous Sponsors 2011 Photos 2010 Photos Our Support Team QSL Information and sample QSL Cards for all trips Our Current Sponsors Our Current Team KB8OCP (SK) 11/18/13
Dave Kalter Memorial Youth DX AdventureMore information about trips coming soon._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ We are QRT!
Shattered the old 6,583 with a total of 8,216 on
the 2022 trip.
![]() LotW, QRZ and Clublog have been updated with all the contacts. Thanks for all contacts as they could not have done it without your pileups. All QSL cards have been sent.
July 17 The kids hit the qso record bell at 2045z 17 July. Exceeded the old record of 6,583. Looks like Brennan Long recorded the Q breaking the record. Still have about 13 hours of ops which will close about 2100z 18 July. July 16 Had to pry the kids off the radios last night as the pile ups were strong. However, they need the rest. They keep 2-3 radios on the air all the time so very few breaks. Sorry earlier teams but this group is really strong and efficient. I don't think the record stands a chance of surviving. They have two days of ops left and are over 5,200. No internet at shack for this trip. Won't be installed until Tuesday and we will on flight back then. Periodically uploading to LotW, QRZ and Clublog. Keep checking. July 14 Became qrv around 9:30est and after one cq had a 20m pileup which ran until midnight. Shortly after we brought up a second station on 40m with the same results. At time 40m was light but picked up. With the travel issues most were very tired so we went qrt for the night to get some sleep. The plan is to be on all bands SSB, CW and FT8. Not all at once but we plan to have at least two radios on the air as much as possible. However, due to some unforeseen issues we may not be able to ft8. Looking at some solutions but we will advise. The first hours of operation was yielding 200+ qso's per hour ssb and cw. We have internet issues (none) at the shack. Geoff is working hard to help the utility install their new service. Hopefully they will show up today as the utility is on island time. LotW, QRZ and Clublog updates will happen as soon as we have service. Please wait patiently as the issue is being worked. ![]() Jul 15 Got on the air around 8am this morning and the numbers are going up. Getting good signal reports from all. We plan to operate most of the day just remember this close to the equator that the sun often wipes out propagation for a while. Hopefully the bands will stay open. If not then they may knock off for swim time. As everyone else, expenses have gone through the roof. Please consider supporting the effort with a donation. All those donating will have their name and callsign or logo shown on our qsl card. See the left panel for mailing instructions for donations. We are part of a 501c(3) organization. We are extremely grateful for the generosity of the CCC, especially Geoff and Uli in hosting us again for our 2022 event. At the Dayton Hamvention, INDEXA (President Bob Schenck N2OO and Secretary/Treasurer Hal Turley W8HC) presents the 2022 Dave Kalter Memorial Youth DX Adventure with a grant for their upcoming youth project in Cura�ao. ![]() Left to right: Don N6JRL, Ron N8VAR, Candace KE8MMS, Bob N2OO and Hal W8HC. Candace is one of the lucky young hams going this year! ______________________________________________________________________________ QSL information in left panel. CLUBLOG, QRZ and LOTW fully updated. Thanks to everyone for visiting our booth at the 2019 Hamvention!
![]() and congratulations to our winner Andrew Krew ND8D. ![]() Huge thanks to ULI DL8OBQ for again being our host in 2019. We apologize but our donate page is currently broken. Please send checks to: Youth DX Adventure c/o Jim Storms 4968 Tilbury Rd Huber Heights, OH 45424-3755
The experience is interesting and exciting for all of the youth operators as this is the first time many of them actually travel outside of the United States. |