Don't Miss Out on at Least Half the Fun of HF!
By Dave Finley, N1IRZ
Avoid the pitfalls of traditional code training and join the fun on the General, Advanced and Extra Class bands! The most effective training technique ever devised was published by the German psychologist Ludwig Koch in 1936, but was ignored for years. Now this book shows how, with modern technology, you can use the revolutionary Koch Method to bypass frustration and efficiently build your code skills. This powerful tool will get you ready to pass the tests and to enjoy using code on the air.
This book is for anyone who wants to understand code training and for those who already know the pure fun of Morse code. New and veteran hams alike will find interesting reading and valuable ham-radio knowledge that they can put to use for years.
Morse Code: Breaking the Barrier is a comprehensive guide to the history, traditions, and fun of Morse code. The book details effective training techniques, tools for sending code, and operating on the CW bands. In addition, it provides information on Morse code products available on the market to help you pass the FCC tests and upgrade!
Dave Finley uses easy-to-read language to produce a well-written book that helps put your skills into action. The book can't take the test for you, but it can provide you the tools and the vital knowledge necessary to make your code-training experience faster and far more effective. Follow the guidlines that the Koch Method and N1IRZ give you and your path to code proficiency will be much less frustrating and produce quicker results from your hard work!
Use the skills that the Koch Method will bring out in you, and soon you'll be on HF, QSOing with the world!
Morse Code: Breaking the Barrier is published by MFJ Publishing Company . The stock number is MFJ-3400. To order, call toll free 1-800-647-1800 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Central Time, Monday through Friday. Visa and Mastercard accepted, and COD orders are accepted. Outside the continental U.S. or inside Mississippi, call 601-323-5869.
Morse Code: Breaking the Barrier also is available from your favorite MFJ Dealer, including the major amateur-radio stores nationwide. When ordering from any of these stores, just ask them to add MFJ-3400 to your order! If you're making an order from Barnes and Noble or Amazon.Com, you can also get Morse Code: Breaking the Barrier from them.
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Dave Finley, N1IRZ