* N2TA *

Russian-Speaking Radio Club International


"We are all from different places,but share

interest in the Russian language and culture.

It's our way of staying together.If You have
the same interests, You are welcome to join us"



Come Here to see Our Club News




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* Welcome to Our Personal Pages: *



NT2X, also RV7AA

Edward Kritsky, President.

UA3NAY, now N1KY

Nick Komissarov, ex First Vice-President.

NS2Q, ex AA2NV

Sergey Nikiforov, Technical Director.

NP3D, ex RC2AR

Andy Schislenok, Secretary."3ABXO3", SK.

RA3NH, now N2ZAK - Alex Smirnov.

KA2R, ex AB2CK - Alex Poliakov, SK.

UT7LF, now KC2CIS - Vitalik Shkop, SK.

UO5OMM, now NT2Z - Valentin Lyubin.

UT5UGR, also KG2IA - Dima Stashuk.

N2HO, ex UA3DTR - George Martin.

KC2CJB, ex ER5OB - Sergey Rotar.

N2YXA - Alex Priluk.

VE6NTF - Kolja iz Kanady!.

AB2AP, ex UA3QAQ - Gennady Moshkov.

KC2AIY, ex UR5FBG - Dmitry Garazha.

N0STL - Vladimir Michtchenko.

DL1KBX - Wladimir iz Germany.

KU1CW - Alex Tkatch, ex RC2CW



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* Here WE Are ! *

Click Here to see the Complete List of All Our Members


The Complete List of All HAM-Fests


* *

Welcome to Russian Pages:

* Krenkel Amateur Radio League *

Central Radio Club.

* SRR - Soyuz Radiolyubitelej Rossii. *

Russian HAM Union.

* Russian Robinson Club *

Good DX-Club And Good Guys.

* Russian Contest Club *

Come, See & Win.

* BeloRussian RadioMagazine *

Great HF-VHF News.

* Russian DX Reflector *

The Good Thing!


* English - Russian Dictionary *




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